

Time to think about my local history article for the Avery Journal Times. What would you like me to write about?



Any #warmongers recommend a set of ww2 skirmish rules? Looking at operation squad/rules of engagement/bolt action #possiblesaluteproject


So..."Kerfluffle" is the new IT word of the season... Every day I read something about another "kerfluffle". Heard it last week on FOX NEWS about war---today it's "If you need to return to memories of the 2012 election season kerfuffle over that $700 billion Medicare cut ..." REALLY? Can we dumb it down anymore...?


Skirmish next Sunday, April 14th... Please make sure to let us know if you plan on paying us a visit! Cheers RHA


Hey everybody, hope you're enjoying your Monday, I mean it is Monday but it is nice out so I guess it's a push. Well anyway, this is for everybody and anybody. Spring is finally here and I was hoping to set up a big paintball outing. I would like to try to get as many people as possible to go. So before I make anything definite, like a FB event, I was hoping to get some feedback like when would be the best date and where would be the best venue. I myself would like to go to a place called Skirmish. Unfortunately its two hours away from Long Branch (Middleground/starting point) in Pennsylvania but it is the biggest and best paintball fields in the country, you can check out the website I believe its SkirmishUSA.com. And depending on the amount of people and if you want we can get like a bus or something to get us out there. Just some food for thought. Or we can just stay kinda local and go to the place in Jackson or something else. If anybody else has any good ideas let me know. As for the when I was thinking maybe the end of this month, beginning of next month, just to give people time to think about it. It could be later it could be earlier. Hopefully sometime within the next 30 days.That's why I'm sending this out now so that whoever is reading this can tell other people and we can all figure out when is the best time to do it and where we would want to do it. So hit me up either below or message me or text me or email me or snail mail me or throw a rock at me, just hit me up and let me know. Tell your friends, tell your family, the more the merrier, this is for everybody and anybody, Within reason of course.


My Baby Boys 13th Birthday Party - Laser Skirmish at Mt Cotton awesome fun :-)


@hashdar3 dont know that but i guess its political stance made by govt to bcci after the last skirmish between two on loc


T hey skirmish versus deliverance themselves an forceful proper thing intertwisting arena plan that is multi kin:


With Mumbai Cricket Association making it clear that Shah Rukh Khan would not be allowed to attend his side’s IPL match at the Wankhede Stadium, Kolkata Knight Riders CEO Venky Mysore today said the Bollywood star would be present at the ground "in spirit if not in person".

“He will always be there in spirit if not in person,” was Venky’s reply when asked how far the team’s morale would be affected by Shah Rukh’s absence.

“So even if he is not there we know he is solidly behind us. Its always great to have him amongst us but there are other commitments also,” Venky said.

Shah Rukh was banned for five years from entering MCA premises, including the Wankhede Stadium, on May 18 last year after he was involved in a skirmish with security staff and officials of the cricket body following KKR’s victory over MI two nights earlier.

Shah Rukh, however, denied he had misbehaved, and maintained that he reacted only after children, including his kids, were “manhandled” by the security staff at the stadium.


Whose coming Laser Skirmish


@KirstyLau A number 2 all over?


@____Rey____ yang pertama TBS kedua SKIRMISH FULL lumayan dropannya kalo di Jp kan ada IND FD tuh nah rajin ikut tiap hari lumayan kan :)


@fluff49 @oceanrhiannon

I should expect so. You are after all part of team Flying Retards: Crayons & Helmets for All!


Skirmish itu binatang apa? @dhani_ir: Gara2 Kopassus nyerbu penjara, jd pingin main skirmish-an lg..


@tedk11 @surf_photo
~$7k all inclusive (meals, etc) for the boss & myself ex Syd (kids at home). Grog is extra but I think $5 for a Corona.


be skirmish heart is priceless...xD


Am I the only person even slightly concerned about the potential nuclear conflict in the near future? I realize how unlikely it is to escalate in any meaningful way, but come on.


Rogers Says North Korea’s Kim Likely to Cause ‘Skirmish’ http://t.co/giGwFEKqp2 via @BloombergNews


Only the dead truly know peace. #paintball #war #skirmish #kickass #petrus #asher @cptstevesummers… http://t.co/7rF7joxBrm


@surf_skirmish @fluff49 wanted to make sure sucking REAL grapes. Ha nuthin sexual. Cheetah print and bows on my nails! Thank You,kinda sexy?


Where and what is everyone playing this weekend?


L&G fee cut: Latest skirmish in the index fund price war? http://t.co/eRjGuYomtW


@laaaaamegame bowling and laser skirmish would be fun tho omg


@SavvyL00 Mostly peaceful with my three bar the odd skirmish when the youngest gets out of line!


