
games for kids

Develop mobile games for kids? Some pretty useful guidelines, tips and resources. http://t.co/ralprK2ISD #ux



My allergies are kicking my butt today, ugh! Waiting for that phone call saying I got the job, no news yet :/ Today is just a blah day all in general. I just want to go to bed


Omg hes sent another image of his dick omg wanna smack him hahahahhahaha


Since I got things going all over the place, lets have a little game here. There are some of you out there know me personally, some just on here. If you had to pick a song to describe me, what would it be? Post it down below! Extra points if you post a video link and an explanation. ;)


Im sittin here watchin this footge from Prep school I have a big story on My boy from New Jersey Jerell Burke he tore his ACL in practice I feel it because I wasnt there when it happen would have he tore it if i was ther i beg to differ But me and Jerell had a good relationship out of all the kids in the school. for Myboy play like Trey from Michigan my Boy rell was on his way to D1 FACTS i have to make a way to go see him im lettin him build his self it so when he see his highlight tape it will make him happy
I love the game We all got a story to tell


Due to our current windy weather conditions all games scheduled for today have been cancelled.




Am I the only one who is at work today and not at the home opener?


Question: If one of ur friends dated someone and it did NOT work out is that person off limits or is there a timeframe that u can wait and it would be ok? Ill give my answer once I have ur responses.


Got up at 5am to watch the Manchester derby and both kids are up too, what is going on!


Prepping for a kids acting workshop - know any good drama games? (6-13yr olds)


Its Temwanani holycash VS Justin Tharp,,,,CHECK IN NICCCAHZ FAST,,,,Rules stay the same


Photo: flatbear: sylphorix: Still under the impression that video games are strictly for kids? Hilda Knott... http://t.co/azWBAvxSg3


Im so proud of Audrey we are cleaning out her room and closet to get ready to paint her room and she asked me instead of throwing my old clothes and toys can we donate them to kids who dont have nice clothes or toys....brought tears to my eyes


Photo: sylphorix: Still under the impression that video games are strictly for kids? Hilda Knott would like... http://t.co/1kGkjqr69k


Trying to get a kickball game going tomorrow....kids, adults...whatever! Anybody interested?? #Familyfun


Photo: sylphorix: Still under the impression that video games are strictly for kids? Hilda Knott would like... http://t.co/tNhQy460C5


Apartment Games- The Kids In The Hall
games for kids


roits before the Lazio vs roma soccer game in Italy its afull and you got kids in the stands to its terrblie you wont see that here in the usa ppl are crazy its just a game wow !


Big game tonight! Be honest - how did your bracket fare?


My kids are being introduced to a new Xbox video game formally for the first time....Lord have mercy! A gift from my brother, their uncle Pito. I am so excited....NOT. Thinking about rules already!! Rules for Dad too. cuz the fabulous brother in law bought him q game just for him. Spoiled brats!


Even know im running on a few hours of sleep i don't want to watch this game alone. So what's everyone doing. The one bad thing about living in Dearborn hts is all my boys live far n we never get together for games anymore


Kings Hammer U15B Red,

This is just a reminder that, beginning this week, Monday practice will
be held at Kellogg Park, 6701 Kellogg Park, Cincinnati, OH 45230.

Directions: Take I275 east/south to Anderson Township area. Take exit
71. Signs to exit say: Rte 52 New Richmond, Kellogg Rd, Riverbend and
River Downs. Get off on this exit (now Rte 52) and then turn right in
about 7/10 of a mile on the first road (to your right). Signs for this
exit say: Riverbend, Riverbend, Kellog Rd West. Turn right on Kellogg
Rd. Go about 4/10th of a mile. The fields are located on your left.

NOTE: It is very important that people know that they cannot drop off
their kids on the drive way into Four Seasons (Kellogg). They must go
all the way to the end and turn right into the parking area to drop off.
Town Properties has made this very clear and we could lose the use of
the land if we don't obey this rule.

Kevin has requested that we arrive at 7:00 tonight for warm-up. We will
finish at dark (~8:30).
The U17 Boys have a game. Our practice is changed from 5:00-6:00pm,
still at NKU.
No changes. Practice is from 6:00-8:00 at NKU.



so once again.. fuck you bitch -- your not a man but a bitch.. Your covers are pulled and you want to rap and be in the game but if san quinn and all the bitches knew the real you -- and how you are with your own family -- they wouldn't have shit to do with you motherfucker! no one likes a woman beater an cheater. and someone who will feed himself before his own kids...


Ima Be Workin This Summer , No Time For Kids & Games ..


//Halloween Halo

1. Had sex? Yes
2. Bought condoms? ....No
3. Gotten pregnant? Omg, is that possible for me?
4. Failed a class? cant remember
5. Kissed a boy? Yes
6. Kissed a girl? Only my mom... maybe my sister when we were kids
7. Had a job? Yep
8. Left the house without my wallet? Erm, not sure
9. Bullied someone on the Internet? No, its more the other way round
10. Sexted? Aw yeah
11. Had sex in public? -blushes- might of
12. Smoked weed? Tiny bit
13. Smoked cigarettes? Yes!
14. Smoked a cigar? Once
15. Drank alcohol? Oh yes!
16. Been to a wedding? Mhmm :3 soon my own
17. Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Probably
18. Watched Tv for 5 hours straight? Most likely
19. Been late for school? Probably cause of Lloyd, i cant remember
20. Kissed in the rain? Yeaaahhh :3
21. Showered with someone else? Ive, what? Ive showered with Lloyd
22. Been outside my home country? Technically yeah, cause i werent born in England
23. Been on a road trip longer than 5 hours? Erm, think so
24. Had lice? ew no
25. Had my heart broken? Yes
26. Had a credit card? Yup
27. Been to a professional sports game? No
28. Broken a bone? Many times
29. Been unhappy about my weight? Yeah?
30. Won a trophy? No ;-;
31. Cut myself? Alot
32. Been on a diet? Yes
33. Rode in a taxi? Yuhuh, and had sex in one.... i mean what?!
34. Stayed up 24 hours or more? I have
35. Been to a concert? Plenty
36. Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Im gay, figure it out
37. Had braces? ....... No comment ._.
38. Wore make up? ...... Yeah
39. Lost my virginity before I was 16? No i just turned 17
40. Kissed someone a different race to myself? No...?
41. Snuck out of the house? Hell yeah
42. Had oral sex? Haha! Course ;)
43. Dyed my hair? Alot yes
44. Met someone famous? No
45. Been on vacation? Yes
46. Been on a boat? -pretends to vomit-
47. Been on an airplane? Yup
48. Prank called someone? Sort of
49. Taken a pregnancy test? Oh yeah totally xD
50. Been suspended from school? and yes!


Glory glory man united


Congratulations to former Cherry Creek athletic director Randy McCall for officiating the Michigan-Syracuse national semifinal basketball game on Saturday. Super Job! He did not get picked to work tonight's final, still, calling anything in the Final Four is fantastic...and I watched the game and had no problems (which, is a lot better than what I can say about the refs in the final 10 seconds of the Metro State game on Sunday...what, no autopsy, no foul?)


My favourite movie? The Hunger Games. I just love to watch kids killing each other for weird rich guys. (o-O)


Been a good day!!!!!!!!


I love all Women's. I love all kids. I hate to see theses kids suffer throught life with their mother. Theses are the same bitch ass nigger 's that goes to prison and brag on this shit. this a game to them.


*District Thirteen Roleplay*

It has been narrowed down to a choice between two Districts for the Rebels to take hold of - District Two or District Five?



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