
chess knight

OpDoc: Is Chess a Sport?
chess knight



My life is like CHESS
Its as complicated as a chess game. Every move I make people scrutinize it like its a chess move. There are people who treat me like I'm a pawn, they want to use me to do their dirty work and for their own profit, heh, manje they should know kuti a pawn can graduate into any piece, even into a queen. Then there are pple vanoda kundinyangira ndisingafungire ne L-move kungati knight, hah manje murikunyangira yaona. Then there are girls who act as if they are my Queen , heh ma1. Am a great chess player and watch out, I'm always thinking 5 moves aheas of you mharadzi....


Posted by Knight Jarlynn on 24 Mar 2013 at 3:46PM

Chess...I like Chess best.
All my games are Cjess.
it has a never ending soultion needed.

the Ultimate puzzle.


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Posted by Pegasiswolf on 24 Mar 2013 at 3:47PM

Your spelling skills are amazing.... feel up to a game of Hangman? :)

-- Reply Votes: 0

Posted by Knight Jarlynn on 24 Mar 2013 at 3:48PM

Chess...I like Chess best.
All my games are Chess.
it has a never ending soultion needed.

the Ultimate puzzle.



-- Reply Votes: 0

Posted by Pegasiswolf on 24 Mar 2013 at 3:49PM

WOW.. took me a minute to notice your correction... MY fault.. i should have specified... I meant your spelling of 'solution'... I didnt even notice the typo on 'chess'... lol... so.. how about that game?

-- Reply Votes: 0


WISH I could play chess.


Chess World.net: Knight outpost d5 - Isaac Boleslavsky vs Georgy Lisitsin - Sicilian Dragon (B76)
chess knight


Amber Knight piece captured by ROBOT_Ren in Chess


Someone literally come to my house and play chess with me now..


P.L. Chess Endgame Course #18 Knight and R pawn - win or draw?
chess knight


Who the fuck is Moss?!


Tin Knight piece captured by chienthan1122 in Chess


UNBELIEVABLE! New Chess variant found!
chess knight


Bronze Knight piece captured by AniStar worth 75 credits in Chess


Knight and Pawn Endgames - Beginner Chess Endgame Video
chess knight


I had just one brave commander left; the king. The most majestic of pieces yet not the most ppwerful. This was most irrelevant however, as I had pure skill to manipulate a triumph. I knew there was little hope of being victorious. But I was gonna go down fighting. On the opposing side; a pawn, a king, a queen, one bishop and a single knight. My king moved stealthily and smoothly through the battle field. Very narrowly avoidibg attacks fron all sides. When suddenly, a break! I glided in and took out the opponents knight and bishop in two sweet moves.He hadnt known what hit him. But then, as if in retaliation, he got his pawn to my end and in exchange got a bishop. This was a blessing in disguise however, he thought he had me cornered but no! I struck out like a cobra and took both his bishops! My brave soldier tried everything he could but he could not take the queen. I resect her for that and she must have respected me as not long after, the war ceased and both sides returned home....So yeah, I tanked out against Max at chess.


15 Min Chess #37 with Live Comments - Scotch Four Knights
chess knight


Delivery has turned up, very nice, Guardians of the Galaxy 1, Uncanny Avengers, Uncanny X Force, Superior Spiderman, Age of Ultron, Ultimate Wolverine, DC Batman Inc, Teen Titans Requeim, Dark Knight, Arrow, Superman, Injustice Gods Among US 3, My Little Pony, Star Wars ohhhhhhhhhhh Deadpool Killustrated......DC Hoodies, Killer Croc Chess piece, Expendable figures, Elvis Pressley Mr Potato Head and loads more...................Previews................


Chess lesson: practical endgames (12)
chess knight


Wood Knight piece captured by nerb2gad in Chess


Absolute Blue’s Fracketology

Now that our brackets have not only been busted, but blowed up. Now that the only bracket on earth that correctly picked a 15, a 14 and a 13 seed is our daughter. Seriously (course she has Harvard in the final four). Now that we have damned Dick Vitale straight to hell, baby. Now that all our research including RPI, ELO and CHESS factors that once assured us the perfect bracket and the $1M prize, awarded in $10 weekly increments for 100,000 weeks, lasted until the second game. Now that all hope has been abandoned (FGCU? OMG, WTF?). Now that our current method, choosing the team with the hottest cheerleaders, isn’t panning out, we would like to offer some of the strategies that have previously failed us:

Picking a team with a coach’s name we can’t spell, although Krzyzewski served us well.
Teams with no discernable mascot. What the hell is a Zip anyway?
Teams with secondary colors, such as Fuchsia or Lavender. Stick with the primaries here.
Teams fielding known felons, however reveres this logic for football.

God, I miss Bobby Knight…

This weekend we tend to a private function Friday but return with a vengeance on Saturday from 6 to 10 at The Old Fish House at Treasure Coast Marina in Grant…

Then Sunday at the Sandbar in Cocoa Beach from 4 to 8…


Tin Knight piece captured by PrincessBlue in Chess


Chess World.net: Chesscube Weekly Warzone Final - 25th November 2012
chess knight


FRIENDS HELP S.O.S. MAYDAY!!!... I need suggestions i have created a new way to play Chess. It is a 12x12 board with each side gaining another row of pawns and I am undecided on which piece to double up. Bishop, Knight, or Rook. In my opinion (IMO) knights may be OP(overpower) but with the extra row of pawns I do favor Knights....who doesnt love horsies hahaha.......I am going with knights ....some badass old history dude had advantage in battle with his great cavalry so BAM so ...add pawns and two extra knights....feel free to switch around that spot...fill me in on your results....
Grassy ass. Al your pal.


Tin Knight pieces purchased by ROBOT_Blade in Chess


Bobby Knight - Mike Rice cage match. Bobby wins by a chair.


Finally got an interview for a placement year =]. Head to Head with Jonny Knight should be interesting lol


Checkmate with Two Bishops
chess knight


is anything going on tonight? im bored outta my MIND


U kno wat the funny thing bout it im not even mad cuz I knew all dis would happen its chess remember and I had no problem wit sacificin my knight to kill ur queen# game over


Considering using a chess piece to represent our strategic consulting offer. You know, just to be unique. What do you think?


Just won 3 times on the spin at chess online with real players. Back to my best. But still need to improve tho


Dammit ladies!!..... "Every man needs a woman regurdless if his life is Fu*ked Up Or Not!!!!. ....It Should Be Like A Game Of Chess, THE QUEEN PROTECTS THE KING!!!!!......lol.... ;+(0)


Heather Locklear Star Trek Janggi Cosmos Space Chess Solve The Return of Swamp Thing
chess knight


Black Chess Opening (Adelaide Counter Gambit)
chess knight


Chess: Queen Sacrifice to Checkmate - Attractive finish
chess knight


An interesting checkmate sequence: Online chess games
chess knight


Attacking Chess Game - Typical sacrifices and breakthroughs in the Sicilian Defense
chess knight


Like a developed chess-game being played by a blind master and a clueless maiden, I knew that my family had positioned themselves in a stalemate that resolved nothing. As a spectator I could never quite grasp what was happening but as I mold into a young gentlemen I could feel that this game had yet to be finished.

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