

Having to rewrite the entire Gettysburg Address in your own words



76° on Stine Lake today. #Spring is here at last. http://t.co/ahFIzeZhC9


Driving through Pennsylvania Apple country on the way to Gettysburg


Twitter is like the Gettysburg* in the civil war of US Vs. The Assholes. @lizetagge is our Ulysses S. Grant.

*Look it up, Assholes


SACH S COVERED BRIDGE GETTYSBURG 4 http://t.co/qsdT29y8o7 via @TwitPic


New Life Assembly of God is organizing a tour of the Gettysburg Battlefield on Saturday, April 27th. There is a 15-passenger limit so sign up soon at the church’s Welcome Center. (This tour is not recommended for small children.) See Howard Calp if you have questions.


First Fullmoon with pizza in Gettysburg pub.


Getting breakfast . Then going to see the Battlefield of Gettysburg!!! :)


GETTYSBURG BATTLEFIELD 7 http://t.co/fK2FWeP3e4 via @TwitPic


@keithtowery we like to go to Gettysburg and do ghosts hunts. And fish in the Pennsylvania grand canyons


Include me out betting house gettysburg: .nkx 046708


Okay its official first unofficial meeting is gonna be Sunday April 28th at my place 10 mins from Gettysburg.
Everyone should bring a dish its gonna be a cookout then we will do business. Message me for details anyone is welcome.


#np Gettysburg - Ratatat, on fait pas dans la dentelle


A billboard bleeding prominence on the proposed crib per gettysburg.: .AYA 351316


Where can you get oakley sun glasses at?


Gettysburg: Because really, what else what I pick? http://t.co/HwLytobnet via @Heather_Curley


Day 151: Gods and Generals, Gettysburg, Red Dawn (Charlie Sheen), Red Dawn (Chris Hemsworth), Radio, Raging Bull, The Rainmaker, Red, Remember the Titans, RV, Silent House


Straight a billboard broaching engrossment so that the aimed at dance floor pooch gettysburg.: .nKs 241606


Sorors, the Professional Development Workbook was emailed to all sorors registered for the Leadership Professional Development - Saturday, April 13, 2013 in Gettysburg.


@MuFF_423 @lohr_have_mercy me and jimmer are hitting the Gettysburg links step your game up bro lol


can i just please go back to gettysburg? eat rocks, nc.


DOM GHOSTHUNTER GETTYSBURG DIARIES 2: http://t.co/tEqD7bqquk via @youtube


@ebb663 There are also some interesting battlefields that are fun to visit when one is in the greater DC area, from what I hear. #Gettysburg


Local brewery for dinner + beer, and just got out of the hot tub!! :-) and tomorrow we will be getting our "history" on! Gettysburg....you are alright!


Nontransferable vote crib gettysburg: .oBo


boy scout troop 71 gettysburg trip was fun now im sick a little bit


In Gettysburg PA ... Weather is beautiful here !!!


La billboard expression wakefulness against the of design resort near gettysburg.: .iPO 965149


I regret not signing up for the Gettysburg trip


Good Morning! It was such an awesome night in PA!!... Do something for yourself today by making someones day a little brighter.There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up. Have a terrific Tuesday!



Gettysburg East Cemetery Hill +


is tired but happy. Kira has heard from all the colleges she applied to so far. Gettysburg College says she is on the waiting list, so accepted but her application was late so they may not have a slot for the fall.
Elmira College in Ithaca NY called her to tell her that she was accepted and they want to offer her a Presidential scholarship!
West Virginia Wesleyan sent an admission packet and they want to offer her a Dean's scholarship and a slot in the Honors program!
Wednesday we do the financial aid forms and find out what she qualifies for. Then we sit down with calculators and Dad and run the numbers, schedule college visits and plunk down a deposit. She says it feels wonderful to be wanted! :) She actually looked a little dazed after all 3 offers today.


DOM GHOSTHUNTER GETTYSBURG BASEMENT: http://t.co/a061JhgHUC via @youtube


3 mullets spotted at the Gettysburg Walmart. Yes!


