

Just a skirmish. Give me a real battle!



@ResidentEvil_ID gimana bikin semacam skirmish gitu, ada yg jadi survivor ada yg jadi zombie. trus nembaknya pake Airsoft




CBA #5 was a seasoned combat veteran. This badass was wounded twice in raids along the Hudson, and in a skirmish near Tarrytown our CBA suffered a sword cut to the head. At East Chester the CBA took a bullet in the thigh that left a permanent scar and painful injury. Amazingly, this CBA cared for all of the wounds received.


Amazon loses to underdogs over endangered language skirmish http://t.co/ecLMJJEu5l


Football crazy: Everton-mad couple caught up in a soccer skirmish http://t.co/B38NQnG9b1 #Mitsubishi


When i here these threats from north Korea it makes me think of a mouse with a plastic cocktail sword threatening a lion.




@lose_money Chur bro. See what I can find in the place, may need to be a bucket!


"Take great care not to ascribe the same authority of Scripture to the writings of men, such a commentaries, sermons, etc. Now, take out your hymnals for a song of praise..." Today, I officially give up trying to get any church to love the Psalms over hymns. It's a losing battle. I've never even won a skirmish. You win. Enjoy the victory.


lovely day at Moholoholo Rehab Center today. Baby lions, rhino, giraffe, sable and general animals. Minimal injuries included lion bites, vulture bites and getting bowled over by a giraffe but all loved it.


TOMORROW some of the KCA Team and I will be heading down to Pizzey Park to help celebrate the launch of National Youth Week on the Gold Coast. This is going to be one huge event and the best thing is it’s completely FREE!

There is going to be live music, skate demos, outdoor movies, sumo suits, laser skirmish, bungee run, sticky wall, mechanical bull/surf board, rock climbing and the Kokoda Team will be hosting an obstacle course run all throughout the day with the quickest person to complete the run winning a prize pack!

Come down and check out what’s happening and say hey to the KCA Team over at the Kokoda Tent! The day kicks off at 3.00PM and will continue all the way through till 7.00pm which is when the night time outdoor movie will begin.

Swing me a text or drop me a message if you are keen to come check it out and come over and say hey! :D

James Moreland
Community Engagement & Competitor Liaison


@surf_skirmish @fluff49 http://t.co/hmPmjWZjyK


Played paintball skirmish tonight and now have 30,000 bruises.


I am terribly sorry to learn that Roger Ebert has died.


@surf_skirmish @laurahornshaw haha a little luck but also a shit ton of hard work got me here



Stoked with that article!

*as the tall, broad shouldered, average penis sized man said as he walked away from the iPad*


1806-Birthday of Confederate Governor of Missouri Claiborne Fox Jackson
1862-Skirmish at Table Bluff, CA


Per the institution with respect to the sea skirmish ii, meet upon the provisions upon the defence discourse 0... 834567


@ VIMBEZELA (name of d camp) D mission was 2 train & protect in C.A.R after a skirmish (unplanned fight) they decided 2 pullout with 13dead & 27injured, kudayiswe ngesthunzi sezwe kuma zai zai whats next!


RazorFish Update: L&G fee cut: Latest skirmish in the index fund price war? http://t.co/KIp8RmX3J2


Article on chairman of the U.S. House intelligence panel saying Korean Skirmish likely & other headlines


Wow - next stop is a military tank base. I think green is my color :)


Today at 2:00 Lexington folks practice for their reenactment of the skirmish on the town common, a chance to actually see the action instead of the back of someone’s head, and at a civilized hour of the day.


Skirmish Islands LOOKS GOOD . Who wants to battle w/ me ? http://t.co/gt1pQnpZVu

@OceanRhiannon @surf_skirmish see, you always learn something new on twitter! #science


@surf_skirmish put those bad boys on a fall pregnant. It works 80% of the time, all the time.


Bonus points to who can tell me who is the man on my picture!!!! Then tell me what he is famous for


About to go paint balling in pa for the first time


Rogers Says North Korea’s Kim Likely to Cause ‘Skirmish’ http://t.co/Jq5aV61iH7 via @BloombergNews


Skirmish wednesday gonna kick your ass in our new battlefield


@Badinskas Neither do I usually. Fuck persistence in this instance.


