
money stacks

Kd Stacks Time Is Money- Intro (NBD Rich Kingz)
money stacks





Hey Magic players. I have a rules question for you, because I am not sure.

If an attack would reduce your life total below 0, but before the stack ends your life goes back up to where it was (or higher) do you lose the game?


Money Stacks Backpack http://t.co/STAEqBNlgv via @thefancy


Mike Stacks & T3TRI$ - Dedication + LYRICS IN DESCRIPTION
money stacks


Hunned Stacks-pyrex king dir by Suave films
money stacks


When it come to shooting slugs I bus twelve gages!!!! When it come to getting money I stack ben franklins!!!!! When it comes to this rap shit????? Welll wat can I say at the end of the day im doin things dat some nigga just cant accept!!!!! Im just keeping it real. And on another note I dont facebook beef im a grown man and grown man make it loud and clear on who they talking bout. So please make it loud and clear!!!!!


nigga i aint worried bout yo money i count my own stacks nigga


All I know is I have stacks money and my fam. Why get all worked up someone or something that has no affect on my life ? Yeahhh right


Grayfire.Feat.Mac, Money Meeks.GETTIN PAPER STACKS
money stacks


Groupie Kat Stacks Says "Young LA & J Futuristic Set Her Up" Tells Her Side Of The Story (Part 2)
money stacks


Money on the floor, money on the bed, money on the dresser, money in the bathroom. i need a wallet?


Soulja Boy - Stacks On Deck - (1up Official Mixtape)
money stacks


“@ThaBul_Freddy: Want to get this money you gotta take risks”


I have been accused of being a lesbian. But i am not, i just dont discriminate. I love my dark.. Hershey coloured, thickk, fluffy lookin fellas.. Guys you can only love someone to a certain extent. Dont go bending over breaking your back to make a worthless, blood sucking, disrespectful bitch happy. She aint gonna want you at all. What they do is collect your paycheck and spend it on their boy toy. You can know when someone aint want you. Look for the signs men, they are more visible than u realise. Dont let Brokenherted become your lastname.

money stacks


Got bags of money stacks of money


Blow stacks so it like I give head to my money


counting stacks
money stacks


get money get stacks. pak het hier. pak het daar. skiet skiet in je bitch haar face, nu heeft ze witte bakkenbaard!!


For those asking I go back 19th. They are doing an evaluation to determine if I get probation or if I get drug court. It's between those two and I am more than happy with either one! It's more than I could have hoped for. I don't know who you are but a huge THANK YOU to those who wrote and called on my behalf the judge and prosecutors offices. They had a stack of letters an inch thick. I won't let you down. I truly had no idea I had so many people who cared what happened to me.


@Lil_Saint_Squad @GoosePurpSG nigga I get stacks!! Oprah be askin me for money


OK....before I blow my stack again....I would prefer NOT to hear anything about Margaret Thatcher's passing. I try very hard not to speak ill of the dead but I urge those who may have forgotten to remember that she was the South African apartheid regime's staunchest supporter. She was instrumental in preventing meaningful sanctions from being instituted against the apartheid regime at the UN, keeping Nelson Mandela in prison and convinced Ronald Reagan that he was a terrorist. It would be a travesty not to hold her legacy accountable for such an abomination of democratic and humanitarian principles.


i want to listen to Dads but nobody is sending me downloads for their albums?? Or giving me money to buy them??

What gives??


Time to stack paper. Done buying shit and ready to be lrepared for anything.


“@III_Stacks: What should I be doing now ?” - getting baked or making some money


Yep, just my thoughts:

I look forward to the day when marijuana is legal. As an old hippie dude who went through the "hippie era" (I always hated the hippie title) I would enjoy getting high from time to time. Once the government figures out how much money they can make in taxes, it will happen.

I'm retired, so a good day would be playing classic rock while stoned.


Money - LG, B-Stacks, and 21/7 Austin TX Rap
money stacks


When you see that you want something that you know is in perfect alignment to your big dream and speaks right to the core of you, but it means an investment that would require you to almost double your income in order to begin that route, would you find a way and DO it?...


Stack or starve meaning stack your money or fucking starve to death


YC - Racks (Remix) - OFFICIAL VIDEO
money stacks


Sometimes I like to leave stacks of money on park benches for homeless people to find #SpreadLove


money stacks


I can teach you how to fuck and stack money

Malik clan

Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar made so much money, he spent over $2,500 every month just on rubber bands to bundle up his stacks of cash.


