
the national

Boys & Girls Club Starts Week-Long Celebration As part of the week-long National Boys Girls Club Week celebration the Douglas County Boys



The Evolution of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
the national


Joni and Friends Daily Devotional April 8, 2013
Dear Carmen,
The Passover Lamb
"Then they are to take some of the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they eat the lambs... On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn... The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt." Exodus 12:7,12-13

We usually think of the Day of Atonement as a time of sin-sacrifice. It was during atonement day - sometime equivalent to our August - that the nation of Israel sought reconciliation for its sins. After sacrificing a bullock, the high priest chose a goat for a sin offering and sacrificed it. After that, a scapegoat bearing the sins of the people was sent into the wilderness - this scapegoat symbolized the pardon for sin brought through the sacrifice. With all this emphasis on sin and sacrifice, ever wonder why Jesus didn't go to the cross on the Day of Atonement?

God chose Passover rather than the Day of Atonement as the time His Son would go to the cross. Jesus is not symbolized as a bullock or a goat, but a lamb. At the first Passover in Egypt, it was the blood of a lamb that was smeared on the sides and tops of the door frames, ensuring that the firstborn of the family would not be killed. God provided an escape for His people from judgment. He provided deliverance. He provided a way of rescue.

This is what God provided through Christ's death and resurrection. A way of escape. A deliverance. The Day of Atonement was an opportunity for the people to do something for God; but the Passover symbolizes a time God did something for His people. And so it is true of the cross - we have done nothing for it, but it has done everything for us.

Notice that the blood of the lamb was not smeared on the threshold of the doors of the Israelites' homes. The blood was not to be trampled underfoot. The lesson is for us today: Christ has rescued us through His precious blood. May we never tread on His gift nor crush underfoot His favor.

Praise You, Lord Jesus, for rescuing and delivering me, just as You delivered the Israelites from judgment. Thank You, Lamb of God.


Joni and Friends


HAPPY OPENING DAY CARDINAL NATION!! Let the festivities begin!!


This afternoon.....@The_National are live and in session with @BBClamacqshow. 3 tracks after 5.30pm #6music


Elite Nation. Strength within, Pride throughout.



Who are you pulling for in the National Championship tonight? http://t.co/c7OL76IaaD


Call for Entries: 2013 African Liberty Essay Competition ($1,000 top prize | Africa-wide)
Deadline: 11 June 2013

The Nation CAMPUSLIFE in collaboration with Blantyre newspaper, Malawi, AfricanLiberty.org and Network for a Free Society, is calling for entries into an essay competition. Details are as follows:

Topics: Nations which are economically free out-perform non-free nations in all indicators of well-being. Discuss.
Eligibility: All students in any tertiary institutions (university, polytechnic, college of education and vocational school) in Africa.
Note: The format of the text should be in MS word and not more than 1,500 words.

Interested student should please request for the background material from Adedayo Thomas at adedayo.thomas@gmail.com, Wale at campusbeat@yahoo.com and Brian Ligomeka at bligomeka@bnltimes.com.

On the first page of the completed essay, please write your full name, department, year of study and name of institution. Also include your email address and GSM line. Send your entries to adedayo.thomas@gmail.com. Entries will be received between March 28 and June 11, 2013. Entry sent after the deadline will not be accepted.

ANNOUNCEMENT OF WINNERS: July 18, 2013. All participants will get a free CD of “Ideas for a free society”, which contains 100 textbooks on various field of studies.


1st – $1,000 and scholarship to 2013 Student and Young Professional African Liberty Academy (SYPALA) in Kenya from August 8- 11, 2013
2nd – $700 and scholarship to 2013 Student and Young Professional African Liberty Academy (SYPALA) in Kenya from August 8- 11, 2013
3rd – $500 and scholarship to 2013 Student and Young Professional African Liberty Academy (SYPALA) in Kenya from August 8- 11, 2013
4th – $300 and scholarship to 2013 Student and Young Professional African Liberty Academy (SYPALA) in Kenya from August 8- 11, 2013
5th – $100
We have eight consolidation prizes of $50 each.

PS: Download useful books that'd help your research effort on the topic below:

Principles of a Free Society
Myths about Markets
Seven Principles of Public Policy


For queries/ submissions: adedayo.thomas@gmail.com


#MusicForMondays ♫ Slow Show – The National http://t.co/srxNz0UIsI #Spotify undefined


Secretary Sebelius speaks at the National Action Network
the national


Small Reactor for Deep Space Exploration
the national


Six-year-old shows off her skills at the National Spelling Bee
the national


White Board: Goolsbee on the National Wireless Initiative
the national


New: The National - http://t.co/Gv1gn2uHRG undefined


Thanks @Alcoa @AlcoaFoundation

http://t.co/Bc4m1TIpMc undefined


"@StrangePintura: Why the hell would you want to go on national television to deal with your relationship issues?"or Twitter.


Robert Caro: 2012 National Book Festival
the national


Thank u Lord for dis day.Lord please be with da kids today all across dis nation thats taking tests. Lord clear thier minds from everything else n let them focus on u Lord on wat their doing in Jesus name i pray. Amen.


Here is the national commercial for Golden Corral!!!!

http://t.co/ClUHozvlgB http://t.co/NuMtnNsgp1 undefined


National Geographic Hidden Horrors of the Moon Landings
the national


The National - Brainy
the national


Pompeii: Visiting the Lost City and the National Archaeology Museum in Naples, Italy
the national


I love reading the National Post on Saturday morning. Especially when the forecast for Vauxhall is so good!#happyandcontent


Lana Del Rey - National Anthem
the national


25 years of the NDSS
the national


1987 National Championship - Indiana vs Syracuse
the national


London airfares drop after Qantas tie up - The Australian Financial Review - The Australian Financial ReviewLo... http://t.co/nCxh121eh4 undefined


How many reasons do you need? Register today for the bi-national and International Trade Summit & Expo coming... http://t.co/ZIxhtVr933 undefined


Help the nation FUCK that ill help my NATION. David Cameron and his lap dog mr clegg can help the rest.


1Peter 2:9 ESV

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.


Really you MORON? Your purpose is to let We The People know where YOU stand?? I always thought the purpose if the Senate was to pass laws the PEOPLE want, not what you want! We The PEOPLE LOVE the fact that these Senators are standing up for our rights! All the rest of you morons need to pack your bags....YOUR FIRED!

(Breitbart) – Sen. John McCain (R-Sunday Shows) expressed bewilderment on CBS’ “Face the Nation” that GOP Sens. Cruz, Lee and Paul would filibuster gun control legislation. “I don’t understand it,” McCain said. “The purpose of the United States Senate is to debate and to vote and to let the people know where we stand.” With all due respect to Sen. McCain, that is almost completely backward.

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