
grand national time

Wayne B Grand National
grand national time



Gun control is pretty darn close ....and if your Sentor is not fighting it...he may be advancing it...see below:
TO: The Republican Members Of The United States Senate: The Hon. Mitch McConnell, The Hon. John Cornyn, The Hon. John Thune, The Hon. John Barrasso, The Hon. Roy Blunt, The Hon. Lisa Murkowski, The Hon. Jeff Sessions, The Hon. Richard Shelby, The Hon. John Boozman, The Hon. Jeff Flake, The Hon. John McCain, The Hon. Marco Rubio, The Hon. Johnny Isakson, The Hon. Saxby Chambliss, The Hon. Chuck Grassley, The Hon. James E. Risch, The Hon. Mike Crapo, The Hon. Mark Kirk, The Hon. Dan Coats, The Hon. Jerry Moran, The Hon. Pat Roberts, The Hon. Rand Paul, The Hon. David Vitter, The Hon. Susan Collins, The Hon. Roger Wicker, The Hon. Thad Cochran, The Hon. Richard Burr, The Hon. John Hoeven, The Hon. Deb Fischer, The Hon. Mike Johanns, The Hon. Kelly Ayotte, The Hon. Dean Heller, The Hon. Rob Portman, The Hon. Tom Coburn, The Hon. James M. Inhofe, The Hon. Pat Toomey, The Hon. Tim Scott, The Hon. Lindsey Graham, The Hon. Bob Corker, The Hon. Lamar Alexander, The Hon. Ted Cruz, The Hon. Mike Lee, The Hon. Orrin G. Hatch, The Hon. Ron Johnson, The Hon. Mike Enzi


RE: Filibuster The Obama-Feinstein Gun-Grab... PERIOD!

Let me make myself perfectly clear. Any Member of the United States Senate that does not actively join a filibuster against the Obama-Feinstein Gun Grab (S. 649), will be viewed by the American people as supporting this tyrannical attempt to circumvent the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

Moreover, it is not enough to simply give token approval to the efforts of others who may filibuster S. 649. Any action short of standing on the floor of the United States Senate and saying: "I stand here today to join the filibuster of S. 649" will be viewed by the American people as a violation of your solemn oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

The American people don't want any more debate on this attempt to subvert the Constitution. The American people don't want any "compromises" or "grand bargains" or any attempts to "fix" S. 649 for the sake of "getting things done in Washington." We want each and every one of you to filibuster S. 649... PERIOD!

Our nation is at a crossroads and the time for choosing is upon you. Choose wisely!

From Patriot Insider


What jump jockeys get up to in hospital.
grand national time


Jockey Ryan Mania Airlifted To Hospital
grand national time


Our Shetland pony rolling after TV appearance
grand national time


Kim Yu-Na - Wiki Article
grand national time


1987 Buick Grand National Drag Racing Racelegal.com 11-16-2012
grand national time


I DONT CARE if people want to unfriend me over my views about BARONESS THATCHER i think she was a great leader of MY TIME this is my personal view at the end of the day she was a mother and grand-mother and if half the polictians had half the balls she had we might not be in such a state


Grand Prix of Qatar
Pos. Points Num. Rider Nation Team Bike Km/h Time/Gap
1 25 99 Jorge LORENZO SPA Yamaha Factory Racing Yamaha 166.4 42'39.802
2 20 46 Valentino ROSSI ITA Yamaha Factory Racing Yamaha 166.0 +5.990
3 16 93 Marc MARQUEZ SPA Repsol Honda Team Honda 166.0 +6.201
4 13 26 Dani PEDROSA SPA Repsol Honda Team Honda 165.8 +9.473
5 11 35 Cal CRUTCHLOW GBR Monster Yamaha Tech 3 Yamaha 165.2 +18.764
6 10 19 Alvaro BAUTISTA SPA GO&FUN Honda Gresini Honda 165.0 +22.148
7 9 4 Andrea DOVIZIOSO ITA Ducati Team Ducati 164.8 +24.355
8 8 69 Nicky HAYDEN USA Ducati Team Ducati 164.8 +24.920
9 7 29 Andrea IANNONE ITA Energy T.I. Pramac Racing Ducati 164.0 +37.124
10 6 11 Ben SPIES USA Ignite Pramac Racing Ducati 163.5 +44.908
11 5 41 Aleix ESPARGARO SPA Power Electronics Aspar ART 163.2 +49.809
12 4 14 Randy DE PUNIET FRA Power Electronics Aspar ART 162.8 +56.495
13 3 8 Hector BARBERA SPA Avintia Blusens FTR 162.0 +1'09.599
14 2 68 Yonny HERNANDEZ COL Paul Bird Motorsport ART 161.9 +1'10.742
15 1 7 Hiroshi AOYAMA JPN Avintia Blusens FTR 161.8 +1'13.600
16 71 Claudio CORTI ITA NGM Mobile Forward Racing FTR Kawasaki 160.8 +1'29.444
17 70 Michael LAVERTY GBR Paul Bird Motorsport PBM 160.5 +1'34.341
18 52 Lukas PESEK CZE Came IodaRacing Project Ioda-Suter 160.5 +1'34.683





Rambler Nation
Prayer-Bo Payton
Motion to Approve minutes
Motion to Approve Financial Report
Business: Coach Bishop -Football Coach
Drive a Thon: Unable to get the fund raiser this year since it has already been scheduled to go to Gordon Lee. $5000 fundraiser.
HUDL: The HUDL program allows coaches to share videos of players and games with athletes and other coaches/schools. It is good exposure for the athletes. Athletes can make Highlight Videos to send to college coaches. Using the program, we can see who is logging into the system and which players they are viewing. Coach Gable used it for the football program. The cost is $1400 for one sport, $2100 for all sports. We have a 10 day window for renewal. We will renew the program for now and talk about upgrading to all sports at the next meeting. Motion to renew approved.

