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Musharraf’s Guantanamo

At the conclusion of the APC called by General Musharraf a few days after 9/11 to rubber stamp his decision to plunge Pakistan into the war on terror, IK along with some leading columnists, who had participated in the conference, gathered at his residence for post event analysis. Most of the columnists expressed their complete support to Musharraf’s decision and how/why he had no option.

The leading lights of the PTI, knowing my strong opposition and my ability to persuade IK, tried everything in their power to convince me to give up my stance and support Musharraf’s post 9/11 policy. In one long phone call from Karachi, the caller, a founding member, did everything in his power to convince me including the argument ‘Babar the U.S. dollars would help our economy please understand we have no option,’ to which I responded ‘I know how US aid is dispersed and in any case, nations that lose their moral compass can never prosper on foreign crutches, it is exactly such moments in history that can either make or break a nation, even if the West completely isolates us for staying neutral, at least we would be united internally to face the challenge.’

Before the APC, I had convinced IK to take a firm stance against General Musharraf’s plunge and if the situation warranted, walk out of the conference in protest. Immediately after the APC, IK told me about a brief skirmish between him and General Musharraf during the conference and how General Musharraf tried to placate him during the Friday prayer break.

When General Musharraf turned into a bounty hunter, we were the first ones to publicly oppose it on humanitarian and legal/constitutional grounds. Most of Musharraf’s minions would argue that handing over foreigners without due process of law was not illegal and not a single Pakistani was handed over to the US authorities. After a little research, I found article 4 of the Constitution which clearly spells out that any one and every one on Pakistani soil has legal rights. The article states quote To enjoy the protection of law and to be treated in accordance with law is the inalienable right of every citizen, wherever he may be, and of every other person for the time being within Pakistan unquote. IK used the argument to good effect on the media.

The Guantanamo chapter represents what is inhuman in humans. No matter what their alleged crimes, humans were confined in cages for years and without due process of law by a society that claims to be champions of civil rights.

General Musharraf is back in Pakistan in search of his lost kingdom or final reckoning, depends on one’s beliefs. At the height of his power, who could have thought that a day would come when most of his bootlickers or jobbers, who have either retired or found refuge in different political parties including PTI, would not touch him with a pole? And that with every passing day, the noose around him would tighten. Already, he is on ECL and cannot leave the country. Soon he will be in court facing multiple charges. The militants unleashed on society as a consequence of his policies are also looking for their most prized prey. Slowly but surely, the world around him is shrinking and Pakistan is fast turning into a Guantanamo prison for him from which there appears no escape unless off course the guardian angels intervene.

God has his ways and time remains a great leveler.

The above piece is not an overall assessment of General Musharraf’s rule and is confined to the adage ‘what goes around comes around.’


“@lose_money: Michigan is on fire right now”

Justin, meet Laura @laurahornshaw . You both post the same bball shit all the time!!


@smcbride01 @surf_skirmish @tedk11 @wendy_mcg rough anywhere in surf world. Shops closing fast. Mags dying. Brands shedding.


I love teaching a subject I believe in. My favorite thing is when I see the lightbulb turn on and there is understanding.


@surf_skirmish starting my day off right!


@red_elvis Danny, Brooksy, Marty & Co?


Amazon loses to underdogs over endangered language skirmish http://t.co/xcenXw39fu


@HarPuar I see thou hast engaged in a border skirmish outside valley of the SEA/SAC. Accept my offering

Go, be cloaked in righteousness


@surf_skirmish Build a fucking bridge and get the fuck over it! That or flush the sand out of your vagina. Wah!!!!!!!!


Just re-reading this F Nelson piece on Gove.http://t.co/Ls0g8jZSCX Says "most 2ndary schools are now independent from government". Rubbish.


I hate politics.
I'm not from a political background, or even a rich background, and I was just a nipper when the Poll Tax Riots happened. I cant remember them, but what I do remember is the effect they had on my none political parents. Its the only time I have heard them speak about politics, and its because it hurt us as a family. You caused my parents grief over an unfair tax.
On the other hand, you stood firm against the Argentines and took no shit in the Falklands War.
I tip my hat in respect, but I wont mourn your passing.


Ptit skirmish de flag-foot à matin, ayeah ! #easyshit


@emsurfs :)


@surf_skirmish lucky bugger!


Watch out for the Pirate Festival coming to Brixham (Torbay -> www.torquay.de) on the weekend of the 3rd 4th and 5th May 2013. Pirate skirmish on the Golden Hind and loads more going on round the harbour. See you there!


A battle over a battle-site. http://t.co/H2JGYiuyDl #1066


Having a Skirmish tonight on AE2, who wants to join me and pwn Adam Farquhar the noob?


T-41 days. Here is some info for the spring game:

When- sat. May 18
Where- Skirmish USA
Registration 9am, walk ons welcome.

Morning game-
Black ops kill confirm

Main game-

Players will be divided into 3 teams at the game admins discretion.

The teams will be diveded by percentage of players:

50% humans
25% lycans

Humans will have to locate a case of "special" ammo hidden on the field. This ammo will be needed to kill the lycans or vampires.

Human can be captured and turned to a vampire or lycan.

Vampires or lycans that are killed will respawn as humans.

Game ends when the humans kill all " non humans" or get completly overrun.


@bitterasiandude Star Minor Skirmish #smallerfilms

Had a great weekend with the 44th and other regiments at Ickworth in the weekend. Lovely unlandscaped grounds to skirmish on! Freezing cold saturday night though, about -5! Listened to the Chuffinches album on the way home whilst driving through the wilds of Suffolk which went well, even though their a Norfolk band... Sorry boys! ;)


@surf_skirmish Wayne, and a bunch of other crew I know


TOMORROW some of the KCA Team and I will be heading down to Pizzey Park to help celebrate the launch of National Youth Week on the Gold Coast. This is going to be one huge event and the best thing is it’s completely FREE!

There is going to be live music, skate demos, outdoor movies, sumo suits, laser skirmish, bungee run, sticky wall, mechanical bull/surf board, rock climbing and the Kokoda Team will be hosting an obstacle course run all throughout the day with the quickest person to complete the run winning a prize pack!

Come down and check out what’s happening and say hey to the KCA Team over at the Kokoda Tent!

James Moreland
Community Engagement & Competitor Liaison


Amazon loses to underdogs over endangered language skirmish http://t.co/670rvAlflz #xl8


Hi guys if any games sites on here would like to send us some flyers to hand out in the shop please get in touch.


Skirmish detasemen cobra, buper babarsari game ke-2 http://t.co/dsJccKwVgu


Silvio, fervently august with respect to his italian postremogeniture, wants on deflower skirmish concerning p... 212594


Ed Rush must have given away a 5000 dollar prize to a ref to call a jump ball!!! Hey dumbass ref thanks for ruining a great game and having a quick whistle, at least let them play it out u moron


Great day.... :-)
Dentist, Yum cha, bowling, laser skirmish ......

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