
run cool math

run cool math



How to run on water
run cool math


Run 2-part 1
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One Of Drews New Generators Running
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Angie and I took Bella to see JURASSIC PARK 3-D this morning. Bella loves that movie. So does Angie. And as for me, well, I kinda got carried away when this first hit theaters back in the 90s. So, counting it's original run and some dollar theaters...this was the 28th time I've seen JUSRASSIC PARK on the big screen.


my board yall Ronnie Rodriguez Savon Drop Bass Emmanuel Lee Carter Wolf new board finally coming in im hype not extra hype because the original Superior board was out of stock then the almost board was out of stock i was like dame what they got left
run cool math


Cool Rides | Primitive Tram Ride | Kolkata
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my math teacher doing a math rap
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user testing on coolmath.com 2.MP4
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SoCal Super Spartan Race 2013
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Slope Song - Class Video.wmv
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Malik clan

math lines.wmv
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Speed giveaway #2
First to message the word wins 40k!
Unscramble the words:


MATH HOFFA feat Lil FAME (M.O.P) prod by @iFreshBeatz
run cool math


user testing on coolmath.com 1.MP4
run cool math


Okay, as promised, we are going to be having an admin contest. Please answer the questions honestly, I really don't like liars c;
*Messages will NOT be accepted*

1. How active can you be? (How many hours a day & how many pictures a day?):

2. How many likes can you get a day? (Don't lie!):

3. Do you know how to do S4S, T4T & specials?:

4. Will you respect all likers & admins?:

5. What will your sign-off be?:

6. What other pages do you admin/own? (If any, and please list which ones you admin and which ones you own or co-own separately):

7. Why do you want to admin this page?:

8. What do you think 'Directioner' means?:

9. How many pictures can you post a day:

10. Tell me three totally random non-One Direction related facts about yourself:

11. What kind of music do you like other than One Direction?:

12. Okay tell the funniest joke you can think of haha:

13. What is your favourite Youtube video EVER just put a link:

14. What is your e-mail incase I pick you:
A BUNCH OF THOSE DON'T ACTUALLY AFFECT YOUR CHANCES. I like fun people, so I wrote some fun questions c; But I really don't care what your favourite Youtube video is if you want to admin this page, don't worry. So don't stress about some of those questions and be like "what if she doesn't like this sort of music or think this joke is funny" really, don't worry. The first ones count more than the last.

- Nicole Payne


Math Rap: "Hey Teacher, Check This Out!"
run cool math


4th Grade Math Splash Math Worksheets iPad App Review - CrazyMikesapps
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CAHSEE Algebra and Functions pt II 81-90
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Amnesia - Obscurity Part 5 - Morfar math is hard!
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Math Run Trailer - Team WXM
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How to get a cool wallpaper by Drybones
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J and k on/off math game
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Why is the Rum Gone? - Remix
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run 2
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TEDxHonolulu - Sean Briel & Daniel Nash - Changing Perceptions of Math
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Spending all day learning about master boot records, and teaching myself to not install linux in the future...basically I installed Linux on a partition on my laptop, and now I can't run Windows until I fix the MBR (master boot record)


Math teacher playing football
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300 Years of FOSSIL FUELS in 300 Seconds
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Remimd me to run away from presentations made with anoyone with P.E. after their name. Cool topic made completely boring with math.


Cool Math People
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Cooler Self - A Short Animation by Ozan Basaldi
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Land of Imaginary Numbers- HHH West Math Project
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Rise Up Run Out
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Campus Run: The Freshie Guide
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Hooda Math- Sugar, Sugar Level 5
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Meeblings 2 Walkthrough - Levels 1-20
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Hexaflexagons 2
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Grow School Hooda Math solution
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Mooggi Math: Flash Cards Gameplay for iPhone
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Cool Math
run cool math