Reverse Raffle: 250 tickets were handed out to sell. 300 tickets in all. The last 5 tickets will be held and raffled off just before the event. Chili dinner with hotdogs on April 6th at LHS Cafeteria. Grand Prize is $5000 but everyone will win something. Volunteers needed to cook at pot of chili. Sports are donating
drinks, chips, ect…

Spring Sports Updates:
Soccer: Boys 0-2 Girls 1-1
Tennis: Boys 3-0 Girls 3-0
Golf: Placed 5th out of 15 teams at tournament.
Track: 1 track meet last week went well. The athletes are getting stronger. There are 15 girls and 20 boys.

Middle School:
Soccer: Boys 3-1 Girls 0-4
Basketball: 1-1
Golf: 1st match today cancelled due to weather.
Track: Starts 3/18

Basket Ball Expenditure- Shattered goal costs $2000 to ship in for upcoming game.
Motion to approve spending $500 toward new goal.

Athletes of the Month:
Middle School:
Jan. Madison Harris Basket Ball
Payton Teems Basket Ball
Feb. Jada Almond Basket Ball
Tyrese Hunter Basket Ball
High School:
Jan. Tava Young Basket Ball
Lance Estes Basket Ball
Feb. Jess Ingram Basket Ball
Nick Queen Basket Ball

Will talk about nominations for Booster Club at next meeting. Also add Board of Director.
Introduction of Winter Sports Coaches

Scott Underwood
Clint Harrison
Matt Swanson
Mike Culberson
Tommy Swanson
Jeremy Bandy
K. Matthews
Barry DeMott
Kathy, Jessica and Matthew Ingram
Jamey Ferguson
Ty Ferguson
Bridgett, Brian and Nick Queen
David, Laura and Tava Young
Lisa and Jada Allen
Chrystene Smith
Elisa Vaughn
Karen Hughes
Becky Teems
David Ingram
Casey Payne
Glen Woodard
Billy Teems
Jay Morgan
Forest Gump????
Clay Martin
Bo Payton
Whitney Stinson
Chase Callaway
Seth Cardwell
Hank Peppers
Jamie Peppers
Matthew Yarbrough


3 Must Hikes for the First Time Visitor to Grand Teton National Park: Experiencing Grand Teton National Park i... http://t.co/7jrs8YxEkO undefined


grand national warm up
grand national time


Grand national reaction
grand national time


lady N.'s Monday Morning Monologue

I know it is going to piss off quite a few people who would rather that I obsess about the economy or the Second Amendment or only focus on racial issues, but if the white community of America is going to overlook the radical malignancy that Leftism has on our SOCIAL FABRIC, then what the heck are we striving to save? What is it that we seek to conserve? Don't tell me "freedom." The Left makes it easier for people to be as anti-social and perverted as humanly possible. That's freedom, isn't it? People are free from the consequences of their bad choices and wicked behavior under the policies and governance of Progressives. At least, that is what Progressives are promising and what they seem to deliver on the backs of the normal, hardworking, and law-abiding citizens.

So, white people, what do you seek to salvage from the modern-day Progressivist nightmare that is the United States of America today? What kind of society do you want to live in and raise children? What sort of country do you want to leave for your grandchildren and great-grandchildren? What's sorts of values should be commonly-held and subsequently reflected in the laws?

Google Image "gay pride parade." And Google Image "Folsom Street Fair." Google Image "partial-birth abortion." Is this what you want?

And these questions do not only apply to white people.

ObamaSons and Hombres, I must say something to you, too. Do you realize that you are literally selling your soul to the devil every time the perverse, tyrannical, and evil Democratic Party buys your vote with the promises of more government goodies? Every time you vote for a Democratic candidate, you further the Progressive agenda that includes tax-payer funded abortions, partial-birth INFANTICIDE, sodomy, pederasty, the erosion of parental rights, and the adoption and fostering of children of color by white sodomites.

Yes, this is what you are REALLY buying with your vote. Those government goodies you think you are getting for free by "stickin' it to Whitey" in the form of higher taxes and anti-white affirmative action policies are really very costly...and not just in monetary terms.

So, what do you fight FOR, white people? And what social issues do you have the courage to really face head on and acknowledge their spiritual and social consequences? It is easy to argue about economics and the Second Amendment. But when you have to face the womyn's "rights" warriors and the homofascists, do you have what it takes to take a vocal and active stand even when it means having to face the wrath of your friends and family members? This is not easy. In fact, this may be one of the most difficult things you have to face because that wrath can be accompanied by the loss of friends and the shunning by family members.

We can point to the sons of the pedoprophet as being the biggest danger, but it would be inaccurate. There is a very simple solution to that: deny immigration to people from pedoprophet countries. But how do you face your fellow white Americans who are striving to destroy traditional marriage and kill human offspring by arguing that if you define marriage as between one man and one woman and if you try to outlaw the killing of developing humans with heartbeats and their own DNA and blood supply, then you are hateful and evil and violating human rights. This is satanism in its purest form: declaring that which is evil to be good and that which is good to be evil.

~ lady N.

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