

El vencedor de Robert E. Lee en Gettysburg nació en Cadiz, España, hijo del consul de los EEUU en Cádiz.



Well, I continue my journey, left Camp Atterbury Indiana towards DC (now in Colombus Ohio). Have made some great new friends that make the whole experience here just amazing and insightful.
Had a lot of fun met some very committed teams who are a credit to search and rescue.


We have done a lot here in Fredericksburg, however the reception here is not the best. Hard to post from here we move to Gettysburg tomorrow may have better luck there and get some good posts on.


Heading to Gettysburg today for a great Head Start training tomorrow!
Also - for those in the Pittsburgh area - we will be offering our child care professional development class on Saturday, April 27th in Homewood. Check out the calendar at www.pakeys.org for all the details...


Reading one of my favorite speeches The Gettysburg Address, "...that this nation, under God , shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." When is our government going to be for "we the people "?


Road trip to Gettysburg for a Lil sight seeing, hiking, and Spring Fun!!!


Such a peaceful day in Gettysburg


Унесенные ветром, но оставшиеся в памяти http://t.co/wmP5B6btZN #news


I cannot WAIT for the Gettysburg Bluegrass Festival!!! W/ Elizabeth Reichard


@NiallOfficial so I was in Gettysburg in the Irish Brigade shop and found this...

An afternoon in Gettysburg, PA...


Leaving DC today and going to Gettysburg!


Chicken Pot pie at Bob Evans, very good, wish we had one at home


Now on Interpreting the Civil War: On the Battleground at Gettysburg: A Journey to Remember http://t.co/A4XkB1NAHo


Amazing how such a wonderful weekend can take the quickest nose dive! Take me back to gettysburg! Lol


Made it here to Washington D.C. and we are just in time for Cherry Blossom Festival. Tomorrow I think we will try the Smithsonian Institute. Off to explore the city now.


Gettysburg: Because really, what else would you pick? http://t.co/Q0DlBoZHi1 via @Heather_Curley


Im all up an down gettysburg


Such a nice day outside too bad I have to be stuck at work.


Mom and Dad in Gettysburg nursing home.


We had an inch or so of snow last night but the sun came out today and shined so brilliantly! It was calling our names to go out in the garden and play...except it's pretty windy and FREEZING ASS cold. Lots done today...got a solution for transplanting the pepper plants from Mountain Valley Gardens -thanks Bernie, nice to meet you in person today! Picked up some Happy Frog Soil Conditioner for the side garden to help our corn grow again this year...made some homemade ranch dressing that is fantastic...cleaned the chicken coop- my girls had frozen water this morning! Finished the laundry, went through a bunch of stuff for a garage sale next weekend and found 24 chioggia and golden beets sprouting in the raised bed planter ...poking up through the snow! The garlic is also on it's way and hopefully will be ready to harvest fairly soon...the rain barrels are overflowing and the sage, chives, and Greek oregano are bravely showing their beautiful colors! I discovered today that Gettysburg (our little clump of aspen trees) are a clump of BOY aspen trees! I planted some parsley, thyme and basil in peat pots and put them on the seedling mat...and now it's time for a cocktail and some appetizers!


Getting married to Alabaman Rick Williams at Gettysburg Chapel on Seminary Ridge July 27. Just happens to be the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg and a 4-day reenactment. We will have our own Yankee-Rebel event overlooking the battlefield. What timing!


@rattieswrock @Arinnez @Mordfiddle get ready for the "what happens in Gettysburg" contract @ChrisLRowland is making us sign.


Gettysburg and Paris are on the top of my list!!


Gettysburg College - screwing over upperclassmen one day at a time


Haunted Collector - Next Episode - Spirits of Gettysburg/Headless Horseman -- http://t.co/Js2b8qu3vC


Thank you so much to everyone for your lovely birthday messages, texts and tweets. I've had a fabulous day (and preceding weekend) and have been thoroughly spoiled by my family and friends. Lots of love to you all xx


Gettysburg Battlefield Tour


Excited for my new discovery. Taking my Cresta Hikers out on the Battlefields of Gettysburg. #LLBDiscovery @LLBean


The Young Gettysburg Bread Baker. http://t.co/MmWoSYjIb7


Of course gettysburg students have nothing better to do on a Monday night than investigate a fire @kelllzy


There are over 7 million words in the tax law and regulations. That beats the Gettysburg address, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bible all rolled into one. Press “Like” if you think that is a lot of words.


