
euro millions

What a perfect Friday, chauffeured to Westfield by Alison Evans, ate, shopped, ate again with Karen Johnson. Back home to a spotless house, ironing done, thanks to my amazin beautiful mummy, Marion Carr love u xxx



Liken und ich sag dir was ich :)

1.Was ich an dir mag:
()Nichts :/

2.Du und Ich
() Ehemann & Ehefrau♥
() Idioten Freunde ♥
() Kenn dich nicht wirklich :-)
() Facebook Freunde :D
()Freunde ♥
() Beste Freunde ♥♥
() Nichts.

()Keine Nummer :o
()sicher :D
()ehm nein D:
()okay (:

4.Wie viel bist du Wert?
()10 Euro
()100 Euro
()1000 Euro
()ne Million Euro
()Unbezahlbar c:

5.Ein Wort um dich zu beschreiben:
()Hässlich ://
()Hübsch :-*
()Normal und so! :D

6.DU solltest wirklich :
()mit mir Schreiben!
()mir deine Nummer geben!
()mich heiraten! :D
()auch als Status einfügen, damit ich es auch liken kann :D
Gefällt mir ·


@Erin_McNaught #mysuperpower would be to fly, or see into the future! Obviously see the euro millions numbers 1st! Haha


De Bruyn target Dortmund

Bayer Leverkusen Chelsea ready to offer £ 12 million plus Kevin de Bruyne to land Andre Schurrle.

German sources last night insisted Leverkusen are now ready to sell the striker, 22, who had starred in the Germany squad for Euro 2012.

The first attempt to sign Schurrle Blues last summer was rejected. However TheLondoners he is ready to make their first purchase this season.

Small star 21-year-old Belgian, De Bruyne has spent this season on loan at Werder Bremen after joining Chelsea from Genk for £ 7.5 million.

He was impressive, scoring six goals and made seven assists in 27 Bundesliga action.

Borussia Dortmund also chasing De Bruyne but apparently Leverkusen have the advantage as long interest in Chelsea.

Source: Wiselonline



Kenny daglish paid 35 mill for Andy carroll how much do you think he s worth??????

# paul


8 APRIL 2013: Yen slumps as US-job figures hit dollar

US job figures set alarm bells ringing as the rise in job recruitment was half the expected. US employers added only 88 000 jobs in March at a its slowest pace in 10 months. The job figures published on Friday triggered fresh concerns about a slowdown in the world’s largest economy. Equity markets fell and might indicate that the last months strong US stock rally has come to an end. Expectations of a fast recovery might have run faster than what is economic fundamental realities.

The dollar plunged in relation to EURO and other major currencies. The Euro/USD rose to a two week high at 1.3039 stabilizing around 1.30 in early Asian trade today. The British pound, GBP, hit the strongest level in six weeks at 1.5362 on concerns of the health of the US labour market. Oil prices fell. Brent crude trades at USD 104,50 a barrel.

The Japanese yen, JPY also fell dramatically. USD/JPY trades at 98,52 after he Japanese Central Bank (BOJ) announced strong quantitative monetary easing measures to combat deflation. After falling 20 % in some few months, analysts ask how far down the JPY would be permitted to go. Recent developments might encourage investors to shift back to yen as a funding currency instead of the dollar. The data may encourage more long European currency/yen trading with yen as the favoured funder. It might reinforce the yen’s place as the favoured carry trading currency.

The Euro received a boost earlier last week as the European Central Bank held rates at 0,75 % and the ECB President, Mario Draghi, sought to reassure markets that the Cyprus bailout should not be seen as a template for possible future bailouts in the eurozone. In a memorandum of understanding between the parties involved in the bailout; Cyprus, ECB, IMF and the EU-commission, severe budget cuts and privatization of state owned assets are among the measures needed for Cyprus to receive its periodic allotments of bailout money.

The anger and public fury run high on the island. Adding to the public tension a financing consulting firm, Alvarez & Marshal hired by the Central Bank to make investigations on the banks behaviour leading up to the crisis, revealed that two of the most senior executives at the Bank of Cyprus may have deleted crucial emails pertaining the bank’s disastrous buying of Greek government bonds just before Greece’s international bailout in 2010.

While most attention over the last weeks has been directed towards Cyprus, the leak of 2.5 million files containing details of offshore accounts of some of the world’s wealthiest individuals has added fuel to Europe’s debate over the economic crisis. In a situation where many struggling Europeans are asked to tighten belts and pay more taxes, the political and financial elites of Europe have stuffed their wealth in offshore tax havens as British Virgin Islands, the Cook island and Singapore, making German, EU and IMF accusations against Cyprus pale in comparison. The latest money laundering and tax exemptions accusations involve reputable Western European banks as Deutsche Bank, and individual top German and French bankers and politicians.


Gym done, Chinese demolished, and just won a cheeky £20 on a scratch card not a bad evening in fairness.... Shame I got bastard work in the morning tho !!!


Once again British tax payers have to fork out £39 million to bail out Cyprus banks... Britian is not in the Euro....so why are we paying?


Built & completed 1 year ahead of Schedual after an 11 million euro investment, the iconic medieval museum has helped the ciy's historic quarter reach its final phase.
It has now entered the trilogy of museums which include Reginalds Tower (Viking) & the Bishops Palace (Georgan) and is the last in the complex of museums that trace the history of Waterford from its foundations by Viking pirates in 914 up to the present day.
There is a lot of tourism potential for Waterford, the oldest city in the country. This city has great potential in a lot of directions over the next number of years, probably more so than a lot of cities in the country. and Waterford can stand equal to any other historic city in Europe with what it has to offer !!!



Looks like fc.barcelona is going to bring neimar in the team. . ;)


The bond return!

Directional flow of funds in the capital markets has changed in a week. Remain in money market funds before U.S. data come far short of the estimates towards their shares. Now sold in emerging markets, shares, money, bond-bond market going again. Strong, the Central Bank's interest rate cut expectation, $ 500 million in cash into the market.
6.60 benchmark bond interest rates from the level of 6:08, respectively. Waiting for the Fund to continue to flow.
Turkey has two major data released this week. The first of the month of February, industrial production today .. Second, the current account balance on Thursday. Foreign data traffic is low. Draws attention to the most critical indicator will be announced on Friday, March retail sales in the United States. Standard & Poor's BB + rating of 6 Turkish banks' or upgraded. This decision, the BRSA 25% increase banks' profits in February, after the arrival of the description drew attention to TL 4.3 billion.

ISE, intensive sales of bonds by foreign investors who want to get the level of 82 thousand down. The index remained below the critical 82 thousand 500 to support a technically withdrawal is expected to continue. But S & P's rating of banks to increase the positive development. Binkırılırsa 82, 80 and 79 thousand 400 thousand 900 levels can be tested. Kırılmazsa 82 thousand to 83 thousand and 84 thousand 200 resistors to be achieved.
Ascension is dominant. This week, along with banks, automotive, energy and insurance sector will be the concentration. Foreign funds turn to Turkish bonds, gave a value of TL. Dollar fell to TL 1793. TRY parity had the support of Euro 2329. Dollar continues to remain under the support of S $ 1.795, there is the possibility of turning to TL 1788. Gold, non-agricultural employment in the United States to show the growth of the last nine-month low after the Fed would take further steps to support the economy in anticipation of the lowest level of the last 10ayın made the leap. Işlemgören ounce at $ 1566 to $ 1580 climbed ahead of employment data. Exceeds the increase in resistance under $ 1600 will gain momentum. Gram of 24-carat bullion Bazaar, which will make the opening 91 lirayla haftaboyunca has the potential to rise 93 pounds.

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