@smcbride01 @tedk11 @Surf_Photo @surf_skirmish @Wendy_McG Hope all works out for you guys, and Bong staff, regardless of what happens.


ok first we got the skirmish in skirmish you can be any charecter and brute cheiftan he is this power house type of person he has a tsunami attake as a speacial. then you have the arbitor no in this one he is evil but you can play as him in skirmish in 1v1 2v2 or 3v3 and his speacial is rage he goes crazy and does double sword and just ablidorated anyone. more next saturday and sunday


hi everyone

Can anyone else wait for North Korea to try some shit on us then get blown away off the earth?


@Surf_Photo @surf_skirmish @tedk11 @wendy_mcg sure were. *Sigh*


The Stage is set, I just got the go ahead to play some paintball for my birthday. Saturday June 8th is the day, Skirmish is the place. Brandan Major Parker, Darrielle Adams. You two better be there!


Seriously... We are dealing with a potential war with North Korea, unemployment, and getting the economy back on track and all the news is talking about is how Obama said the CA attorney general is the best looking Atty General in the country. Really?? Oh.. and all you women on the news right now complaining about it. When your done with your interview I would like a sandwich! Thanks


@ZainiNazmi skirmish dua orang. the alamo.


did you know the last true nation to invade the united states was great britain in 1812, 201 years ago? so why are we so up and arms aobut war and military and how keeps us safe, safe from what i ask? theres a reason we had NATO and the UN....no ones goint to invade us.. dont count the japanese landing on the alaskian islands a invasion.. thats ony like 3-4000 miles away....thats not a invasion... a invasion has to take place on the home front or the main country itself... like landing on the beaches of oregon or florida..it's never going to happen, war = money for big business and for resoruces....the last war we needed to be in was vietnam.... roughly 50 years ago....every war after that was a complete waste of time.. if some tiny country half way around the world throws a stick at someone oh no! call in the da army!


Are you worried about the situation in N. Korea?


Nigeria: Police/Civil Defence Clash

8 April 2013

The shooting incident between policemen and members of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) at Ikorodu in Lagos on Wednesday last week leading to the death of two persons and causing injuries to five others showed that the unnecessary rivalry existing between security agencies rather than abate has continued to escalate.

Not unexpectedly, the police and the NSCDC have related different accounts of the incident. But according to one account, at about 3 am on that day, a patrol team of NSCDC operatives had arrested some people suspected to have vandalised oil pipelines. These were being taken to their Alausa office at Ikeja when they ran into a group of policemen. A skirmish between both teams ensued which resulted into the killings and injuries. Not done with this display of indiscipline, civil servants resuming for work the next morning were forced to run for their safety when sporadic shooting started again between the police and the NSCDC members in the Alausa area. The Ikorodu incident between the police and the NSCDC was hardly an exception. Clashes between security agencies have become so frequent that it should be expected that wherever more than one security agency have been detailed to a particular duty there is a likelihood of friction occurring between them. In an incident at the Emir's palace in Gombe recently, there was a shootout between soldiers and policemen leading to fatalities. Such clashes involving the army/navy, police/FRSC, VIO/police, air force /police, etc, are entirely uncalled for and condemnable. Intra-agency disciple and inter-agency esprit de corps appear to be on the decline, which does not bode well for the country.

On the surface, it would seem the fracas at Ikorodu can be explained away as an unintended accident in the heat of argument when the police arrived at the scene. But that would be a mistaken view. Indeed it seemed more premeditated than unintentional because the apprehension of pipeline vandals that was accomplished without any recourse to violence was brought to naught by the policemen who were too eager to shoot and in fact killed two of NSCDC members, but allowed the suspects to escape. Furthermore, if the policemen were in charge of protecting the pipelines, as they claimed, where were they when the vandals were bursting the pipes?

A thorough investigation needs be carried out to ascertain how two federal security agencies that should complement one another in the discharge of their assignment decided to resolve a minor issue through the force of arms and in the process allowed criminals in their custody to flee. The Ikorodu incident underscored the fact that some established security agencies are working at cross purposes, seeing themselves more as rivals rather than organs of state performing important and similar roles, and that cooperation would serve them better in achieving results. This notion of competition and of one agency angling to out-perform the other is so dominant that it makes them resort to ironing out differences through violence. In this, the police force is most guilty; its personnel are known to be trigger-happy, wielding their weapons not for protection of the innocent but covering the criminal. The increasing number of police personnel jailed by the courts for murder offences are proof that the Nigerian Police Force must urgently address the issue of forging good working relationship with the other security agencies, particularly the paramilitary, with which its members come into contact with regularly while performing their duties.

Similarly, the other agencies should continually train and inculcate in their rank and file the necessity for better working relationship with each other.

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