
the national

@nicksherlock you have to be a fool not to take @TigerWoods! The man is on fire in 2013! Plus he owns Augusta National. #Masters



Äntligen! The National - "Demons": http://t.co/zjbGh2ZQov via @youtube undefined


Walter Isaacson: 2012 National Book Festival
the national


“ (this UL men’s team is the best in the country and deserves to win the national title)” Matt Jones @KySportsRadio


HT @angryasianman: http://t.co/YOr4plV18O Nice to see Filipinos actually take part in the national discourse. Also: fuck yr borders. undefined


@ALLThingsRadio follow the National Association of Tower Erectors (NATE) today @NATEsafety (http://t.co/PD2vRNyuzD) undefined


Patricia Cornwell: 2012 National Book Festival
the national


National tourneys in the books, recruiting rankings in the process of being finalized and coming soon! Stay tuned for details #miwrestle


Marvin Gaye sings American National Anthem
the national


Thank u lord 4 peace in our nation.


“We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.”
― Winston Churchill


President Obama Lights the National Christmas Tree
the national


The new single by The National sure sounds like the new single by The National http://t.co/vTpM14bjWO undefined


Сидишь себе спокойно, никому не мешаешь, а тут новый сингл The National. И все, пизда и воши.


Crabs, supersized by carbon pollution, may upset Chesapeake’s balance The Washington Post http://t.co/eGcEoUEVzT #Climate undefined


Seldom do we remember any politician after they have stepped away from the limelight of media speculation, however I don't think there is a Briton alive that hasn't heard of Margaret Thatcher, or cannot quote to her legacy of leadership. She polarised opinion and It will be interesting to see in which directions the epitaphs flow.

Yes, she did decimate the industry and community of Britains mining heritage and she introduced the heavily opposed poll tax. Both have had long lasting and ravaging effects on this land.

She also reigned in the unions after a period of significant turmoil. There were pros & con. The stabilisation was needed in order to pull investment in the development of new IT industry, as we were seen as too high a risk nation to invest in. But did a weakening of the unions serve the best interests of the working man ?

There were positive also in the liberation of the Falklands, aspirational home ownership for the masses and at a discount. She also challenged the EEC, ensuring we had a rebate on the billions that we had overpaid.

And finally she broke the last glass ceiling. As a young woman, born before the advent of the sexual discrimination act, seeing her reach the highest political position in our land, amazed and inspired me.

I am glad to have lived through these times, to have survived and to have seen & experienced, first hand, the complexities of the politics of my time.

Love her or hate her, she has left a lasting legacy.

RIP Margaret Thatcher.


RMR: Rick at the National Purina Dog Show
the national


The Debt Limit Explained
the national


Cardinals! Opening day! Cardinal Nation!!


Brockstars at the National Space Centre - Aaron-john Boyce
the national


Louisville-Michigan tonight for the national championship...setting the over/under of replays of Chris Webber calling a timeout at 14


@unitecomms follow the National Association of Tower Erectors (NATE) today @NATEsafety (http://t.co/PD2vRNyuzD) undefined


Predicting Election 2012 -- The Atlantic Meets the Pacific
the national


April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - a time to recognize that we each play a part in promoting the... http://t.co/vRbLToz7OL undefined


Chris Brown Supports the Blade Runner - Prank News Network
the national


2013 budget unveiled - The National
the national


From 1947, the banknotes were issued by the National Bank of Iraq, then after 1954 by the Central Bank of Iraq. @Hot_news_now1


Rehearsals at the National theatre, three days to the recital #BitterSweet lets go @lanternmeet


Butterfly Picture -- Nature Wallpaper -- National Geographic Photo of the Day http://t.co/VyFFgfjGUr via @NatGeo undefined


It starts with you: Huge test for health law: getting the word out http://t.co/jrgtQCiSIl undefined


The mother of missing from Winnipeg, Claudette Osborne and the sister of Tanya Nepinak, murdered and her body has not been located wanted ALL Thunder Bay woman+girls to know that they traveled to your nation to say "WE LOVE YOU" + "We stand STAND with you". We all will continue to stand with you to hold your governments and police services to account for the safety of woman and girls. STAND!


*****THE HOPE*****

As long as in the heart, within,
A Jewish soul still yearns,
And onward, towards the ends of the east,
An eye still looks toward Zion;

Our hope is not yet lost,
The ancient hope,
To return to the land of our fathers,
The city where David encamped.

