
chess board

When I play chess I get the pawns off of the board pretty quick.



Detect object and compute distance from depth map (using OpenCV + full source code)
chess board


Still playing your game. It is a chess board.


All About Chessboard
chess board


@eichiechris u play chess?? How com we nvr met over a board in fac???


"Debating statists is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over all the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around the table looking victorious."


chess is life:im the king on the board,know who you are


Like a chess board


10 Biggest Mistakes in Chess

Moving the same Piece more than ONCE in the Opening

Moving with the same piece more than ONE time in the opening of the game loses development time and may lead to an inferior position right from the start.

Just thinking about your own Moves

Just thinking about himself without considering the chances of the opponent is a vital mistake. This leads to falling into traps of all kinds, like forks, double attacks, checkmates etc.

Neglecting Development of Pieces

No development of pieces is a fatal mistake in chess. (pieces are bishops, knights, rooks and queen, NOT pawns) Don't keep pushing pawns, but get your pieces out fast and castle early.

No Center Play

Many players put their pieces on bad squares where they don't control important center squares, diagonals, or files. Some players put the knight on the edge of the board. If you do this your opponent will get a lot of power in the center and runs you over.

Pushing too many Pawns in the Opening

This weakens important squares and diagonals and the opponent can penetrate with his pieces which leads to loss of material and the game. Fact is, that every pawn push weakens squares. It is a matter of evaluation which pawns should be pushed and ask yourself if the weaknesses created are less important than the advantages you will get. Everything is relative in chess. When you push a pawn in the opening you could have developed a piece instead which is far more powerful than "developing a pawn". Simple logic.

You should push just one or two pawns in the beginning of the game to get your bishop out and to be able to castle. Bishops can't jump over pawns, so you must push a pawn to get a bishop out. That's all!

Queen moves out too early

Getting out too early with the queen is senselss. After this the queen gets chased around by the developing pieces of the opponent. This loses valuable development time. Finally the opponent has developed all his pieces and has gained a big advantage.

Attacking too early

Attacking right from the start without sufficient development of pieces makes no sense whatsoever. If you do this you run into an open knife if the opponent keeps developing his pieces properly. He has done nothing wrong so there is no weak spot where you could attack and gain advantage. An attack is silly if the opponent has made strong moves right from the beginning of the game. If you still attack this means you must invest time and move twice or more with the same pieces. This neglects your development and you finally will run behind in developoment time.

Pushing Pawns without Support

Pushing pawns in the middlegame or endgame without support creates weak pawns. If you just keep pushing pawns but have no pieces developed, your pawns become weaker and weaker as they move ahead into the enemy camp. They get attacked and you will not be able to protect them as your pieces are misplaced. This results in the loss of pawns and the game.

Underestimating your Opponent

Your opponent deserves respect. Underestimating the opponent can lead to disaster. If you think that you are the better player your brain will go asleep. You lose concentration and focus. This leads to big blunders. One big blunder is usually enough to get a losing position.

No Discipline No Honor

If you touch a piece, you must move it. Never take back a move even if you lose your queen after this. Resign and start a new game. Never accept that moves are taken back.

If you let your opponent take a move back then if you make a big mistake yourself later on you want to take your move back yourself. But what happens if your opponent does not let you. This will start endless discussions. "I let you take a move back before. Now let me take back this move where I lose a piece.."

This is just ridiculous. I you can't lose in chess then don't play. If your opponent can't accept losing and always demands to take a move back when he loses a piece or a queen then find another opponent.


House of Cards (OST) - 27 - Chessboard Revealed - Jeff Beal [480p]
chess board


"do something that will make the world awesome"


Chess is the most racist board game in the world. Why? White goes first before black.


Part 1: Cutting and Sewing checkerboard / chessboard quilt top gameboard adult kids activity
chess board


Lego Mindstorms NXT + Fischertechnik Chess Schach Roboter Programm robot program Schachroboter
chess board


@henrymaysack and @The_Spartan4 should just settle their differences on the chess board, that way we can see who has the superior mind.


Minecraft Chess Board
chess board


Whenever I see a chess board I say, "Ha! TWO can play at that game!"


2010 PRF - Chessboard match (part 4)
chess board




Chess w/ Rachel 1, The Basics, How to, Hot Facts Girl Rachel
chess board


Debating with Neocon is rather like trying to play chess with a pigeon; it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory.


The Chessboard Killer - Serial Killer - Documentary [Part 2]
chess board


"North Korea is playing 11 dimensional chess on a standard 2d board and just imagining the other dimensions."


Automated Chess Board
chess board


What is your most favorite artistic place you have visited, or had? I know it is just a dirty old bay, but my favorite place is Galveston, Tx. It has all kinds of art all around the city. From the main shopping strip to the houses and small businesses here and there. On the sea wall, there are sculptures, my kids really like the giant human size chess board on the strand, and my personal favorite are the wooden carvings all around town from the trees that were left behind after the hurricane. This place is filled with art. Love it.


We have returned from over the Misty Mountains of the Cascadian range! Our mini-tour to Eureka and Portland with EAT PUSSY was amazing and magical! Wizards delved into the mysteries of why magnetical chess works- the board was set and the pieces were moving! We were paid in Longbottom Leaf in Euraka! Victor got elfed in Portland! The Princess Sevi played in teddy and tiara! Ale was drunkenly spilled during forest-y adventures! Bare-chested barbarians gathered around the campfire and howled! Our vessel ran afoul with a flat tire, but was heroically replaced with haste! The long journey has finally come to an end, we have returned to our beds, our water-pipes, and our pocket spankercheifs. The fellowship of the van has parted company- fantastic thanks to Keli Beershit Kalinakov (and fam), as well as to Kaila Monnie and Celia Throop, for hosting our double-band of rouges! Also big thanks to ALESTIR CHRIST and the WHISKEY DICKERS for playing, and to everyone who came out and had an epic time with us.


@supervb oh really does he own d words http://t.co/hHuZ7FmE2I in real life aashiqui is a chess board tool! octa-kone


Never realize how board I am with out my baby girl house is to quite hope she has fun with her daddy


15" Chess and Checkers Set: The black-stained board with intricate inlay border is gorgeous. The board feature... http://t.co/9GMVzCk1Uk


Interesting facts about India:

* The famous board game, called Chess, was invented in India.

* In India's 100,000 years of history, it has never invaded any other country.
* India is the 7th largest country in the world, the largest democracy and one of the oldest civilizations.
* India was one of the richest countries in the world before the British invasion in 17th century.
*The value of "pi" used in mathematics was first calculated by the Indian mathematician Budhayana in 6th century.
*India is one of the largest exporter of computer software products. It exports software to over 90 countries.
*India is home to the world's largest pilgrimage destination called the Vishnu Temple. The temple is located in the city of Tirupati. About an average of 30,000 people visit this temple donating about $6 million US dollars, everyday.
*India originated Yoga about 5,000 years ago.
*India has the most number of mosques. It has 300,000 mosques which is much more than the Muslim world.
*Christians and Jews have been living in India since 52 A.D. and 200 B.C. respectively.

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