
the game ,Fri Apr 05 2013 22:54:51:270

Does your season end at the weekend or perhaps its ended already? Well hopefully with our campaign this summer we can help extend your season! We should have a new competition coming soon from one of our partners!

Our first sofieldhockey shammy over-grips have arrived with their new owners! We should be posting some pictures of them on our wall later today/tomorrow!

We should be posting some footage of our new player model over the weekend, introducing our first couple of kickstarter backing brackets and launching our new look website all in another busy weekend for the FHG!

Enjoy your hockey and remember to mention us in the bar after the game or in car on the way back to/from your games!




My favorite part of shooting a movie or being part of a photoshoot: making my playlist to get my head in the game.


So wishing I was in Detroit watching the game!!! Next year Ill be there


Week 11 – Rogantino’s vs Turu’s Knights
After a couple of poor results, nothing but a win would keep Rogantino’s anywhere close to the top 3 league placing. Luckily for Rogantino’s, this week pitted them against Turu’s Knights who season after season seem to always find it a huge challenge to secure points against Rogantino’s irrespective of their performance on the night. This was however a direct clash between mid-table teams aspiring for a top-of-the table season placement. The stakes at hand were obvious to both teams and players.

Rogantino’s prepared themselves well for this match and started proceedings with a bang! High concentration levels; great team unity and positive motivation were behind the team’s very positive rolling. Turu’s Knights seemed to suffer the tension more and thus reflected on their individual player and team pin fall. Game 1 was thus handsomely won by 111 pins providing Rogantino’s with an almost certainty that; barring some fluke performance in the next two games; they had also secured the points for total series pin fall. Final score was 782 – 671.

Despite retaining their positive showing, the second game was less on the high side of the team’s potential and closer to their season average game (currently standing at 739 pins). On the other lane, Turu’s were trying harder and improving on their relatively poor first game. Rogantino’s were in no mood to drop back and they kept pace and a step ahead of Turu’s Knights throughout the game to secure another important 2 points. Final game score was 743 – 730.

Now within sight of their 8-0 win objective, Rogantino’s entered the last game full of confidence and almost expecting to ease through the game and secure the points. Possibly counting on a drop in motivation and performance by Turu’s Knights, Rogantino’s again dropped their game level giving Turu’s Knights the window needed to win 2 points. Predictably, the third game was lost by Rogantino’s by almost 50 pins and at moments putting at risk 4 points. Final score was 696 – 742 for a total series pin fall of 2223 – 2143.

Peter and Malcolm were Roganitno’s top bowlers for this week with Peter having the third highest Game – Average difference (51 pins) for the week.

With this 6-2 victory, Rogantino’s retained their 5th league positioning but closed the gap to third place. A look at the league table in fact shows the following: Rogantino’s 50 points. Bowler’s on Strike & Fina 52 points; Ramis 62 points, okmalta.com 72 points. With 7 weeks remaining, things are still tight at the top of the table.

With just a two points gap from 3rd place, Rogantino’s look forward to next league match and relish the opportunity to be back in the top three. In this scenario, an 8-0 win against St James’s is necessary. This match is scheduled for the 18th of April and Rogantino’s are expected to field Malcolm, Peter, Clive and Pierre.

Next week sees the Medicup being played and Rogantino’s augurs all participants the best of luck and an entertaining tournament.


Stop down and watch the final four games saturday night 5 for $10 bucket of beer specials during the game


New update.... Dog Race has been added to the game, come take a look... Great update ..

MC Staff Team


Sometimes life can throw us a curve and wipe the motivation right out of us. What are your tricks to get back into the game?


First singer for the game is Selena Gomez! The lyrics are: its a mad mad world got to make a escape, its a perfect world when you go all the way
Good luck everyone! -Shel


Whose going to the game today? I know one of our admins Ryan will be there! Share your pics on our wall!



Hourly Bonus !
All those who are at level 3 will be promoted a level at 23:00.

This is the fun that will continue throughout the game, bonuses could be in anything but for a particular level.


Love getting an email update from outdoor life about new articles for the day when I Already wrote that article 6 hours ago. Your a little late for the game boys.


well thank you bio shock infinite for mind fucking the hell out of me... for those that havnt finish the game FINISH it and those who dont care look up the ending and get you mind fucked


time to play the game


Update on third hockey game. Was losing 4-1 with five minutes left in the game. Scored two in a row making it 3-4. Michael scores with 0:01 second left in game. Ends in tie then to sudden death overtime we lose. But what a exciting game. Quarterfinals tomorrow.


Bout to watch the game with my gma sista and dad! :) go rangerssssssss❤⚾


This Bioshock Infinite is a bit too gun-centric. I'm not sure why there is a need for sniper rifle or that the game was even designed in a way that a sniper rifle is applicable. Very FPS like and not super FPRPG like the first one. Wide open combat areas and gripegripegripegripegripe...


I just wasted 45 minutes trying to help my Farmville neighbors. One post was only 7 minutes old when I clicked on it and I got the Sorry Farmer you got here to late message. Then I clicked to play the game and when it finally loaded I got the Farmville has been enhanced please refresh message. So how is Farmville making me feel today???? Trust Me YOU REALLY DO NOT WANT TO KNOW!!!!!!!


"Heartless powers try to tell us what to think If the spirit's sleeping then the flesh is ink, yea History's page, it is thusly carved in stone The future's here, we are it, we are on our own On our own, on our own, on our own

If the game is lost then we're all the same No one left to place or take the blame We will leave this place an empty stone For that shinning ball we can call our home

So the kids they dance, they shake their bones And the politicians, throwing stones Singing ashes, ashes all fall down"


Phillip Johnson and I are gonna be rocking Buffalo Cantina (360 and Trinity) tonight post Rangers game ish from 7-10 pm. Make a stop in after the game n keep the party going!

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