
gettysburg battlefield

Yes I know it's late in the night but nonetheless... from the Kohl house to all family, extended family, friends, fellow re-enactors, etc.....best wishes that all of you had a safe and enjoyable Easter. For myself and Mom is has been a day of a sumptuous Easter feast, good fellowship, and so forth...and no I did not overdose on chocolate this year (though I can hear the rest of that apple pie calling my name). And remember...before chocolate rabbits came about (and always go for the SOLID rabbits; hollow ones are totally unacceptable), colored eggs were hidden and found, and some brilliant (or off his rocker) person dreamed up the marshmallow peeps.....a Savior died for us and rose from the grave for us. Enough said. All the best and until our paths cross again I remain,




Have you ever seen/heard a spirit?


so excited for our day trip to Gettysburg battlefield this weekend,,,going to be so much fun ,,,, going to have a picnic and then go ghost hunting once its dark :)))


A terrific Easter weekend! A beautiful day at Antietam on Saturday (including an appearance by the Bunny of the Battlefield) and a Gettysburg shopping spree yesterday, complete with fried pickles. So glad to share it with Audrey Scanlan-Teller!


Lt. Andre Kelley Benefit Ride
Monday May 27th Memorial Day

Lt. Kelley was injured while trying to rescue 2 people from a burning building, Lt. Kelley suffered burns over 40 percent of his body and is still in the hospital.
A benefit ride is being held to raise money for the Andre Kelley Fund to assist with expenses associated with his recovery. On Monday May 27th at 11:00am The Right Worshipful Grand Master of Pennsylvania will be rededicating the Friend to Friend Memorial at Gettysburg Pennsylvania. This benefit ride will be to the rededication ceremony.
The ride will be leaving 213 West Chestnut Street Lancaster, PA (The Lancaster Masonic Center) at 9:00am Monday May 27th to attend this event. There is also a Memorial Day Parade being held in Gettysburg that day at 2:00pm. We plan to depart Gettysburg at 3:30pm depending on the Parade’s end time. Upon arrival in Gettysburg we will attend the rededication ceremony and after that everyone is free to do as they please. There may be some small groups that decide to ride the Battlefield together but nothing has been organized. Starting at 3:00 we will begin to reform for the return ride home.
Lt. Kelley is a Member of Mt. Horeb Lodge number 14 in Lancaster. Friend to Friend or Brother helping Brother. Let us come out as a community and support this worthy and noble cause. The cost of this benefit ride will be $20 per bike and $5 for each additional rider. 100% of all money raised will be given to the Andre Kelley Fund, P.O. Box 1235, Lancaster, PA 17608.

Reservations for this event can be made at lodge43fundraising@gmail.com

As we are a neutral Fraternal organization we respectfully request that no 1% MC members who wish to show support for Lt. Kelley wear their colors to this event.


Of we go!!!! First stop Pittsburgh! ;)


Box 1 Gettysburg Borough 700 block of Baltimore Street at the Gettysburg Tour Center for Commercial Fire Units out of 1, Engine 19, Engine 22, Rescue 10 due(2)


Anybody out there have information on the history of the Peace Light Inn? I know it was built in the early 1940s, and torn down before I arrived in Gettysburg in late 1984.


Just getting ready to go to the Gettysburg battlefield and the museum.


Day 1 ... 22 minutes into our trip (which 19 of those minutes Haley & Ethan were fighting), Ethan asks "how long is this going to take?" Lmao. It seemed to take forever. Jeff wanted to stop at every Fort and Battlefield we went by. And Ethan must not like the mountains, since he puked all over the inside of my NEW car, which doesnt smell new anymore. Took the kids out to dinner, 5 star. Haley proceeds to tell anyone who would listen it was toooo 5 starry for her, lol. I am drinking a Yuengling in our room, toasting a better day tomorrow.


If anyone has a copy of the Gettysburg Times from yesterday (Monday, April 1) that they are willing to part with, I would love to have the article about our wall-building at the McClellan Cemetery. Send me a note and I will arrange to send postage or pick up from you this weekend, if convenient. Thanks!


I am the American Flag

I speak from the wisdom of a long life. I first felt the vigor of wind on my multi-colored face when I unfurled my thirteen stars over 230 years ago. I have known 44 presidents and have traveled across continents, oceans and deserts... and on the surface of the moon.

I was there when my nation was born. I was in the hand of my first President in the blood and snow of Valley Forge. I stand for peace, honor, truth and justice. I stand for freedom.

I have earned the right to speak. The right paid for my freedom of speech is a price few remember or can comprehend. Most forget, but I still see in my memory those bright, beautiful young men, who died for me at Pork Chop Hill, Normandy, Iwo Jima, Pearl Harbor, the Coral Sea, Okinawa, Corrigidor, the jungles of Vietnam and in Iraq and Afghanistan. . . . I have fought in every American battle of every war since 1776. . . . and when they died for me, I wrapped them in my love and draped my honor over their caskets.

Those who died for my right to speak in freedom are buried in the Flanders Field of France, the Punchbowl in Hawaii, in Arlington and Gettysburg and in many other places under the sun. I fly proudly over their graves at all of these places, praying than wars might end forever. I rise every morning to watch over the graves of our finest men whose years were short, but whose service was longer than we can ever measure.

Because of those brave American patriots I can fly atop the greatest buildings in the world. I can stand watch in America's halls of justice. I fly majestically over institutions of learning and stand guard as the greatest power in the world. Stand up and see me. I am the most recognized symbol in the universe.

Yes, I am the American flag. More than one million three hundred thousand lives have been sacrificed to give me the right to speak. I have been burned, torn and trampled on the streets of countries I have helped set free. I have been stained, spit upon and defiled by my detractors. Yet there is no place on the face of this earth that knows greater freedom than my country.

Freedom to each man, woman and child, to choose his life's work, to travel from state to state without passports, to attempt and succeed, to fail and not be cast in prison for failure.

Freedom to save and build a fortune you may give away at the end of your life to your family, friends or charity.

Freedom to speak, write, praise, question or criticize anyone, no matter how high his station or rank.

Freedom to worship or not to worship as the mind and heart dictate.

Freedom to borrow and build, to buy and sell, to make an honest profit in a free enterprise system.

Freedom to start your own business and become a capitalist, to create dignified job opportunities for people who want to know the pride of working for a living.

I am proud of the harvest of our land..... corn, wheat, cotton, apples, nuts cherries, oranges and peaches. I see the harvest of our 50 states, and I am proud, for we help feed the hungry of the world.

Be humble and be proud of our greatness. I am particularly humble and proud when I am torn into strips and used as bandages for my wounded comrades on the battlefield. . . or when I am flown at half-mast to honor my soldiers, or when I lie in the trembling arms of a grieving parent at the grave of their fallen son or soldier. We stagger at the eternal debt we owe to the untold number of American Veteran's who chose to set aside their personal ambitions and dreams to assure the well being of our nation.

Yes, be proud and be humble . . . . enough to know where your glory and greatness come from. I am called "Old Glory." My glory is the freedom that I give to every man, woman and child living in America.

I am the world's beacon of hope and liberty. . . . and all I can say is give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

Yes, I am the American Flag. I am your flag. I am the flag of freedom.

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