
euro millions

Newcastle 3rd best home attendance , 3rd Best Away Attendance and 2nd most season ticket holders . Where are you piss poor mackems can you here Me down there . Your a shit club with shit support LALAS / Martin NuFc



Left palm is itchy..wallahi im gonna win the euro millions now


doesnt get much better than last night, at Jimmy Gaynor s birthday bash
Benny White /Dick Fagan guest vocalists and a Band line up of Jimmy Gaynor, Ben Hannigan Brendan Finglas, Timmy Creedon, with guest players Pat Carey, Brian Curran, and yours truly, but the highlight was international singing sensation Patti "Labelle" Gaynor , a huge expense but I am sure you all agree worth the million euro fee, - but far as the band is concerned " theres life in the old dogs yet" LOL X


Lynsey Carter and Matt Carter and Scott Goodman we won £5 on last nights Euro...... Will bank it xxxxx


If you could get a voucher for ANYTHING, what would it be?


Likee und ich sage dir:

Was ich an dir mag:
() Augen*.*
() Haare♥
() Style :D
() Nichts :/
() Charakter*o*
() Alles *-*

Du und Ich:
() Ehemann & Ehefrau♥
() Idioten Freunde ♥
() Kenn dich nicht wirklich :-)
() Facebook Freunde :D
() Freunde ♥
() Nichts.
() Big Love :D ♥

() Keine Nummer :o
() sicher :D
() ehm nein D:
() okay (:

Wie viel bist du mir Wert?
() 1 Cent
() 5 Euro
() 10 Euro
() 100 Euro
() 1000 Euro
() ne Million Euro
() Unbezahlbar c:

Hot or Not:

Wie mag ich dich
() ♥♥♥♥♥
() ♥♥♥♥
() ♥♥♥
() ♥♥
() ♥

Ein Wort um dich zu beschreiben:
() Hässlich ://
() Hübsch :-*
() Einzigartig
() Normal undso! :D
() Traumhaft ♥
() Gay!

DU solltest wirklich...
() mit mir Schreiben!
() mir deine Nummer geben!
() mich heiraten! :D
() auch als Status einfügen, damit ich es auch liken kann :D


Remember watch live Davis Cup now at: www.lta.org.uk/daviscuplive


Alle Kanacken stinken nach OneMillion ♥


Celtic team to face Hibernian at 3pm:
Forster; Lustig, Ambrose, Wilson, Izaguirre; Commons, Ledley, Wanyama, Mulgrew; Hooper, Stokes
Subs: Zaluska, Gershon, Samaras, McCourt, Watt, Kayal, Rogic


Bought a euro millions ticket obviously won already :)


when i win the euro millions jackpot im buying this bad boy. http://t.co/D01ONPRRGf undefined


done the euro millions so my next status should mean we are 21 million richer #optimist Jade Humphries


Euro Millions Jackpot tonight €25 Million euro.Play it could be your day.


Bingo and Euro Millions Winner http://t.co/EOb5d3ITTV undefined


Likee und ich sage dir:

Was ich an dir mag:
() Augen*.*
() Haare♥
() Style :D
() Nichts :/
() Charakter*o*
() Alles *-*

Du und Ich:
() Ehemann & Ehefrau♥
() Idioten Freunde ♥
() Kenn dich nicht wirklich :-)
() Facebook Freunde :D
() Freunde ♥
() Nichts.
() Big Love :D ♥

() Keine Nummer :o
() sicher :D
() ehm nein D:
() okay (:

Wie viel bist du mir Wert?
() 1 Cent
() 5 Euro
() 10 Euro
() 100 Euro
() 1000 Euro
() ne Million Euro
() Unbezahlbar c:

Hot or Not:

Wie mag ich dich
() ♥♥♥♥♥
() ♥♥♥♥
() ♥♥♥
() ♥♥
() ♥

Ein Wort um dich zu beschreiben:
() Hässlich ://
() Hübsch :-*
() Einzigartig
() Normal undso! :D
() Traumhaft ♥
() Gay!

