

Dear skirmish.
I miss you dearly! I think I may be going through slight withdrawal. Hopefully I can get up there soon to have another amazing day playing paintball. This weather is too good to pass up playing



Ross Kortgardner
4/27/13 JTAC Skirmish Series presents : Project Alpha

What side are you on??
Eventbright and Pre-reg open soon!! — in Aurora.


Now this is my take on it.
China has come along way economically and does not want to be cut off from the western world, but their are two factions in China, the politicians and the military.
China will strategically make a play for it's outlying boarders that it already considers should be part ot Chinese territories such asThailand and Korea.
The Chinese politicians will negotiate a peace treaty avoiding nuclear war by uniting Korea's North and South by claiming it under Chinese rule. They will then send in their own military to deal with North Korea.
The Chinese Military will view any act of war with North Korea ( even retaliation) as an act of war withChina because it views Korea asits own land.

It would seem a good deal in the grand scheme of things, to avoid a nuclear strike that could effectively destroy the world, however that is when you look at it from the perspective of land preservation.
The people of South Korea do not want Chinese rule and neither does Thailand so from a humane perspective who is willling to throw millions of lives into unwanted political rulership to save billions? Is that a sacrifice we can live with?
If not we may have millions or more political refugees seeking assylum and where will we put them all.
China do not want a nuclear war any more than we do.

On the other hand there is more than one madman in the world.
Iran has sided with North Korea and they also have nuclear and biological weapons. Israel has replied to Irans statement andof course Israel will take which ever side Iran does not. Here we have two countries with their own political and military agendas who have been at modern war for decades. For these two countries this would be a fantastic way to end their skirmish and go into all out war dragging in other countries that have relatively ignored them for a long time.

And what of India and Pakistan? I guess we will have to wait and see what they do.


Carnt wait till next Saturdays skirmish at RAF, honiley , and to see the lads , Phill and Emerson , and everyone at the grange , bring it on !!!!


I mean, i get limiting magic phase to 12 dice, but giving stalkers skirmish and letting TK constructs regain more wounds goes too far.


I have to write a skirmish and need inspiration. Anyone want to recommend some reading?


Stuck for something to do these school holidays...?
Head on down to AMF Watergardens for our school holiday unlimited bowling and laser skirmish deal from 9am-5pm.
Not only do we have bowling and laser we also have face painting, balloon animals, colouring competition and much more!
Also check out our Gold Coin menu in the café.


Happy Anniversary my darling wife Michelle Kirby love you loads x x x


One more before bed, night all and sleep tight. (Paige)
Phantom Drummer

A Pennsylvania Ghost Story

Now when Colonel Howell of the British Army chanced to meet the daughter of the wealthy farmer Jarrett, who owned land near Valley Forge, he fell head-over-heels in love. Howell had a bit of a reputation as a womanizer, but it faded away after he met Ruth. The girl had a brother serving under Washington and none of her family liked the red coats, but so overwhelming was Howell's love for her that it conquered the reluctant maiden's heart.

Ruth and her British soldier met in a secret place near the wall of her garden, which was hidden by a small grove of trees. On the night that Howell proposed, they were standing near the wall when the sharp, merry sound of a drummer rang through the garden. At first they ignored the noise, caught up in their plans for the future, but as the sound of the drum grew nearer, Howell started looking about nervously and even peering over the wall, trying to see the drummer.

Ruth was puzzled by Howell's reaction. No one could see them in this little grove, which was why they used it for their trysts.

"What is wrong?" she cried, hurrying to him.

"There is no one there," Howell told Ruth hoarsely.

Ruth stared at him, frightened by his words. The roll of the drum still rang through the fields beyond the wall.

"But surely…" she began. She was interrupted by a phantom rat-a-tat-tat. The sound drew closer. As they listened in horror, it came right through the garden gate just beyond the trees. The invisible drummer entered their little hollow and passed right through the wall next to them. Only when it ceased altogether did Howell snap out of the fear-induced trance he was in. He convulsively clasped Ruth to his chest. No less frightened, Ruth begged Howell to tell her what it could mean.

"For the last three generations," Howell said shakily, "a phantom drummer has appeared to warn my family of a change in fortunes, some for good, most for ill." Seeing the look on Ruth's face, he tried to shake off his terror. He spoke a few words of reassurance to his newly betrothed, which neither of them believed, kissed her goodbye, and galloped away.

In a skirmish the next day, Colonel Howell was shot. He was brought to Farmer Jarrett's house for nursing, though Ruth's father was reluctant to have a British soldier under his roof. To Ruth's relief, the wound was fairly minor and would soon heal. To add to her joy, her father grew fond of the young man and consented to their marriage if Howell would leave the British army. The Colonel made this promise willingly and a secret marriage was soon arranged.

Then tragedy struck. Orders arrived demanding that Howell rejoin his regiment on the eve of an impending battle. Howell knew that to honorably resign his commission would take months, and he would be forced to fight and kill the Americans in the battle the next day. So he decided to marry Ruth, desert the British army, and hide himself away until it was safe to rejoin the Jarrett household.

Divesting himself of the British uniform, he donned the clothes of a civilian and stood with Ruth before a minister in the parlor of the Jarrett house. As he slipped the wedding ring on his beloved's finger and bent to kiss her, the roll of a drum sounded from outside. Howell and Ruth turned fearfully and listened as the invisible drummer climbed the steps, walked through the room, and exited via the far wall.

Ruth clung to her new husband in terror, while the guests and clergy murmured in awe. Then they heard rough voices outside and someone pounded on the front door. Suddenly the house was full of British soldiers, come to capture Howell based on the testimony of one of the Jarrett servants, who hated the red coats and had betrayed them. Howell was arrested, tried, and shot for desertion. At the moment he died, Ruth, sobbing alone in her bedchamber at home, heard the faint, unmistakable roll of a phantom drum.


Tuesday April 16th 2013 Resistance 2 Tournament Playstation 3 60Player 16 Match Battle Competitive Ranked Game Skirmish TD & More.


The skirmish was kind of a warm-up for the campaign playthrough. So I was really out of (@YouTube http://t.co/Uf2ZV45pEM)


New SKIRMISH SANGIN discussion group here

http://t.co/FTf3jVXuPl http://t.co/e7JQZ6phys


In what way kyrie, morte, yet taupy are backward at the quantity, the top in the future skirmish the nation sa... 143867


House Intelligence Chmn Rep. Rogers Says North Korea’s Kim Likely to Cause ‘Skirmish’ - Bloomberg via @BloombergNow http://t.co/FCv9giRkOG


I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/g2un1tITTa Men of War: Assault Squad - Skirmish Pack USA Part 1


The 24th Georgia will be going to The Battle of Anderson this Saturday April 13th in Anderson, South Carolina. It is a small skirmish but it is close to home, so anybody wanting to come watch is more than welcome. Due to our size, we will be joining 2nd South Carolina infantry for this reenactment and also for the big 150th Battle of Chancellorsville May 3-5 2013 in Virginia. So mark your calendars!

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