
pusher love

Rode my three year old mare Crystal Lining today. Felt good to be back in the saddle after 4 months. Now on to my 3 other victims this week. Show ring here we come:::)))))



when people leave shopping carts in the middle of a nice parking spot.... fuck you douchebags


-Pusher Love.....


Ppl call you a user, Pusher Love! Justin Timberlake, sooo sweet!


SQUEE!!! Early review of 5th!

"There should be a 12-step program for addicts of Darynda Jones and the Charley Davidson series....Bad day at work? Stressed out by the kids? Darynda Jones and the Charley Davidson series is the solution. Captivating and laugh-out-loud funny, this is one of the best series in print today."
-Suspense Magazine


SLAPPIN @jtimberlake "PUSHER LOVE" ON "LIFTED Mondays!" RADIO SHOW NOW ON http://t.co/thmjU5xyuv FROM 8PM-10PM (PST) TUNE IN!!!


Pusher Love...... so high Im on the ceiling; so come on be my dealer baby; cuz all I want is YOUUUUUU baby. =) s/o to Justin TImberlake that 20/20 Experience album is the deal. Best album of the year so far.


Missing Lee, Tasha, Hailey, Robyn and of course my little button pusher Paisley. Loved having them here every moment for 2 weeks. The house just isn't the same without them. Hope they are having a safe drive home as I type. Miss you guys, talk soon and we will Skype or Facebook Video chat soon. Love Ya!!


Pusher love girll #JT


For those of you gettin ready to get married.....forget the traditional marriage counseling. You will learn anything and everything about your future other half by doin a simple sounding task.....Ready, here it is.....go grocery shopping at Walmart. You will learn patience, holding your tongue,refraining from murder of other shoppers and each other, strategic buggy pushing (which trains us men for when she is ready to deliver the baby and we have to get her to the hospital) annnnd a great place to have a family reunion according to my recent research. You will be amazed what you learn about each other and only then you will know that your ready for life together.


im your pusher baby...lol....i go to sleep pushing and wake up pushing....in life if you want something done ,some times you gotta push it through......events,life,and personal....nothing is given but all is attainable.... gatta have a goal,gatta have drive,and most of all gotta have love and passion for what you do...weather is everyday or long term.......... fairfield united on the 28th is on full blast till we there...take a min. and check your events ... LOVEONE...


Life to long to spend alone.....pshh lifes to short not to spend it alone. Or maybe my lifes gonna be to short? I figure if I make it to 27 it will be a miracle


Me: "Sergio, if you had to describe in one word, what would it be?"
Sergio: "Mouthy."

:/ True love...


I want a pet monkey middleman...


Chattanooga Mayor Elect Berke is doing away with the Gang Task force. Now what? Any suggestions?


You might think me a pusher a phoney or a fake, but dude all I want to do is push you to make art...

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