
bioshock review

Just saw a Bioshock Infinite advert and recognised not one screenshot from the game.
Also are Playstation Magazine still oddly stingy with their review scores or have they gone the way of Famitsu?



Bioshock german review
bioshock review


Bioshock Infinite - Video Review / Test mit Melf (und Mpox)
bioshock review


Ok all I have been busy with homework. But I got the chance to just finish playing bioshock infinite. I am thinking game of the year, best campaign since halo. Look for the review soon. Maybe Casey and I can tag team. This review


Game Review: BioShock Infinite - The Oredigger Newspaper http://t.co/cTenE62F6r undefined


Bioshock Infinite - Songbird Statue/ Figure Review
bioshock review


Our latest Bioshock Infinite webcomic http://t.co/jgkUrdGiVb @IrrationalGames undefined


#PS3 Bioshock Infinite Review - The Arab Gamer http://t.co/vqcHGmYT8g undefined


I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/ls5vO2etMu Bioshock game review undefined


I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/jhcxBCV15R Bioshock Infinite Angry Review undefined


#Science Review: “Bioshock Infinite” is a must-play - Oregon Daily Emerald http://t.co/ImJOreLPHt #FF @Kaijzer undefined


Good Game Review - BioShock Infinite - TX: 19/03/13
bioshock review


Watching video game review vids on youtube and I find the fanboys who are trashing Bioshock Infinite quite hilarious.


Naomi & Eriq Play Bioshock! LIVE!
bioshock review


Thanks mum for buying me Bioshock Infinite and Tomb Raider gonna keep me busy in hospital Tuesday!


BIOSHOCK INFINITE: Story telling at its finest. A wonderfully created world that surpases Rapture in my opinion. The characters and voice acting are also fantastic. I haven't have this much fun 2008. Perfect score.


Bioshock Infinite- Video Game Review
bioshock review


I.... Have an urge to do a review of Bioshock Infinite.


The Ridge Review: Bioshock Infinite: How Good Can it Get? - http://t.co/SZ9ZfOJSZ9 http://t.co/CV730mGig1 undefined


Game Review: BioShock Infinite - The Oredigger Newspaper: The Oredigger NewspaperGame Review: BioShock Infinit... http://t.co/vND3QuXmpN undefined


BioShock Infinite Review
bioshock review


So I had lunch with our son Coleman today. He’s a sophomore in college studying linguistics. He’s taking classes this semester in historical linguistics, phonology, Chinese pop culture, African history interpreted through the lens of traditional medical practices, and something else that I forget.

Me: “So how are your classes going?”

Him: “Great. Now let me tell you about Bioshock Infinite?”

Me: “…”

Him: “It’s a videogame. Until Neal Stephenson sits down and writes a videogame, this is the closest thing we’ll have to that narrative experience. It’s like playing a Neal Stephenson novel.”

Me: “How so?”

Him: “It starts out, you’re a first person shooter in a floating city in a steampunk universe in the United States around 1912. And that’s all cool and everything, but then at the end of the first act, you find out the woman you’ve been traveling with can open portals to other dimensions.”

Me: “That’s kind of weird…”

Him: “Not even! Weird is what happens when you get to the mid-point of the game and it gets batshit crazy in exactly the way a Neal Stephenson novel always gets totally batshit crazy at around the mid-point.”

Me: “What’s the story?”

Him: [Insert 25 minute detailed description of a complicated narrative involving time travel, alternate technology, multiple universes, history, fanaticism, god-like knowledge, doppelgangers, and redemption.]

Me: “Wow. That’s complex.”

Him: “So that’s the point at which you arrive in the floating city and the story starts.”

Me: “…”

Him: “After that it gets TOTALLY nuts. By the third act, there’s stuff happening that there’s just… it’s like… there’s no way I could even ANTICIPATE the twists. Like a Stephenson novel. It’s just the plot structure and the way it mashes up genres and… [insert vigorous creative swearing as an expression of enthusiastic approval.]”

Me: “That sounds pretty satisfying.”

Him: “You have no idea. Because there’s been a leitmotif of four notes that’s been playing in the soundtrack throughout the game. And then you get to the epilogue, and there are all these revelations about your character and about the story, and you’re thinking ‘oh shit OH SHIT’ and then that leitmotif plays again. With each note, another realization falls into place, the last one slamming into your head like a brick as the last note plays and the screen fades to black.” [pause] “It was so emotionally satisfying.”

Me: “Awesome. And your classes?”

Him: “Oh, yeah. Got my final projects all lined up. Got feedback already on my mock Fulbright application. It’s all good.”

Me: “Good.”

Him: “Seriously, dad. I mean, this game doesn’t have the same sense of humor as most of Stephenson’s books, which would be awesome if it did. But this game. YOU HAVE NO IDEA.”


BioShock Infinite has one of the most mind-bending video game endings ever. Great game with just a few niggling flaws keeping it from absolute perfection.


Game Review: BioShock Infinite - The Oredigger Newspaper http://t.co/sXw151FrfT undefined


BioShock Infinite Amazing Set Pieces PC Max Settings
bioshock review


Bioshock Infinite Review
bioshock review


Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 6 Gameplay Review Lets Play Campaign HD XBOX 360 PS3 PC
bioshock review


Been working on several transcripts for videos that will be a distance off. The computer I just fixed decided it was time to die, the motherboard is failing. This means my BioShock review has been pushed back indefinitely (rim shot), trying to get everything together for the channel during midterms is not easy.


Bioshock Infinite review coming this week, also Dead or Alive 5 for Vita, and probably my Gamecom Commander headset. #allthewriting


@Totalbiscuit Ive watched your WTF is of Bioshock, and agree with most of what you said. Said most of it in my review as well.


Injustice Vlog - Semi Finals Comic Debate
bioshock review


Bioshock Infinite PC Review - Little Sisters all grown up
bioshock review


BioShock Infinite Review – A Hallmark in Storytelling http://t.co/zXwDPbpnwn via @TechnoBuffalo undefined


Borderlands 2 NEW DLC! BioShock Infinite REVIEW, Spelunky & Limbo on PS VITA, & More!
bioshock review


I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/0YCjkuAtWJ Bioshock game review undefined


Players Review Bioshock Infinite
bioshock review


Bioshock Infinite Review by none other then Roger Kint http://t.co/T1aVQaq1YL #Bioshock #BioshockInfinite #2kgames #Irrationalgames undefined


Bioshock Infinite Limited Edition Signed Trio Lithograph Set Unboxing Review Robb Waters
bioshock review


BioShock Infinite Launch Trailer
bioshock review


Bioshock: Infinite = do not buy!


Just bought Bioshock infinite..\\m/


Bioshock Infinite Skyhook Replica Unboxing and Close Up
bioshock review


Bioshock Infinite Angry Review http://t.co/AgVDnJN5ck undefined


http://t.co/T19gspercF Started out as a review of BioShock Infinite and took a turn for the meta undefined


I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/0pEEwP3KBu BioShock Infinite REVIEW! Adam Sessler Reviews undefined


BioShock Infinite: SO. DAMNED. GORGEOUS. Now THIS IS ART. Not the HORSESHIT that hangs in all the MOMAs across the land. The best part of the Getty and LACMA and the Guggenheim is the architecture. Everything therein is pretentious, mindless, loveless, bullshit. Rothko: two colors on a canvas separated by a horizon (facepalm); BioShock Infinite: see below..
bioshock review

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