@ShaynaaPhillips some places are the tomb of the unknown soldier, Gettysburg, Vietnam memorial wall or Boston massacre, Vietnam war.. Etc


A reminder: Antietam and Gettysburg were devastating battles that occurred when Robert E Lee invaded the North. What was he doing there?


Heading to gettysburg for Drs appt ! Takin the bike ! Yahoo !

WOMEN’S SOCCER ASSISTANT COACH (INTERN) - Gettysburg College - Gettysburg, PA: intern) Women’s ... http://t.co/tQwaLPctjd #soccer #jobs


Gettysburg blaze leaves residents shaken, but no injuries. http://t.co/RftoKWtASn


Dave & I enjoyed a wonderful six days in Gettysburg and Washington D.C. last week. Our kids provided most of the trip as a gift to us for our 40th anniversary last summer. What a great place to visit to realize how men and women have sacrificed for our freedom.


Help our Campus Kitchen(@CKGC) win the national Raise the Dough challenge: http://t.co/JvvDGZWXBW


TV shows like AMERICAN PICKERS are very popular but...when shows like this are on...many many people think they have treasure in their attic...barn...basement etc.Some might.."MIGHT" have that one item that is worth a 100 plus dollars,but good luck on having a copy of "THE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS " ..you would have better odds on winning at VEGAS [don't lose and pawn or sell Grand paw's gold watch to those PAWN STARS...they will give you 50% of it's worth if you are lucky]

What these shows do mostly is make common items go way up and no one that collects those things will ever buy them.It also makes it hard to get the person to believe what they have is not worth a fortune..I have seen this.People look at you like you are just wanting to beat them out of a "priceless "1940's-50's clorox bottle...they have never seen one before and knows they are very old.[anybody want to buy a clorox bottle? :-0]

If you think you have something great stay away from pawn shops..try to find an honest person that may know about it or maybe knows some one that will know about it.

I have been collecting..or buying /selling antiques since 1974 and so far as yet have found that one thing that has made me rich..I have made money,but in the long run not a lot.I do it because I love it .

A few years ago I was at a flea market and missed buying a bottle I knew was good by literally seconds.It sold for 8 dollars.I could have offered the buyer $25 and he may have taken it [he told me this at this years ROME BOTTLE SHOW] but I felt that was wrong some how,maybe it wouldn't have been,it gets hard to know some time,but i try real hard to be honest.Now if a price tag is on an item and I know it is worth much more,well I will pay that price.Wrong?Like I said that gets hard to know all the time.

Any way back to the 8 dollar bottle.I told the buyer it was a good one,but how good I really didn't know,maybe a couple hundred bucks.I told him about the ATLANTA bottle show and it was in just a couple of weeks.I gave him a number to call for directions.

The next time I see the guy,like I said,was at the ROME BOTTLE SHOW this FEB. He came up to me and told me who he was and did I remember the bottle he had bought that day? I didn't remember him at all,but sure remembered that bottle!!He said at the ATLANTA BOTTLE SHOW he was told by many it was in the 800 dollar range.DANG I THOUGHT!!Then he told me he had gotten in touch with a man that has written one of the best COCA COLA books.[this was not a coke bottle,but a "HIRES ROOT BEER SYRUP bottle..the man knows other drink bottles besides coke]The guy went on to tell me the Coke man had told him he had never seen another one like it..

The bottle went to auction and netted.......$15,000!! AAAAHH!

He got 13,000 after commission ,taxes etc..

So yes making a lot of money off one antique happens.....


Box 1, Gettysburg Boro, Red Cross requested to the scene for 8 residents displaced.


A good 5-Star Review for "The Gettysburg Incident" on Amazon UK from pat@ebc:

"full of great characters, good story line and a riveting ability to weave through the plot with clarity. I loved it."

It's reviews like this that makes all the cr*p, heart-ache, rejection, the endless grind and the frustrations worth it!

Many thanks pat@ebc


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