
cool math

4 of my grand babies played hockey this weekend, this grandma is exhausted running from one arena to the next! But what a joy to see my babies play!



Your answer will be 99! [Cool math trick]
cool math


@0Call_Me_Emi2 cool I guess & math


I firmly believe I would be happier w/o math idc what you guys say is math it is not cool


Pre-algebra Multiplying Fractions - cool math
cool math


CoolMath Games: FireBoy & WaterGirl in the Forest Temple w/ Kamon Part 3
cool math


Saw someone & it made me sad. But ny math teacher called me cool. So I suppose they evened out.


Condolences to the family of Elizabeth Abbott of Warrenton. She was an outstanding English teacher at Thomson High and many of us owe her a great debt of gratitude. I also will never forget her, Jane Norris, Martha Baston, and Maggie McDaniel, dancing to Kung Fu Fighting in white kimonos at a Pep Rally in 1974. That was certainly a side of her that we had never seen or would again.


@DaiquanFengali @yung_recklessss thats because hes too cool for math hahaahahaaga


soooo...he didnt put any math homework up???? cool with me


Best Math Card Trick Revealed
cool math


Cool Math 4 Kids - Multiplying By 9 Chris Brown Style
cool math


episode 56 first coolmath game I SAVE DUCKS
cool math


what should i get, an iphone 5 or S3?


Such a dilema, my two favorite college hoops teams facing off in the final. What are the odds?


6-12 inches of snow Tuesday? Really??? I know we need the moisture but I am kinda over it- this really needs to stop happening! Maybe they will cancel school so I don't have to drive in it.... That would be cool....

Malik clan

Cool Math 4 Kids - Multiplying By 4 DJ UNK Style
cool math


Halloween 2010: Math Teacher has trouble playing a video in class
cool math


full moon (coolmath) walkthrough.avi
cool math


Fireboy and Watergirl 2 in Light Temple Cool Math Level 26
cool math


Cool Math Fun For Kids - Cool fun math to make math fun for kids
cool math


"Suppose a man aims a rocket launcher at your house. Do you wait for him to fire or do you stop him before he does? " ..a question I was posed . What is your answer ?


2 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:}


@OhAmberRosexo_ doing your moms math homework .... #cool


What is your favorite subject in school?
Math (27.97%, 33 Votes)
Science(6.78%, 8 Votes)
English (17.8%, 21 Votes)
History (7.63%, 9 Votes)
Music (39.83%, 47 Votes)


So, if North Korea shoots a missile and we knock it out before the intended target is hit, and its nuklear, lets face it, its going to fuck something up. Do we respond with nuking Pyongyang? Or do we keep conventional for the most part?


I just turned 24 officially :)


How to Download Kids Rhymes and Videos- Cool Math Songs 4 Kids
cool math


rather be at home in the bed, than at school with no one to talk to and playing cool math....


heeeelll yes!!!!! Jimmie Johnson won! and what what i won this week! woohoo!


So math is gonna be the death of me. #cool


How I feel when I finish my math http://t.co/F4PjcXkF12


Mod E - Solving a multi step inequality with distributive property - Cool Math
cool math


Cool Math card trick
cool math


Cool math trick!
cool math


Did I tell you my 2 year old BULLY? He was even flexing at me this weekend. When I correct his behavior he puts his finger to his lips and gives me the "shush" sign and says "Mommy, no talking. Time to be quiet." WTH?? My older kids would have never tried it. That little boy got one more time-who am I fooling? This proves it ... old people should not have babies! He is in his crib sleep. I should go shake him and jump in my bed and pretend to sleep.


If I said i wanted to make popular classical painting techniques in public schools, elementary to high schools and create a program for them to follow, would i be in over my head? Wouldn't if be great if any and a lot high schoolers paint their fellow students in a grand manner without it being unique to only one individual? If its the norm? Wouldn't if be awesome if a kindergartner knows how to identify values at least in a fun way with puzzles and games?