Glitch on mathplayground and it is on speedy on math games 1
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Cut-N-Run Explanation
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Minecraft FTB Ep. 10: Bad math quarries
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Matt Nathanson - Faster
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run cool math


coolmath snail bob 2 ep 2
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Team Christine: You have all been so patient! I have what I see is the best thing 2 happen 2 me in a long time work wise! I went through a couple interviews & passed a drug test, so now I can make it offical as my orenitation is next week. I am starting a new job at a home where I will be working & very blessed to be I might add 2 help some amazing people with varying developmental delays live in a house! These wonderful people range from 20 to 56 & all have their own rooms and share a kitchen. I am so humbled to be in the presence of this group & I have not had my first day! I feel like I have been given such a gift of patience & I feel like my heart is happy dancing. I want so desperately to make a difference in the world & being in the world of wondeful adults with Down Syndrom, or Autusim, or any number of other things lets me do Gods work & devote my self 2 this group of amazing people while still chasing my degree & raising these 2 honary boys of mine! I know, I belong in this job, like I have not felt since my work with Don! So again, thank you all so much I am truly humbled a & blessed to have this new job! Thank you Jesus, friends, my amazing Aunts, my grandma in heaven, my professors & even to the 2 people in Walmart, I know this is all for God!


The Hairy Ball Theorem
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More Math Blox
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Making Math More Fun Math Games
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Math Play Super Knold World - 3/3 - F*CK THIS F*CKING GAME
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Corey Moore on BCS Math - 1999
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Shell Scripting Tutorial-25: Math On Real Numbers
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April 5, 2013

Budget Bill - $22,000,000,000 (billion)

School Finance Act - $1,000,000,000 (billion)

Single Payer Medical System - $37,000,000,000 (billion)

Medicaid Dental for Adults - $53,000,000

Immunization Purchasing Program - $40,000,000

Sanctuary Cities - price incalculable


A balanced budget is required, but it has grown by about 7%, to over $22 billion for all items, despite the fact that the official "inflation rate" has hovered below 2%. I tried an amendment cutting out 5% of the general fund, which was rejected by the other party. The same result came from an amendment to cut 1%, and even an amendment to cut just 1/10th of 1% failed. I voted no on this year's budget, along with all of the Republicans in the Senate. Most Republicans in the House also voted no. This is in stark contrast to last year's budget, where most of us supported the budget. This massive new budget is too closely tied to all of the big-government bills we have seen flying through this year's legislature for me to be able to vote yes.

SB-213 is the the new school finance act. This bill creates a whole new system for financing public schools. The big item for this bill is more money--about one billion more--intended to come from the Colorado tax payers. I expect it will pass both houses and the governor will sign it, but since the tax increase will also require a vote of the people to raise the taxes, we the people will have the final say next November (thank you TABOR).

This week in the Senate Health and Human Services committee we saw huge socialist programs pass, including Sen. Aguilar's SCR-002, which would create a single-payer medical system in Colorado. It is a constitutional proposal, and I do not expect it can get the 2/3 vote required to get out of the Senate, but Sen. Aguilar has a backup plan as well. SJR-021 creates a committee to put together the same type of single-payer system after they "study" it for several months. This single-payer medical system would replace Obamacare in Colorado, impose an additional 9% tax on all incomes, and create a $36,000,000,000+ state medical "insurance" program for every Colorado resident.

Also passed by the HHS committee was SB-222, which is as close to a universal vaccine purchasing program as the sponsor (Sen. Aguilar) said she can construct. This bill empowers the Department of Health and Environment to run the program, with as little oversight from the legislature as possible. The best estimate I have heard for the cost of this program is $40,000,000. Another bill, SB-242, creates a new Medicaid dental program for Colorado, costing about $53,000,000.

Finally, on Friday (today) HB-1258 passed the Senate in second reading, eliminating the prohibition of "sanctuary cities" for Colorado. In 2006 a law was passed prohibiting cities from taking a "don't ask, don't tell" policy toward illegal immigrants with the local police. I offered a compromise amendment to HB-1258 which would preserve the basic principle of prohibiting sanctuary cities, while removing a few dysfunctional aspects of the current law, but it was, again, rejected on a party-line vote.

For a detailed report on this past week's activities go to my website, www.KevinLundberg.com and click on the Freedom Watch 2013 link.

For Life and Liberty!

Kevin Lundberg
Colorado State Senator
District 15

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