

@DrMCashin Irish Economy 2013: Business costs in Ireland remain high; Half recent gains due to foreign exchang... http://t.co/sFDdKQ6WMT undefined



Bye Bye Baroness Thatcher. I will always remember you for shooting down workers and Irish and to befriend people like Suharto and Pinochet


Irish Tenor Banjo Technique Lesson from Online Academy of Irish Music with Paddy Cummins


On a golf tour in Ireland, Tiger Woods drives his Mercedes into a petrol
station in a remote part of the Irish countryside.

The pump attendant who knows absolutely nothing about golf, greets him in a
typical Irish manner completely unaware of who the golfing pro is.

"Top of the mornin' toyer, sir" says the attendant.

Tiger nods a quick "hello" and bends forward to pick up the nozzle. As he
does so, two tees fall out of his shirt pocket onto the ground.

"What are those?, asks the attendant.

"They're called tees" replies Tiger.

"Well, what on this god's earth are dey for?"?
inquires the Irishman.

"They're for resting my balls on when I'm driving", says Tiger.
"Fookin Jaysus", says the Irishman,
"Mercedes thinks of everything!".


Irish abortion law is a poor law via @Telegraph http://t.co/ZCDtswuCsm undefined


Sixteen people were waiting on trolleys for treatment at Kerry General Hospital today, according to the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation.

That’s the highest number in years - possibly the highest since the INMO began to publish their daily figures.

Kerry General has a relatively good record in terms of the numbers waiting on trolleys - although that’s no comfort to any one of the sixteen patients waiting today, or to anyone who has had to endure it in the past.

Why hasn’t the HSE fixed the problem?


Irish Naval Review


fiquei com vontade de tomar esse Irish Coffee


Ok so to all of you claiming that Thatcher was just 'a human being' seriously?

She was a murder who terrorised the Irish with open military operations and refused to recognise the rights of citizens to vote for parties of their choice. Not to mention her disgusting role in the 1980 and 1981 hunger strikes.

She caused misery to millions including her own british people, her description of Mandela as a terrorist , her destruction of British industry , her deregulation of the banks , her privatisation of British national assets - so the rich got richer!!

She was not named "The Iron Lady' for nothing!!!!!
This has been long overdue and long awaited by many not only the Irish!!! (rant over)


@ProudIrishSwift Thanks fellow Irish swiftie <33


@patricia_swagg @freehughoney @skybiebrauhl @Malik_Bad_boy @swag_irish_boy w Polsce?


Every patient is a doctor after his cure. - Irish Proverb


The Irish Famine Tribunal: New York April 20 and 21 http://t.co/FVWJhEtf5b undefined


Irish Naval Service


It's impossible for anyone who is educated to justify the actions of Maggie Thatcher. Whether you're Irish or British, she turned her head to the working class in the North of Ireland, both catholics and protestants!


Sights and Sounds - NFL Pro Day - Notre Dame Football


I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/qHRPxNK1lf Rolê Drinks - Café Irlandês (Irish Coffee) [Com e Sem álcool!) undefined


Spain vs Ireland Euro 2012 Irish Fans Singing The Fields of Athenry


its a good day for the irish its like winnin the world cup that Maggie tacher died!!!!!!!!!


AIDA Victorian Irish Dancing Championships Step About of Champions


Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher dies at 87...RIP Iron Lady.


Sons and Daughters - Emmett Conway Band and McConomy School of Irish Dancing


How to do an Irish Accent - With Frankie & Colleen


Flash mob irish dancers on st. patricks day


(GLE) ECHR - European Convention on Human Rights (Irish Version)


See the journalists who are reporting on BBC that keep on quoting that we are much better off due to Thatchers policies, Send them to North Lanarkshire. Where we have struggled ever since she destroyed the livelihoods of 99% of the people. As usual her policy was to oppress the majority whilst keeping the elite in London Happy. Tell that to the Irish Republican cause where many people died needlessly due to her stubbornness. Tell that to trade unionists who do not have any remaining power due to Thatcherism. Tell that to the Families of the Falkland victims who died in the name of imperialism. I'LL CELEBRATE IF A FUCKIN WANT OKAY.


Saville and thatcher finally reunited.......
They both fucked their fair share of minors


Irish Dancing Senior World Champions 2012 - Suzanne Coyle and Michael Holland


ICON 61 - Irish Earn Spot In BIG EAST Semifinals


@DearbhlaSlater @eciRhannaH @MacGiollaRua @Kav_She @claireTreanor Yea i found it 1 night when we were doing irish tunes in the apartment


Hey! Come have an afternoon of outdoor fun at the 15th annual Kids Walk!! We’re bringing back the favs and adding fab new ways to have fun this year! You’ll be tapping along with the kids at Drake School of Irish Dance while they jig to some great Irish tunes – and even teach any “energetics” in the crowd who want to kick up their heels, too. Watch for announcements in the coming days of other cool stuff!


Qualification Rounds - 2012 Carlton Irish Open


I need some Irish fb friends. I bet they have even better Thatcher jokes than we Scottish do (:


One Direction, Na Na Na Irish Dance Routine


Lest we forget and for those who were fortunate enough not to have to live through her reign please take note. This dictator Margaret Thatcher was the witch who stole milk from the mouths of all children of school age baring nursery children. The following is a short list of some of the most despotic actions of this dictator.

1. The removal of free milk for all children of junior school age
2. The decimation of the steel industry
3. The total destruction of the UK’s car industry
4. The destruction of the coal industry
5. The decimation of the unions who helped to fight for workers rights
6. The privatisation of the railways, electricity, gas, water and the telephone companies.
7. She introduced the Poll tax.
8. The removal of the security cover that provided the protection to the Falkland Isles that led to the unnecessary deaths of many British soldiers all for her own gain.

In fact she was that determined to privatise the above industries that she actually paid companies your money to get rid of them and the jobs they provided. We should not forget also that there were thousands of other business’s that went to the wall and all those people she put out of work, and how many people have died as a direct result of her policies all of this is a result of her maniacal pursuit of her aims.

I am ashamed of the political party that I have voted for all of my adult life as none of them have shown any balls to say what they really think. I look forward to the future revelations of her reign as Britain’s first Dictator.

The only people Thatcher gave any pleasure to were her cronies and all those who she greased the palms of and all those millionaires she helped to make more money, lets not for get that even when she was voted out of office she was appointed by several of those millionaires she helped to make even richer onto their company boards as an advisor for which she was paid millions for AND WHO SAID CRIME DOES’T PAY.

And we now witness all her sycophantic brown noser’s sucking up to the media. How long will it be before we start to see knives coming out, as they should, It has been said today on the world news that she will be remembered for many years to come, this is true as it is also true that Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Polpot, Ho Chi Min, and many other despotic dictators will be remembered.

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