Plural vote gathering place gettysburg record vote: .Qrt 181367


Im riding down Gettysburg posting an sipping. Fuck you


Day 20..... 40 days to go. Down 30 pounds.

Hard yes. Worth it? YES!


Sitting home watching Glory with my little lady. Next week Gettysburg trip.history tour. She loves history .in Maryland we have so much history here just makes you say wow. Can't wait Gettysburg PA. Go thru Hanover to the Utz potato chip tour.


@LesBowen Where will we find Gettysburg in there?


So far, Mad Men premiere seems like a giant death wish.


Read about #soc237 in the @gettysburg ITT newsletter! http://t.co/A0pBQAKJSP


Coach Foster: What do you know about the Gettysburg Address?
Boo: It was four score and seven years ago!


Enjoying this beautiful day in Gettysburg with Emily Meghan :)


Not really stamping ground gettysburg fagot vote: .AWY 465483


Boys r back from Gettysburg they had a good time and so did Kenzie being the only child for a few days them pig brothers she calls them ha ha


Does anyone in your family have a collection? Steve has a collection of 35 nut crackers! I know it sounds like an odd thing to collect but his Grandmother made it tradition to give him a different nut cracker every year for Christmas. I even got him a hand carved General Stone Wall Jackson one from Gettysburg.


Storyteller for Ghost Tour Company (gettysburg) http://t.co/k99WATOGOZ


@kylee_marie526 I will be going to Gettysburg or else I would!




Gettysburg Town


Not yet on the #SPWF website: "Life On The Road - With http://t.co/haV2UwhM6n". I saw a smaller version at Gettysburg - it was neat!


Nice bike ride to Gettysburg ,but it was chilly this morning . There was a big turnout of bikes showed up dispite the cold.


After taking Garrett to the airport at 4:30 AM, we headed to Gettysburg, having breakfast along the way. We did the Audio/auto tour...The battlefields are huge, and there were over 400 canons! and well over 600 monuments. Long 14 hr day! Another thing checked off our list.


On this date in 1865 Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General U.S. Grant, officially ending the Civil War. 360,000 confederate troops and 260,000 union troops had been killed in that conflict.


Counting heads gathering place gettysburg: .Ysf 841573

Malik clan

An I the only one who gets emotional reading the Gettysburg address ? #lincolnstheman


Ratatat - Gettysburg is an awesome song! http://t.co/5dE0yFYx66 via @youtube


Getting ready to bombard you with photos from our D.C. trip. Prepare yourselves...


More news... http://t.co/QmlWk6G48t


We Southrons need to rekindle this spirit. From Jack Cash's The Mind of the South:

"But if I show you Southern individualism as eventuating in violence, if I imply that the pride which was its root was in some sense puerile, I am very far from suggesting that it should be held in contempt. For it reached its ultimate incarnation in the Confederate soldier.

"To the end of his service this soldier could not be disciplined. He slouched. He would never learn to salute in the brisk fashion so dear to the hearts of the professors of mass murder. His "Cap'n" and his "Gin'ral" were likely to pass his lips with a grin--were charged always with easy, unstudied familiarity. He could and did find it in himself to jeer openly and unabashed in the face of Stonewall Jackson when the austere Presbyterian captain rode along his lines. And down to the final day at Appomattox his officers knew that the way to get him to execute an order without malingering was to flatter and jest, never to command too brusquely and forthrightly. And yet--and yet--and by virtue of precisely these unsoldierly qualities, he was, as no one will care to deny, one of the world's very finest fighting men.

"Allow what you will for esprit de corps, for this or for that, the thing that sent him swinging up the slope at Gettysburg on that celebrated, gallant afternoon was before all else nothing more or less than the thing which elsewhere accounted for his violence--was nothing more or less than his conviction, the conviction of every farmer among what was essentially only a band of farmers, that nothing living could cross him and get away with it."

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