

Two young men looking for ghosts got ghostbusted with the gospel and turned into open air event at Devils Den in Gettysburg. Pray for Jay and Chris they are dabbling in witchcraft.



We are excited to see 175 women already registered for Panhellenic sorority recruitment next fall! This Sunday,... http://t.co/f2YKNWdCr0


Today in 1865, General of the Army of Northern Virginia Robert E. Lee surrendered his Confederate forces to U.S. Lt. Gen. Ulysses Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia, thus effectively ending the bloodiest war in U.S. history, and not a moment too soon.

. . . Lest we forget.


The Gettysburg Project: Understanding and Revitalizing Civic Engagement - April 10th http://t.co/4KzQSiNUkm


Little Round Top #PA #fineart #Gettysburg... http://t.co/wAuV7104uJ


Gettysburg: Because really, what else what I pick? http://t.co/MelyixGQT6 via @Heather_Curley


In 1865, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered his army to Union Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House in Virginia.


Gettysburg: Because really, what else what I pick? http://t.co/GOAewbGANv via @Heather_Curley


Sunny and 76 degrees here in Gettysburg,PA!


They survived Gettysburg, and made their way there in 1913 on the 50th anniversary of the battle. http://t.co/FnSRWooBku


FOR SALE: 5 night stay in a haunted bed & breakfast for the Gettysburg 150th anniversary! Once in a lifetime opportunity!

B&B is on Baltimore Ave in downtown Gettysburg, an easy walk to everything. Accommodations for 2 in the most haunted room with full breakfast each morning.

This B&B has been featured on numerous TV shows for being haunted. It is an original building from the battle!

Serious inquiries only write RochesterGhosts@gmail.com for more details.


For the first time in very long time I can officially say that I am not only content but am actually pretty happy with life. As some of you know, my uncle and myself moved into a new house (well not a brand new house but certainly new for me) back in October. I LOVE the fact that the house is out in the country relatively isolated with my nearest neighbor being at least a half mile a way on one side and so far away on the other side that I can't even see their house from mine while there's nothing but Virginia's finest rolling farmland across the road as far the eye can see.

During the winter months we used an old furnace that was in the basement to heat the house (It worked so well that the heat pump never once came on and our highest electric bill was only around $110). However the price to pay for that was some good old fashioned manual labor which was us going into the woods, sawing trees down, cutting them up into smaller pieces, using a splitting ax to make those pieces small enough to fit into the furnace, then finally making several trips up and down the basement steps to stack the wood in a neat pile near the furnace.

And now that spring and the warmer weather is finally here I have started a garden. I have rambled enough in this post so I won't go into details about the garden only to say that I plan to make it the best looking garden in these parts! I will plan to post some photos later on sometime.

By living out here and doing all of this manual labor I have gotten myself back in pretty good shape both physically and, more importantly, mentally. Heck I already have a decent tan which is something I haven't had in years so look out ladies because ole JT just might be back on the prowl pretty soon! :


Time to do some comedy for a bit


First ever team meeting for some! Gettysburg! Love!


Family trip to DC, Gettysburg, & Hershey


Now Playing: Baby True by Gettysburg Address


Gettysburg: Because really, what else what I pick? http://t.co/sg1nMasHK5 via @Heather_Curley


Maybe you are searching among the branches for what only appears in the roots.


I feel like we stole this bus from Gettysburg http://t.co/p6JgE8Kv7h


Amazing weekend in Gettysburg and Hershey :)


New: The 24th Michigan Infantry at Gettysburg - http://t.co/avmTN9NEFm


I hate Gettysburg with a passion


Hey All -
who is local to Southern California, and would like the opportunity to investigate a great location with the TAPS West Coast team? - thanks DH


Denial club gettysburg: .iZO 492141


+destruction at Gettysburg because he was a prideful fool.


Gettysburg weather > Buffalo weather. Already fucking 65 out http://t.co/MgxmWFYtJy


Our next meeting will be Monday, 4/8/2013 at 6:15 p.m. at Hoss's on York Rd/Route 30 in Gettysburg. We will be hosting our annual recognition dinner for all the local Boy Scouts who have earned the high honor of Eagle Scout!

Congratulations to all the new Eagle Scouts!


What a beautiful day for a trail run! I love the peacefulness of the woods and loving this weather!!


April 9th

Americans All
The Civil War came to an end, for all practical purposes, in April 1865 when Robert E. Lee’s starving, exhausted Confederate army found itself hemmed in by Union forces in Virginia. On April 9 Lee met with General Ulysses S. Grant in a farmhouse at Appomattox Court House to offer his surrender. Grant’s terms were generous: the Southern soldiers were to be pardoned and could go home with their private property, including their horses, which could be used for a late spring planting. Officers could keep their side arms, and Lee’s hungry troops would receive Union rations. “This will have the best possible effect upon the men,” Lee observed quietly.

Three days later the formal surrender took place as Confederate troops marched forward to stack their weapons and lay down their flags. The Union officer in charge of the ceremony was Joshua Chamberlain, a hero of Gettysburg. Leading the Southerners was General John B. Gordon, who had been wounded many times in combat.

Chamberlain watched Gordon approaching. As he later described it, “The General was riding in advance of his troops, his chin drooped to his breast, downhearted and dejected in appearance almost beyond description.” Something stirred in Chamberlain’s breast. He gave an order, a bugle call sounded, and his men came to attention with their rifles on their shoulders. It was a salute of honor.

General Gordon looked up in surprise. Recognizing the gesture, he wheeled his horse, dipped his sword, and ordered his own men to return the salute. Lee’s defeated veterans stepped forward with heads high and eyes level—honor saluting honor.

Then it was over. The Union had been tested and had survived. With a salute of soldierly respect, the nation’s wounds began to heal. Both sides faced a new beginning as Americans all.
American History Parade
1682 Sieur de La Salle claims the Mississippi River valley for France.
1865 Robert E. Lee surrenders his Confederate army to Ulysses S. Grant.
1939 Black singer Marian Anderson performs for 75,000 people at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., after her concert at Constitution Hall is cancelled because of her race.
1942 Seventy-five thousand starving American and Filipino defenders on the Bataan Peninsula in the Philippines are surrendered to the Japanese.
2003 In Baghdad, Iraqis and U.S. soldiers celebrate the fall of Saddam Hussein by toppling a giant statue of the dictator.

This content is courtesy of The American Patriot's Almanac

© 2008, 2010 by William J. Bennett and John T.E. Cribb


We really enjoyed ourselves at Gettysburg for School of the Soldiers with the 71st PA and other units as well, We also enjoyed the great History lesson we got about the 71st,69th and others that fought at the angle. We can't wait to the next event in a month


@JennaBelle1212 I went on one in Gettysburg and one in Boston. I want to go on one here tho


Happy founders day Gettysburg College!!


John Louann Ridings are you on that job in Gettysburg. I have your stuff also


No audience ever complained about a presentation or speech being too short.

The audience are likely to remember only three things from your presentation or speech.


Gettysburg War Museum


Gettysburg College to Host This Year’s NECUSA Conference http://t.co/ZuekAuPF98

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