

#ndfb South Bend Tribune – Notre Dame baseball: Walks hurt No. 20 Irish: Notre Dame pitchers issued... http://t.co/eHjj5gk6ls #notredame undefined



Next week we will start bringing in our summer bedding plants . We aleady have our cape daisies from Holland and next week the Irish suppliers will deliver lots of colour and more vegetable plants.


The Breakpoint Ep 3: The Sourcemap Spectacular with Paul Irish and Addy Osmani


Terrible terible news...

Workin irish cup final day :(


@ArianaGrande http://t.co/atAtamauSN the way official irish remix undefined


Typical Irish Phrases


Shite Irish Students Say


@GenevieveDewey Here's a great way to win a Gift Card by author of First I Live You! Go to her site and post a pic of the perfect Mickey Downey! See below for details!! Pinterst, Google, or whatever your search engine may be, use it and maybe you can win!!

#FirstILoveYou #MadForMobsters Giveaway #2: Want to win a $10 Amazon Kindle Gift Card? Your mission is to find me the perfect Mickey Downey! As you recall, our favorite mostly Irish (partly Italian) gangster is:
~~Age 55, black hair, emerald green eyes, angular features, smokes a pipe.~~
IMPORTANT: Post your picture on my Facebook wall by TUESDAY (4/9), 11pm Chicago Time (Central).

***Up to 5 Runners up will receive a coupon for VDay Aversion eBook that you can use or give away to a friend!


Irish Dance Wig Tutorial


Hurry, only ONE spot remaining for our Irish Genealogy Day on Saturday!


Margaret Thatcher: The 'Iron Lady' who changed Britain
Agence France-Presse | Updated: April 08, 2013 19:02 IST

London: Margaret Thatcher, Britain's first female prime minister, who died on Monday aged 87, will be remembered as "The Iron Lady" who helped end the Cold War and whose economic reforms divided the country.

Behind the bouffant hair, trademark handbag and school ma'am voice was an uncompromising Conservative who regularly cut her male colleagues and opponents down to size with a sharp tongue and even sharper political brain.

Right-wingers hailed her as having hauled Britain out of the economic doldrums but the left accused her of dismantling traditional industry, claiming her reforms helped unpick the fabric of society.

On the world stage, she built a close "special relationship" with US president Ronald Reagan which helped bring the curtain down on Soviet Communism. She also fiercely opposed closer ties with Europe.

But in the final years of her life, Thatcher -- the 20th century's longest continuous occupant of 10 Downing Street, from 1979 to 1990 -- cut a subdued figure.

After a series of minor strokes, she was told by doctors to quit public speaking in 2002 and, as dementia took hold, she appeared increasingly rarely in public.

Her daughter Carol revealed the former premier had to be repeatedly reminded that her husband Denis had died in 2003.

Meryl Streep portrayed both her rise to power and her period of failing health in the Hollywood film "The Iron Lady", which hit the screens in December 2011.

Thatcher was born Margaret Hilda Roberts on October 13, 1925 in the market town of Grantham, eastern England, the daughter of a grocer.

After grammar school and a degree in chemistry at Oxford University, she married businessman Denis in 1951 and two years later had twins, Carol and Mark.

She was first elected to the House of Commons in 1959 and succeeded former prime minister Edward Heath as opposition Conservative leader in 1975 before becoming premier four years later.

Her enduring legacy can be summed up as "Thatcherism" -- a set of policies which supporters say promoted personal freedom and broke down the class divisions that had riven Britain for centuries.

Pushing her policies through pitched Thatcher's government into a string of tough battles, though.

When Argentina invaded the remote British territory of the Falkland Islands in 1982, Thatcher dispatched troops and ships, securing victory in two months.

Two years later, an Irish Republican Army bomb planted at her hotel in Brighton on the southern English coast, nearly killed her and her Cabinet during the Conservatives' annual conference.

And her government crushed a coal miners' strike against pit closures in 1984-1985 after a bitter struggle, and union powers were curbed.

But it was the same uncompromising style that initially earned her respect which eventually proved her undoing.

One of her closest allies, Geoffrey Howe, resigned in 1990 with a devastating speech which blamed Thatcher's fierce Euroscepticism.

She faced a leadership challenge soon afterwards and quit after failing to receive the expected level of support, to be replaced by her finance minister John Major.

After a tearful departure from Downing Street, she was appointed to the House of Lords as Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven.

She also wrote her memoirs and delivered lectures around the world.

But her public appearances became increasingly scarce in recent years as her health deteriorated. She was even forced to miss a planned 85th birthday party at Downing Street.

Thatcher did, however, live long enough to see another Conservative, David Cameron, return to Downing Street after a gap of 13 years -- albeit at the head of a coalition government.

"We have lost a great leader, a great prime minister and a great Briton," Cameron said following her death.


@LaraLelubre ;D ♥


Irish fans singing to Polish police woman we love you


@irish_banana @BookExpoAmerica I hope you have a great time! That is definitely something to look forward to :)


a good day to be irish


I am deeply saddened by the loss of Margaret Thatcher. Yet another icon of freedom and conservative principles is gone. She stood for free markets, against communism and socialism, and restored her nation's greatness. We are so starving for this type of resolute principled leadership today and must ensure there is a next generation of leaders waiting to take up the gauntlet.

Read her words, and you’ll understand why I respect her so.

“If you just set out to be liked, you will be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and would achieve nothing. ”

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”

“I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.”

“When I'm out of politics I'm going to run a business, it'll be called rent-a-spine”


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Stavros Flatly - Greek Irish Dancers - Britains Got Talent 2009


Maybe its the circles that I am in, but most of my British friends are not exactly mourning Lady Thatcher. The Irish ones are giddy with euphoria. If I had any in Argentina, I imagine that they would be doing hand springs....




How To Do An Irish Accent


"Margaret Thatcher caused much hurt to the british and the irish" (gerry adams today) stick that in ur pipe enda kenny.


George Galloway: Mrs Thatcher should burn in hell for eternity https://t.co/H03xvV3yRg #Britain #Argentina #Ireland #CoalMiners #Fleg undefined


SOUP: White Bean & Kale.... w/ bacon.....
QUICHE: Dilled Zucchini with Swiss cheese......OR.....Kale, ham, onion and Irish cheddar.....
MONTE CRISTO SANDWICH: ham with Swiss cheese, dijon mustard on sour dough french toast w/ 4 berry compote....
DUCK SALAD: pan seared duck breast over mixed greens with grapes, walnuts & raspberry vinaigrette....
BISTRO BURGER: chopped Angus beef patty topped with Irish cheddar cheese, mixed greens, tomato, shaved onion & spicy brown mustard on 9-grain....
TILAPIA PO' BOY: blackened OR jerked tilapia filet with tomato, mixed greens and lemon caper aioli on ciabatta...

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