
gettysburg address

"The pipeline will certainly provide for the welfare of Big Oil... But the Constitution states that the general welfare, not individual welfare, is to be considered in making policy." From a letter to the editor posted in the Lincoln Journal Star 3-29-13



Home of the "Gettysburg Address".
gettysburg address


“If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.”
~Albert Einstein

To reach more people and to make your voice heard louder in a world full of noise and clutter you must simplify. Jesus taught complex concepts about life using simple parables and things we can relate to. His parables included everyday things like seeds, birds, sheep, trees, bread, money, fish etc.His Language was simple. Many in his audience were children. The scripture speaks about one time a child was in his audience listening to his teachings and was carrying a lunch box of 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes. Children often rushed to him where ever he went. If you can communicate it to children then you are an excellent communicator.

"Educators take a simple thing and make it complex , communicators take a complex thing and make it simple"
~John C. Maxwell

Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg address was just three minutes and 265 words long. But it has lived for 150 years as a historic and memorable speech of all times.

Always speak things that relate to human spirit and things that provoke intellectual curiosity and offer something practical for their everyday life. If you don't minister to the human spirit, mind and physical realm then chances are you are not relating fully.


Common core dumbs down classics replaced by song lyrics, not to teach the gettysburg address in any meaningful way, its the students voices and not the teachers.


Comfort with Your Words
“But my mouth would encourage you; comfort from my lips would bring you relief” (Job 16:5). The spoken word is powerful, and spoken words of encouragement can bring great comfort. The idea is not to speak many words, but the right words. Consider this:

· The Lord’s Prayer contains 71 words.

· The Gettysburg Address contains 272 words.

· The Ten Commandments contains 139 words.

· The Declaration of Independence contains 1323 words.

· A U.S. government order setting the price of cabbage contains 26,911 words.

When it comes to words with impact, being long-winded is not a value. But speaking the right words can be life changing.

-borrowed from Mary Southerland's Girlfriends in God post


@m_abigaail i just have to memorize the Gettysburg Address.


The Texas Board of Education removed Thomas Jefferson from the Texas curriculum, “replacing him with religious right icon John Calvin" ------- nothing like cutting out a Founding Father eh Texas ----


who said this?
in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish.


A modern Gettysburg Address http://t.co/T67p7OxdLh via @stephenwoodfin


Abe Lincoln wasn’t the main act at the Gettysburg consecration. When organizers planned the ceremonial dedication of a cemetery for the Union dead on the Gettysburg battlefield, they didn’t choose the sitting president as the keynote speaker. That honor went to Edward Everett, a former Massachusetts senator, governor, Harvard president and U.S. secretary of state who was considered one of greatest orators of his day and he spoke for an hour. When Everett asked for more time to prepare his address, the event’s date was pushed from late October to November 19. The inclusion of Lincoln, who was then busy steering the North through the Civil War, was something of an afterthought: he wasn’t formally invited until a little more than two weeks before the ceremony, and he was asked only to deliver a few remarks at its conclusion. Lincoln, spoke just 272 words and his speech was less than 3 minutes long...photographers covering the event did not have a chance to properly set up: he was done before they could get a clean shot.


#DescribeYourCrush he freed the slaves and gave the Gettysburg address


25 mile Rail Trail ride- who needs hills when you can fight gusting winds. What a slog. A bit soft too making it twice as hard. About 8 miles out turned a corner and was greeted in open fields by about 100 red breasted robins that were not here last Friday. Awesome! Green shoots coming up from yellow fields. Made the half-way point, stretched at Hanover Station where Abe Lincoln probably put finishing touches on his address before arriving in Gettysburg. On the way home ran into my buddy Daniel Good who was heading toward the Station. We stopped and bitched about the wind then went on. Reentering the city to the smell of freshly fried potato chips being blown from the factory. mmmm. Now hobbling on frozen feet as I have the blood pressure of the undead according to my doctor.
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01. Childhood Tragedy [00:54]
02. Vampires [03:05]
03. What Do You Hate? [01:15]
04. Power Comes From Truth [02:28]
05. You Are Full of Suprises [01:15]
06. Mary Todd [01:55]
07. The Horse Stampede [03:14]
08. Henry Sturgess [00:55]
09. Adam [01:27]
10. Rescue Mission [01:14]
11. Inauguration [01:52]
12. All Slave to Something [02:48]
13. Emancipation [00:44]
14. Haunted By the Past [03:00]
15. Battle At Gettysburg [00:48]
16. Forging Silver [01:39]
17. 80 Miles [01:51]
18. The Burning Bridges [03:40]
19. Not the Only Railroad [01:37]
20. The Gettysburg Address [02:22]
21. Late to the Theatre [01:59]
22. The Rampant Hunter [05:30]


Ok...I have a question...what do you think happens when or after you die? I think I actually had a vision of it some years back. It was not painful...it felt like a huge bodily goosebumps all over...very out of body. I did not sense anything after the fact...just within that moment. What are your thoughts?


How did we end up in Gettysburg?


The Gettysburg address is my favorite address


ok... if you havent heard from me, its time for you inbox me your phone numbers if you want me to have it...THAT MEANS EVERYONE!! I lost ALL my contacts :(


Apparently the Gettysburg Address was written on my birthday... how fitting.


the Lincoln Play tonight - wish us luck. you know the correct phrase.


"Lincoln Avenue, as in Abe Lincoln, as in the Gettysburg Address." The bus driver on the 6E is funny #metrotransit


If anyone is heading back to Gettysburg, I have a package that I need to send along. Thanks.


Good morning.... Sassy has made it through the night. Wanted to let everyone know the surgeon and Sassys vet That took care of her from the start are both coming in today to take care of her on their day off. She is special to everyone as its rare and hurtful to see a dog like this. Will keep you posted when I get my update. Thank you for the donations! Thank you for those who sent us supplies. Got some yesterday from our wish list it helps the many other dogs we have in the rescue! Thank you !


“@RFupdates: "The Gettysburg Address of Atheism"
Watch Here:... http://t.co/c57NOseoTe” Spot on Bill.


Vient de regarder Homeland • S02E06 « A Gettysburg Address » https://t.co/heUf4DgpQB


Ticketmaster asked me to fill in the blanks of the Gettysburg Address. I live in Canada and all I wanted was concert tix. A bit much, non?

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