But my math teacher tht niqqa just cool


Cool Math Trick Addition
cool math


I just remembered I have a really big math packet due tomorrow haha awesome wow cool rad :)


Twenty minutes of math left.. Cool.


Dark jeep session 48 postponed til next week... F U migraine.


Describe yourself in one word...
1. Wicked
2. Flirty
3. Ugly
4. Sexy
5. Ambitious 6. Womaniser
7. Shy
8. Selfish
9. Hopeless
10. Responsible
11. Corrupt 12. Other(specify)

Visit & Like our page: Love and Relationship ZONE for MORE grt POST:


My 21st birthday is on tuesday...
What should I do?


CoolMath Games: FireBoy & WaterGirl in the Forest Temple w/ Kamon Part 5
cool math


episdoe 67 coolmath game DONT PLAY THIS GAME
cool math


Physique, et math! Comment être occupée pendant des heures! #cool


i always knew i was good at math...but never expected to be this good! :o #math #stuff #cool


episode 78 coolmath game THEIR SOOO FAT
cool math


cool math groove 2012 10 11 at 16 17
cool math


BLOKZ!!!! (www.coolmath.com) #1
cool math


Got a hot date tonight. Is 20 too young? Because I still act about 15 lol


Here is how Ruthie starts to deal with a bully in the chapter: "Aylene Muntzer" : I start up Troy Avenue, walking as slowly as I can, hoping Aylene and Joannie will be gone by the time I round the corner onto Crown Street. I count the shells in the concrete of the sidewalk. I count the squares, the hand prints, the shoe prints, the number of GGs Georgie Goldstein’s fingers drew when the cement was wet. I look at the sky, noticing how clear it is, how blue. Wanting to stop and just look at that blue, blue sky, wanting to fill my lungs with the clear, cool air. But my feet keep moving. Then I’m at the corner, then I’m rounding the curve of hedges growing against Joannie Nevins’ apartment house. And then I’m seeing Joannie leaning against the door, and Aylene facing her, except for her green eyes which are looking at me.
Then she is turning to Joannie. “I have to do homework…” Aylene tells Joannie.
“Me too,” Joannie is answering, pushing herself against the big iron and glass door. “Guess I’ll see you tomorrow,” says Joannie. “Hey, Joannie?” says Aylene, but Joannie has already disappeared inside the building. Aylene looks blankly at the door. Then she turns to look at me again. Her green eyes flash before she starts up Crown Street.
I walk two houses behind, as slowly as I can to still be walking, waiting for Aylene to reach the middle of the block where the maple trees grow thick and shadowy, dividing Aylene’s Crown Street from mine. She’s walking slowly too. Aylene’s shoes have taps. I can hear their metal strike the concrete as she walks. She stops in front of the Berman’s house. She opens her school bag, rummages around, looking for something. Then she looks at me. Snake greens glitter through my head. My feet keep moving. The distance closes between us.
Aylene Muntzer has two voices, one when other people are around and one when Aylene and I are alone. It’s the second one that comes out of her mouth now. She doesn’t say, “Hello, Ruthie.” No. She doesn’t say, “you’re walking slowly and so am I. Walking as slowly as the film in your father’s movie projector when the light starts to flicker and the film begins to come off the reel in a flow, helpless tangle, and everyone’s hands and feet and smiles look like they’re under water and their voices would be moaning if we could hear them. Like everyone who is supposed to be enjoying themselves is pushing against a wall of time, as if they would like to move faster so that they can look like themselves again, so their voices can have laughter in them again, but all they can do is move more and more and more slowly. And they can’t stop if they want to, and your father is trying to untangle the film, asking what the heck’s the matter with this thing? as he pulls off his glasses to get a closer look, to see it in the dark, saying, Miriam, turn on that darn light, will you? And he isn’t really saying heck or darn.”
No, Aylene doesn’t say that. Instead she asks, “Ruthie, do you have your math workbook?” And I just keep walking toward her in the same slow motion as the film in my father’s projector.

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