
euro millions

I got a fortune cookie last night and it said i was gonna win the lottery so I just got a euro millions! Who wants a car or a house? :-)



Pele: "When Messi has scored
1,283 goals and won three
World Cups, then we will talk.”

HiT LiKe If You Agree !!!!!!!!!!


India's forex reserves down $720 million

MUMBAI: India's foreign exchange (forex) reserves decreased by $720.3 million to $292.64 billion for the week ended March 29, according to data released by the central bank.

The reserves had increased by $1.05 billion to $293.36 billion for the week ended March 22.

The foreign currency assets (FCA) - the biggest component of the forex reserves - fell by $689.4 million at $259.72 billion, according to the weekly statistical supplement released by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

The FCA had risen by $1.06 billion at $260.41 billion in the previous week.

The central bank said FCA in US dollar terms included the effect of appreciation or depreciation of non-US currencies held in reserve, such as the pound sterling, euro and yen.

Gold reserves value remained the same at $26.29 billion.

However, the special drawing rights (SDRs) decreased by $14.3 million to $4.32 billion during the week under review, while reserves with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) went down by $16.6 million to $2.30 billion.

The SDRs had decreased by $7.5 million to $4.34 billion during the previous week, while reserves with the IMF had went down by $4.1 million to $2.31 billion.


Qatar pledges $500 mn in aid to Darfur: Minister

Qatar pledged $500 million in aid to Sudan's Darfur Monday at a donors' meeting in Doha, even as rebels launched new attacks in the troubled region scarred by a decade of conflict.

"Qatar has pledged an amount of $500 million as grants and contributions for rebuilding Darfur," said the gas-rich emirate's minister of state for cabinet affairs, Ahmed bin Abdullah al-Mahmud.

In February 2010, Qatar had promised to establish a bank with a capital of one billion dollars to develop Darfur.

Germany pledged 16 million euros in aid at the conference as other delegates expressed their support for development in Darfur without announcing their contributions.

Britain had on Sunday offered at least 11 million pounds ($16.5 million, 13 million euros) for Darfur annually over the next three years to help communities to grow food and to boost skills for employment.

The latest pledges came on the second day of a meeting of representatives of donor countries and aid groups in Doha. The conference aims to endorse a strategy to rebuild Darfur, where the conflict has shocked the world with atrocities against civilians.

The meeting, which drew condemnation from rebel groups still fighting the regime, was agreed under a July 2011 peace deal which Khartoum signed in the Qatari capital with an alliance of rebel splinter groups.

It seeks support for the six-year, $7.2-billion (5.5-billion-euro) strategy to move Darfur away from food handouts and other emergency aid, and lay the foundation for lasting development through improved infrastructure.

The meeting comes 10 years after rebels rose up in the western Sudanese region to seek an end to what they said was the domination of power and wealth among the country's Arab elites.

In response, government-backed Arab Janjaweed militia committed atrocities against civilians, prompting an arrest warrant for President Omar al-Bashir over alleged war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

While the worst of the violence has long passed, rebel-government clashes continue along with inter-Arab battles, kidnappings, carjackings and other crimes.

The African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) Sunday reported a fresh spate of violence.

It said rebels of the Sudan Liberation Army's Minni Minnawi faction "attacked and seized" the towns of Muhagiriya and Labado, while "several possible air strikes" were also reported in the area.

The violence prompted thousands of civilians to seek protection around peacekeeping bases.

Rebels had on Saturday said they killed government troops and occupied the areas, about 100 kilometres (60 miles) east of the South Darfur state capital Nyala.

Some 1.4 million people have been displaced by Darfur's decade-long conflict.

Coinciding with the donors' meeting, displaced people have staged demonstrations in several camps in Darfur, demanding that security take priority, with some saying they would not return to their villages until peace is restored.

Major insurgent groups have rejected the Doha pact, which UN chief Ban Ki-moon said in January had seen only limited progress in its implementation.

A breakaway faction of the JEM on Saturday became the second group to join the peace deal. It signed a "final agreement" with the Sudanese government in Doha, Sudan's official media reported.

Sudan is perceived as one of the world's most corrupt countries. The development plan proposes an independent monitoring mechanism and says other safeguards will be built in, including from the UN and World Bank.

Posted By
David Wangusi Masinde.
Uganda Research Development and Innovation Forum
London United Kingdom

A member of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) of Darfur Region Sudan and
Qatar Minister of state for cabinet affairs, Ahmed bin Abdullah al-Mahmud.
euro millions


Final question. How much did it cost Real Madrid to buy Christiano Ronaldo from Man U?


This week's column, April 3rd...Enjoy!

Geniuses Vs. Idiots

Obama told Congress last week “to finish the job on immigration.” The public is barred from testifying while closed-door meetings have reappeared. No wonder 80% of Americans are unhappy with D.C., (30% are downright angry). D.C.’s approval ratings have now hit its lowest in history, scoring a pathetic 8% favorability. Our borders are not secure, our economy is in dire straits and we cannot afford an amnesty—in good conscience and economically—while this idiotic Gang of 8 “perform.” Chris Crane, president of the union for ICE agents, has even been excluded from this circus. Yes, this deal was cooked from the outset, it’s a complete fraud to Americans and we’re being sold out once again. Note Cruz was not “selected” for this Gang of 8. Speculation?

We need to learn from Cyprus’ bailout. While the Dutch Finance Minister stated, “The Cyprus bailout is a template for the ways in which the Euro zone will address future bank problems and bailouts,” the largest banks are confiscating up to 40% of all bank deposits above 100 Euros. This wasn’t a bailout but blatant robbery. Still supportive of our administration’s agenda “We need to take from the rich because we deserve it…and it’s not fair”? You think the citizens of Cyprus are rethinking about banking on line when they can’t get their money while ATMs have been limited to 100 Euros/day? Small businesses across Europe begged not to go to the Euro, but their pleas went unheard. Understand why we need to defund the European Union?

With skin in the game, the tables have turned. Now that 54 poor performing Chicago schools are closing, Emanuel is labeled the “murder mayor;” and the Teachers Union is organizing a massive demonstration, threatening acts of civil disobedience. Karen Lewis, union president, needs to look further east when making such accusations. Why did “share the wealth” rhetoric dissipate into thin air? And why is it that when the Left doesn’t get their way, they revert back to violence? Hasn’t Lewis been concerned before this for the 38 million who are unemployed? See how skin in the game works? It’s surely the truest test for ethical behavior.

You betcha: This nation was founded by geniuses but it’s now run by idiots.

Blessings to all this last week during Holy Week and Easter Sunday. God bless Israel.

For comments, contact Barbara J. Carlson at Barbara@FortBendBusinessJournal.com.


@larabob if so could I get the Euro Millions numbers for tomorrow please


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