DU solltest wirklich...
() mit mir Schreiben!
() mir deine Nummer geben!
() mich heiraten! :D
() auch als Status einfügen, damit ich es auch liken kann :D


If me get a million dolla bt if a d sheara me jus caah bada.... Money me a pree!!!


EuroMillions Feb 10th 2012
euro millions


Million Club Limassol Presents:
This Saturday "6 of March"
20 euro for MEN & FREE for the LADIES (open bar)
For more Info & Reservation CALL 97659537 Antwnis Michail


new life plan.
Step 1 Win the euro millions!

Step 2 drink myself to an early grave.

Pretty much my current life plan but Better funded


Portugal is sickkkkk my dads friend lent us his 4million euro villa in the richest of rich town at a massive golfing and beach resort with amazing food and on the first day of being here we went to a golf driving range and Gareth southgate turned up with his son and was playing next to us on one of the top ten golf ranges in the world and we've got the sickest blow up boat called the pacesetter 100 B) #living the life :D


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Torres misses an open goal and is having a hard time! Everyone forgot his achievements! All his achievements better than most of the players! Still gets insulted and trolled! Even by people who never even watched/watch him play! Why?

Just because a 1.3 million like page trolls him?! #shit logic #fact

#fnine torres


Euro million let me be a winner please Iv been a good boy


MiArt creates a turnover of 10 million euro, SP Arte of 100 million.


Need to win the euro millions rapid


It’s Extra Value Friday! Share the best thing you’ve ever bought for $5 or less in the comments below.


cyprus airways said today that they have 350.000 bookings and they will lose them if they dont get goverment fundings ... i say BULLSHIT!!
350.000 bookings for this year and they have no money????
and how many millions in debt were they last year ?? 53 MILLION euros!
this year they want a bail out of 73million euros!!
Not forgetting the 50 million euros the previous goverment gave them.
all this money for 8 planes and 1000 staff!!
They gave 30 million to eurocypria so that they could give it to the BANK before they shut down. (the 30million was to save them, IMISH) the goverment and the banks are partners in crime.
even if you had the I.Q of a watermelon you WOULD know that CYPRUSAIRWAYS IS A BAD INVESTMENT AND SHOULD GO!
And the banks can go to hell cause im not gonna pay 1cent of my debt which has gone up x4 with the ridiculous interest rates they add on (and illegally) the 20 euro statements, and 5 euro fone calls they charge.


How to Win the UK National Lottery (UK Lotto) and the Euromillions with www.E-Lottery-UK.com
euro millions


Lanxess acquires Singapore-based biocides company PCTS

Torsten Derr, global head of material protection products business unit at Lanxess; and Shae Toh Hock, senior v.p./corporate planning and development
at Nipsea, sign the deal.
Lanxess says it has acquired PCTS Specialty Chemicals (Singapore) for an undisclosed amount. The transaction closes with immediate effect. PCTS specializes in biocides for water-based paints that meet stringent health, safety, and environmental standards, Lanxess says. The company was majority owned by Nipsea Technologies (Singapore). Through the acquisition, Lanxess is now one of the leading suppliers of biocides for paints and coatings in rapidly growing Asia/Pacific region, the company says. Biocides prevent the deterioration and discoloring of the paints caused by microorganisms. With the acquisition, Lanxess will gain access to a complementary portfolio of biocides and will benefit from PCTS’s product expertise and know-how in paints and coatings, Lanxess says.

PCTS employs about 20 people at production and laboratory facilities close to the Lanxess Singapore headquarters. PCTS recorded sales in the single-digit million-euro range in 2012, with 60% of it being generated in China, Lanxess says.

PCTS will be integrated into the Lanxess business unit material protection products (MPP), which belongs to the company’s performance chemicals segment. The PCTS facility will also become the new Asia/Pacific headquarters of MPP. The business unit is already one of the world’s leading suppliers of biocides, Lanxess says. It acquired the biocide company Verichem (Pittsburgh) and the material protection activities of Syngenta, in 2011.

“This transaction underlines Lanxess’s standing as a key supplier of high-tech solutions for the megatrend urbanization,” says Rainier van Roessel, member of the Lanxess board of management. “It also strengthens our company’s asset base in the booming Asian market.”
source: chemweek

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