

just got the first run of our printed flyers - they are quite unique, I must say!



Asking Alexandria - Run Free (NEW SONG!)


da lunaticz now run d asylum d doctorz are dead nurses are tired of dem


“It is an ironic habit of human beings to run faster when they have lost their way.”
― Rollo May


"Hey Mike, how should I run these samples with method A or Method B?"

"You do whatever the fuck you want."

"Thanks Mike."


It just occurred to me that there is more amplification in one ANYA enclosure than I used to run on a full PA and Monitors in the old days. Holy Crap!!


MW3 Funny Moments - Retard Run Kills, Angry Kids Rage, Funtage (A Break from Black Ops 2)


And when will i ever learn not to fall for anything!? Or when will i ever learn that nothings gonna change... Especially if i allow it to pursue..... Run from who for what? Thats not my thang... I dnt hve problems to run from. You got to look deeper into situations than walk away...


Computer gremlins! My studio computer completely crashed a half hour ago (the one that we run things like music and stuff off of...you know, just a little important). Apparently a bunch of workplaces are having IT issues today....you?


Saw @thelife187 staring at me while in Spanish. It took my all to not run out and hug him ;~;


Pride of the Southland Marching Band - End of Practice Pregame Run-Through 8/22/2011


It was good to see pop punk still alive and well at the Oasis on Friday, what a great time! Get read for the BEAT KITCHEN this Saturday, tickets are going fast, get them from us for only $10 before we run out!


Walked a little over a mile , then baseball game , then on a run with Sammi :)


Death Run is the Fun Run


Dear Freewater Friends,

We have been asked to run up to three fishing classes during a womens weekend outdoor retreat in June. This would be a class for 70-100 women. Because the organization does not have money set aside to pay instructors, we need to raise the money to be able to do this camp. We need to come up with around $400 to be able to do this camp. This money would to go to cover car and boat gas, along with class materials, and our time for the day.

This is a really cool opportunity. This camp sound awesome, and offers elective classes, such as...
- fishing
- outdoor survival
- how to back up a trailer (seriously...I think that's awesome! :)
and many others

I would LOVE to do this, but we need to raise the money to make it happen.
If you have a heart for womens ministry, or for seeing women learn outdoor skills, please consider using some of that tax return, or other discresionary money, and make a donation to Freewater Experience for this women's camp. All donations are usable as a tax deduction, and you'll receive a receipt for your donation.

Thanks for your consideration. They have a meeting tomorrow night (Tuesday, April 9th) and are asking for a final answer before their meeting!

On facebook, please message me if you're willing to contribute to this opportunity...


RUN AWAY Detroit Diesel! 453-T


RUN-DMC - Walk This Way


Teacher : someone took this little girls paper and if it doesn't show up in the next minute , when the bell rings I will stand at the door and check everyone . And if you run or knock me down I will sue you...


I don't care what anyone has to say about it, or how anyone feels about it. I have always been the type to always go out of my way for others and always put in a majority of the effort when it comes to being there for everyone. So when i step back from doing so, please don't take it personal. You get what you give, and I need to focus on bettering myself. I won't let negativity from others bring down my positive vibes. So if you need me, you can come to me every now and then. I'll still be here for everyone just as I always am, but without an effort from others, no need for me to always go out of my way, and no need to lessen my positivity. I hope y'all understand. If not...sorry for ya! Off to get my run in!


Beyoncé - Run The World (Girls) live


RUN (Full Movie)


Outlaw Run front seat on-ride HD POV Silver Dollar City


Had a good day at work! Got stand outside with the portable register and run drive thur!


Religion informs our culture and religion deals with human sexuality very dishonestly. Don`t let deities, pastors, prophets and even governments tell you what you can and can`t enjoy in your bedroom between consenting adults. “…….the Catholic Church has spent two millennia demonizing human sexuality to a degree unmatched by any other institution, declaring the most basic, healthy, mature and consensual behaviors taboo. Indeed, this organization still opposes the use of contraception: preferring, instead, that the poorest people on earth be blessed with the largest families and the shortest lives. As a consequence of this hallowed and incorrigible stupidity, the Church has condemned generations of decent people to shame and hypocrisy – or to Neolithic fecundity, poverty, and death by AIDS. Add to this inhumanity the artifice of cloistered celibacy, and you now have an institution – one of the wealthiest on earth - that preferentially attracts pederasts, pedophiles and sexual sadists into its ranks, promotes them to positions of authority, and grants them privileged access to children. Finally, consider that vast numbers of children will be born out of wedlock, and their unwed mothers vilified, wherever Church teaching holds sway – leading boys and girls by the thousands to be abandoned to Church-run orphanages only to be raped and terrorized by the clergy. Here, in this ghoulish machinery set to whirling through the ages by the opposing winds of shame and sadism, we mortals can finally glimpse how strangely perfect are the ways of the Lord.” Sam Harris as quoted in The Moral Landscape.


The Short Run versus The Long Run


Well im going on a run and then studying a lil and chow down on some food!Anyone know any good ways to gain some pounds really quick let me know


April is Donate Life month. We are off and running with sevral requests poring in for help at tabling events and our April calendar is packed. We receive the proclamation from the City of Agoura Hills this Wednesday and invited a well known fire fighter, Brian Hinsley, to speak. He is a national spokesman for the Nat'l Liver Foundation and has appeared in several national Donate Life videos. We are inviting EVERYONE to attend, 6 p.m. April 10 Agoura Hills City Hall. After that we have a big Blue-Green picture, tabling event for Donate Life day at the Thousand Oaks DMV as well as the annual Run/Walk at the end of the month. I'm wearing my ambassador pin everyday and we are flying the Donate Life flag outside our house each day as well.

Another note, still shopping for wedding dresses and loving it. amy is very firm on what she wants and we really like the location. The wedding is at The Vineyards and it is really a nice cozy place with lots of greenery. Plans are moving right along.


Fun run:Raneemsairafi


Jabbawockeez at Las Vegas Santa Run 2012


@SMACKnoNothinDC gotta run thru the grass a couple times lol


How to Run an SDS-PAGE gel


wcm pro stock 1/4 scale test run


Haile Gebrselassie at the Great North Run 2010


Its hard bein friends wit me cuz I keep it real without a care n da world...plus crazy lol I b sayin to myself lik the way u run yo mouth sumbdy go tag tht ass one day SIKE LOL WHO NOBODY SMH

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