Stacks - Soulja Boy ft. Roscoe Dash & J Money
money stacks


Literally started frm tha bottom tryna stack like columns chasing tha money dwn like we gtta problem


Money over hoes


looking for a job is not easy but im getting it done. I need to stack my money


Big money, big stacks, we been doing that #sispost


Best thing to do dis summer is stay out of trouble n find a job n stack yo money up


1. Cocaine

Blow, C, candy, coke, do a line, freeze, girl, happy dust, Mama coca, mojo, monster, nose, pimp, shot, smoking gun, snow, sugar, sweet stuff, and white powder.
2. Crack (a form of cocaine, smokeable)

Base, beat, blast, casper, chalk, devil drug, gravel, hardball, hell, kryptonite, love, moonrocks, rock, scrabble, stones and tornado.
3. Depressants

Backwards, blue heavens, downie, drowsy high, green dragons, idiot pills, joy juice, M&M, no worries, peanut, rainbows, red bullets, stoppers, stumbler, tooles and yellow.
4. Fentanyl

Apache, China girl, China town, dance fever, friend, goodfellas, great bear, he-man, jackpot, king ivory, murder 8, poison, tango and cash and TNT.
5. GHB (Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)

Caps, cherry meth, ever clear, easy lay, fantasy, G, G-riffic, gamma hydrate, Georgia home boy, grievous bodily harm, liquid ecstasy, liquid X, soap and sodium oxybate.
6. Heroin

Aunt Hazel, big H, black pearl, brown sugar, capital H, charley, china white, dope, good horse, H, hard stuff, hero, heroina, little boy, mud, perfect high, smack, stuff and tar.
7. Inhalants

Air blast, bolt, boppers, bullet bolt, climax, discorama, hardware, heart-on, highball, honey oil, huff, laughing gas, medusa, moon gas, satan’s secret, thrust and whiteout.
8. Ketamine

Bump, cat killer, cat valium, fort dodge, green, honey oil, jet, K, ket, kit kat, psychedelic heroin, purple, special “K”, special la coke, super acid, super C and vitamin K.
9. LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide)

A, Acid, black star, blotter, boomers, cubes, Elvis, golden dragon, L, microdot, paper acid, pink robots, superman, twenty-five, yellow sunshine and ying yang.
10. Marijuana

420, Aunt Mary, baby, bobby, boom, chira, chronic, ditch, ganja, grass, greens, hash, herb, Mary Jane, nigra, Pot, reefer, rip, root, skunk, stack, torch, weed and zambi.
11. MDMA (Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine)

Adam, bean, blue kisses, clarity, club drug, disco biscuits, E, ecstasy, hug drug, love drug, lover’s speed, Mercedes, New Yorkers, peace, roll, white dove, X and XTC.
12. Mescaline

Beans, buttons, cactus, cactus buttons, cactus head, chief, love trip, mesc, mescal, mezc, moon, peyote and topi.
13. Methamphetamine

Beannies, blue devils, chalk, CR, crank, crystal, crystal meth, fast, granulated orange, ice, meth, Mexican crack, pink, rock, speckled birds, speed, tina and yellow powder.
14. Methcathinone

Bathtub speed, Cadillac express, cat, crank, ephedrone, gagers, go-fast, goob, qat, slick superspeed, star, the C, tweeker, wild cat and wonder star.
15. Opium

Ah-pen-yen, aunti, big O, black stuff, Chinese tobacco, chocolate, dopium, dover’s deck, dream gun, hard stuff, hocus, joy plant, O, ope, pin yen, toxy and zero.
16. PCP (Phencyclidine)

Angel dust, belladonna, black whack, CJ, cliffhanger, crystal joint, Detroit pink, elephant tranquilizer, hog, magic, Peter Pan, sheets, soma, TAC, trank, white horizon and zoom.
17. Psilocybin/psilocin

Boomers, god’s flesh, little smoke, magic mushroom, Mexican mushrooms, mushrooms, musk, sherm, shrooms, silly putty and simple simon.
18. Ritalin

Crackers, one and ones, pharming, poor man’s heroin, R-ball, ritz an ts, set, skippy, speedball, ts and ritz, ts and rs, vitamin R and west coast.
19. Rohypnol

Circles, forget-me pill, la rocha, lunch money drug, Mexican valium, pingus, R2, Reynolds, roche, roofies, rope, ruffles and wolfies.
20. Steroids

Abolic, anadrol, arnolds, bolasterone, dihydrolone, equipose, gym candy, juice, methyl testosterone, proviron, pumpers, stackers, therobolin, weight trainers and winstrol V.

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