As long as tears from our eyes
Flow like benevolent rain,
And throngs of our countrymen
Still pay homage at the graves of (our) fathers;

As long as our precious Wall
Appears before our eyes,
And over the destruction of our Temple
An eye still wells up with tears;

As long as the waters of the Jordan
I fullness swell its banks,
And (down) to the Sea of Galilee
With tumultuous noise fall;

As long as on the barren highways
The humbled city gates mark,
And among the ruins of Jerusalem
A daughter of Zion still cries;

As long as pure tears
Flow from the eye of a daughter of my nation,
And to mourn for Zion at the watch of night
She still rises in the middle of the nights;

As long as drops of blood in our veins
Flow back and forth,
And upon the graves of our fathers
Dewdrops still fall;

As long as the feeling of love of nation
Throbs in the heart of the Jew,
We can still hope even today
That a wrathful God may still have mercy on us;

Hear, O my brothers in the lands of exile,
The voice of one of our visionaries,
(Who declares) That only with the very last Jew —
Only there is the end of our hope!

Go, my people, return in peace to your land
The balm in Gilead, your healer in Jerusalem,

Your healer is God, the wisdom of His heart,
Go my people in peace, healing is imminent...

(The Israeli National Anthem---Hope for the Jews)

Ezekiel 37: 21-22
Jeremiah 31:17
Jeremiah 31:35-36

Think about it!!!


What an absolutely B-E-A-utiful day!! so thankful for my family & friends & the continued support of my church #family!! we had an AmAzing weekend full of birthday parties, museums, education.. then campfires, smores, board games, science experiments.. lol all the kiddoes had a blast. the BEST part of the weekend.. Water Baptism was an AmAzing experience. Thank You father.. your nation loves You!


@Gareth_aka_Beef Was this a bet on the Grand National, or another race at Aintree? Thanks.


AirGroup Racing Concho Enduro Video Report
the national


India is nation and Dadar is station,
wha wha
India is nation and& dadar is station,
Do not fall in love, First complete your Education..!!


Vanderbilt engineering undergrads in first national amphibious vehicle design competition
the national


The Teenage Brain: Dr. Jay Giedd of the National Institute of Mental Health
the national



2nd April 2013

The Head of Delegation The European Union (EU) Lusaka

Re: Call for proposals in support of Homosexuality

Dear Sir,

I refer to the advert placed by your organization on 21st March 2013 in the Zambia Daily Mail Newspaper. On behalf of my organization, we seek to register our great concern on the matter.

I wish to bring to your attention that as a Church organization, we take a very firm and uncompromising stand in rejecting the promotion of homosexuality, lesbian and transgender practices in our country.

We firmly support the position that has been taken by the Zambian government in rejecting this inhuman and unnatural practice. It is unlawful in Zambia to engage in homosexual acts and therefore you are promoting a way of behavior that is at variance with the law of this country and unacceptable to our society. We urge our Zambian government not to succumb to your pressures in seeking to interfere with the internal affairs of our sovereign nation by promoting the so called ‘human’ rights that are contrary to our fundamental Christian values and our rich African and traditional beliefs and practices which abhor those practices you are seeking to promote.

The position of our government has accurately reflected the popular and majority position of the Zambian people on this matter – both religious and secular. We therefore register our displeasure with your advert and wish to inform you that we will stand to protect the morality of our country and of our society in honor to the God we serve.

In a democracy, the interest of the majority must be respected. The interests of the minority groups to pursue unacceptable practice and behavior cannot supersede the interests of the majority. We find the promotion of homosexuality in our country as a breach of our current Republican constitution. The audacity with which the EU is seeking to promote this inhuman practice raises grave concern. In view of the fact that (as a country) we are working on a new constitution, your stand as a Union may unfortunately tamper with the will of the majority Zambians because you may wish to use money or arm twisting methods to push for this strange and unacceptable practice.

By writing to your office, we affirm and register our strong support on the statement made by the Honorable Minister of Home Affairs for rejecting homosexuality, lesbian and transgender practices in Zambia.

As a church umbrella organization, we will always stand for the protection of moral values that reflect our Christian belief system and we will remain committed to the moral and holistic development of our country. In addition, we will fully support and stand with our government when they represent the will of the people and when they make progressive efforts to protect the interests of the majority of its citizenry.

We urge you to rethink and reflect on this matter again and be sensitive to our local beliefs and acceptable norms by rescinding the decision on this matter and offering a public apology on this transgression.

Yours faithfully,
Pukuta N. Mwanza (Rev.)

Executive Director

CC: Minister of Home Af

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