I notice in that skirmish just then that "A A A A" is a Universal football saying



That is on like mutha fucking Donkey Kong!!


Playing old school Halo Wars Skirmish on Legendary


@lose_money @fluff49 ...but that right is sick!!


Indigenous history

On a survey plan of the Burnett River transmitted to the Queensland Surveyor General on Tuesday 29 September 1868, the island was referenced as Coodes Island by the District Surveyor John Charlton Thompson (1827–1878).

At Gin Gin (formerly Tirroan) Station on Monday 4 June 1849, two young brothers John and Peter Pegg were out shepherding sheep when they were speared to death by local Taribelang clansmen.

Gregory Blaxland Jr, the seventh and youngest son of the pioneer, farmer and explorer Gregory Blaxland (17 June 1778 – 1 January 1853) “organized a punitive party to deal with the savages” which culminated in a bloody skirmish at the site of Gibson and Howes’ sugar plantation at ‘the Cedars’, south of Bundaberg.

“The blacks were shown no mercy, but (they) .. put up a mighty fight against the firearms of the whites, they of course having no better weapons than spears.”
Blaxland Jr was “regarded (by the Taribelang clansmen) as their chief enemy as all actions against the blacks was directed by him.”

When the opportunity for payback presented itself, Gregory Blaxland Jr was ambushed, abducted and violently clubbed to death at his pastoral station sometime in early August 1850.

A retaliatory party “was organized among all (the) settlers and their employees, and they set out on their mission of revenge.”

Guided by a ‘friendly gin’, the “fugitive blacks were tracked down the Burnett River, where they had fore-gathered at a place now called (Waterview Station) Paddy's Island, not far from the mouth of the river.”

After the ensuing chaos, it is estimated that over one thousand Taribelang clans people: men, women, and children, were slaughtered whilst trying to cross from the west bank of the Burnett River to Paddy Island.

Today, the custodianship of Paddy’s Island is a point of contention between a number of neighbouring tribes and traditional owners.


Sue Sills wants to know: "Do you have any suggestions for kids parties (boys). I am not interested in the McDonalds/Hungry Jacks style parties and was wondering if anyone had any ideas that are a little different to the norm. Thanks."


@Badinskas @surf_skirmish lol I can enjoy myself without airs... definitely


In memory of one of the finest and most honorable of men, a role model of what human ought to be.

REV. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.: We’re going to transform this neighborhood into a brotherhood. We have got to get rid of war. John Fitzgerald Kennedy said on one occasion that mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind.

And there is a war taking place today in a little Asian country. And the tragedy is that it is the most powerful, the richest nation in the world, that happens to be a predominantly white nation, at war with one of the smallest, poorest nations, that happens to be a colored nation.

And we all know the physical casualties, the nightmarish physical, physical casualties of that war. We see them. We see the rice fields of that little Asian country being trampled at will and burned at whim. We see crying mothers with little babies tightly clutched in their arms as they stand and watch their little huts burst forth into flames. We see fine young men from our own nation dying in mounting numbers, being wounded every day. We see Vietnamese boys and girls, men and women, dying every day. And we see little children being burned with napalm.

That isn’t all that’s happening as a result of that war. That war in Vietnam has isolated our great nation morally and politically. There isn’t a single ally, major ally of the United States, who would dare send a troop to Vietnam. Allies that have been with us in other wars in the past aren’t there. And today we stand without any friends in the world where this war is concerned, with the exception of a few puppet client nations like Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, and that’s about it. This war has damaged our image in the world.

It’s strengthened the military-industrial complex in our country, and it’s strengthened the forces of reaction. It’s diverted attention from civil rights. All of the emotions and all of the energies and all of the resources that should be going into civil rights to solve the problems of our cities are so often going into that war. And here we are fighting two wars: a war against poverty, which ends up not even being a good skirmish against poverty, and a war in Vietnam. And we are losing both of them, morally and politically.

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