
play poker

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. Definitely had an awesome weekend



Poker Night next saturday whose keen?


@Mel_million learn how 2 play that poker family!


Rayner Alesious.if u free just come to BORNEO IT STATION CYBERCAFE AT PUTATAN near Standard Supermarket 1st floor..This is my DOTA teacher Sabah ZSmj Daeny Brick Ah Sheng Alex Chok Meng Shyang Peter Yong they teach me well and a great friend of mine..Bring u friend along..maybe u guys can have a friendly match there..And Neo True if u wanna play CS or other game aslo have there.. :')


Many of your do not know this but my brother Anthony Scavuzzo is fighting his hardest fight right now. Woodsweather is having a poker tournament on April 28th to help with doctor bills, etc. Registration will begin at 3 and food will be served during registration. I will post more information when it becomes available. Mark your calanders if you want to play or sponsor a table. Thank you so much! The Scavuzzo Family.


@Jhen_Alyssa deh yah a play poker .. frass beb


I would like to play poker with my friends but the folks I would do that with are either religious, poor, or gambling addicts.


Lol playing poker w Choc lol he looses n we gotta play another kmsl


Hey! I'm enjoying some great Texas Hold'em Poker action on my smartphone. You can join me simply by downloading the game either to your Android phone: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.dragonplay.liveholdempro&referrer=DP-INVITE-FRIENDS-4102CEEC-B289-4537-B610-703EEC311849, iPhone http://www.dragonplay.com/iOS/Default.aspx?Mode=write&iOSSource=DP-INVITE-FRIENDS-4102CEEC-B289-4537-B610-703EEC311849 or play on


Powerball in CA now!!


Surprise, before poor Maggie is even cold the usual old commies, trade unionists, terrorists and that orange coloured socialist all emerge from their burrows to dance on her grave. Maggie did not kill mining - that was old Mick & Arthur - their pals in the steel and the car industry unions killed them. We liked the so called "poll tax"! Two wage earners in one household paid 2 taxes. A pensioner on their own paid one. Why should an household with 4 or more wage earners complain about paying 4 or more taxes? They use 4 or more times the services provided by local councils. I hear the screams of "inequality"! Why should the shop worker pay the same as a banker? A fair point but if the principle was allowed to bed in it could have been adjusted with other taxation policies to alleviate inequality. However it just goes to show how our politicians find it so difficult to reform our overcomplicated taxation system. It should not be too difficult to have a system whereby the more money you earn/make the more tax you pay? It just needs a base line without allowances, discounts or benefits. Those earning below the base line should receive a rebate to bring their income up to the base line or a sensible percentage of it. This could probably reduce the staffing levels of the Treasury and HMRC by at least 75% and regretfully the need for financial advisers and accountants would likewise diminish.
about an hour ago


I want to learn the game of poker. But I only want to play for those colorful plastic chips (not the ones in casinos that have money value).


I need a friend with benefits, to apply my address is 3202 Dapplegray St Canton, must bring female refrences in person to be hired....


LAD v Lasses poker email
Contact@truelad.com if you want to play ahead of http://t.co/dB75edRAvw share please lets get people involved


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by Jeff A. Presley (Notes) on Saturday, August 6, 2011 at 5:45am

Joanne DiStasi commented on your photo.

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June 22 at 1:15pm · Like ·

Deborah Glickel Bartlett and Debra Jordan Carnell like this.

Joanne DiStasi great shot!

June 22 at 11:48am · Like

Joanne DiStasi Wow that is beautiful ~ I think you really captured "Kansas" and the essence of youth all in one :)

June 22 at 1:15pm · Like


June 23 at 4:30am · Like

Pj Delia that's just beautiful!

June 23 at 7:46am · Like

Laura Incalcaterra Lovely!

June 23 at 9:36am · Like

Desiree Lacush Beautiful!

June 23 at 9:45am · Like

CaraSue Doriguzzi Great photos Jeff

June 23 at 9:46am · Like

Jeff Monaco Thank you, all very much.!

June 25 at 8:31pm · Like

Nancy Gilheany McKiernan Great pictures Jeff, thanks !

July 1 at 9:55am · Like

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Joanne DiStasi commented on your photo.

March 30, 2011

June 10 at 6:46am · Like ·

Desiree Lacush likes this.

Joanne DiStasi wow Jeff this is amazing, love it :)

June 7 at 9:24pm · Like

Joanne DiStasi This one is so great, I like all your pictures that I have seen, I love the expression on her face :) you captured a "moment" Jeff!

June 10 at 6:46am · Like

Jeff Monaco

WARNING: **Institutions or **Individuals using this site or any of its associated sites for studies, projects, advertising, sales, or any other reason - **YOU DO NOT have permission to use any of my profile or pictures in any form or forum both current and future...


Started a good new Job today, Brother got a new job today..other brother should have one by weeks end....I Still DJ, do music, fix computers and those things make money as well!!! Yeah i feel damn good today!!!


I think boarding is the pretty much the only place where you are threatened to play poker.


11 left*


Just a note for my FB friends I know many people play games and many do not. I also know that people that get updates on their phones get especially frustrated when they get 10000000000 game updates every day. Did you know you can turn off the updates for your friends?? I know we all saw messages from friends telling us to hover the mouse over the name, blah, blah, blah. Well guess what. If you move the mouse over the name a window appears with their photo and name and 2 boxes in the lower right. One is a message box, the other is a friend box. if you move the mouse over the word friend a drop down menu appears and the word settings shows up under the words "show in news feed" , now click on settings and there are all kinds of things including games-un check games(and any other stuff you do not want to be bothered with, it will not hurt my feelings, I never even need to know). I have one or two people that other than status updates I have un checked everything(some people over share) This should cut down on how much crap you get on your phone, now you still may get some and especially on your home page under apps you may get little numbers showing some things where FB has decided to invite you, or maybe I did by mistake, but I get them to and I do not want to farm and do not play poker. Oh well, smile and remember that it really is good that all your friends are different because it would be sooooooo boring if we were all the same.


For those of you who are coming to melbourne this weekend and want to play in one of the events the cheapest is a $550 (deepstack) on the 12th & 14th

It would a great experince and good chance to win some big cash and you can meet some poker pros

I would love to have a big rail while i play in the main event so come along

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