
pusher love

Pusher Love by JT is my fave song on his new album. Just. Gahhhh.



fucking cunts having a domestic in the fucking hospital ward and stopping me from sleeping.
Steve Plank Pusher Danko im glad we arent like that. i love you xxxx


youre my little pusher love boy <3


Cause now you got me hopped up on that
Pusher love
So high I’m on the ceiling baby
You’re my drug
So go and be my dealer baby
Give me love
Cause all I want is you, baby
Now I'm just a junkie junkie junkie for your love ❤


To everyone in the world, you notice your own flaws more than anyone else does , and anyone against you will just pick ones that arn't there, your all beatiful in your own way so smile and have a great rest of your day! :)


And so..... There was much music and merriment... And at the end... There was MONKEY BREAD.... All in now right with the world!!!! ❤ Peace out loved ones! ❤



Yes, that was me with Atur!!!!! That's an old story, LOL! But for those of you seeing it for the first time, it was shot at a bash that the Atur brothers threw for the media back in the day when their activities in Kenya were still a mystery. I was then the Editor of Pulse magazine of the Standard newspaper. Aware that I was attending said bash, was my boss, the then Managing Editor of the Standard, Pamela Makotsi. I was of the opinion, when it came to the Aturs, that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar and she acquiesced. We were both vindicated, albeit I was in a different media house by then, when I eventually landed the interview of decade. More on that in a bit. Back to the bash where, standing next to me and cut out of the shot, I'm sure on purpose (Perhaps for drama? tut tut) was Eve D'Souza and Sheila Mwanyigha. Also at the bash was the then Buzz (Sunday Nation) Editor, Adhiambo Odera. Pinky Ghelani was also there and numerous others. Atur lifted me onto a counter to make space for all of us to take a picture. I don't see the relevance of putting that particular clip (of me only) in today's program unless Mohammed Ali was upset that I refused to give him Winnie Mwai's number when he called asking for it recently - Dude, you uncover numerous conspiracies and can't get a simple phone number??? :).

Curiously, this clip run on NTV, how do KTN have it?
Anyhow, Winnie is my friend, so sorry, I was not sleeping with her boyfriend. You may remember I was and still am, the only journalist who has ever gotten her to agree to an interview. This AFTER the clip ran on NTV. She knew (as did those that were present when he lifted me that day) that it was made to look like something it was not.

The exclusive interview with Winnie (after the brothers were deported) was on the easy fm breakfast show (which I hosted at the time) and was also filmed by NTV, who subsequently played it on the evening news. Funny thing is that this particular interview was also aired by Jicho Pevu a few months ago (No credit was given to easy fm or NTV or to me). Did they buy the footage or how does this work? Perhaps I should investigate Jicho Pevu myself. Mohammed Ali, please investigate this media bash further and get the original raw footage that has ALL the journalists and radio presenters that were in the shot. Half truths should not be allowed on a program that seeks to have a reputation for uncovering the entire truth. And the next time you run an interview that neither you nor your media house did, perhaps you can CREDIT your source? The name is Ciku Muiruri. Thank you, doll.


Ok so far two batches of "Crack" and dinner made. Now what to cook?????


Attention friends...I have a resident that wants to participate in Beat Coach Pete...so I am going to run with Melissa Smith and we are going to push/pull this rresident because she cant run or walk...but we want her to be in the race...so looking for a jogger wagon something she can sit in and we can pull her...anyone have any ideas or something we can borrow for this special day???? Or know of anyplace that may rent something like that????please help!!!


Well, I am in my recliner, with ice on my neck and on my nose (off and on) can't hardly look either direction or up... two black eyes, with the hide scraped off from the bridge to the tip of my nose with two scrapes on upper lip. Elaine says I look like I was in a bar fight, and lost bigtime... I now know what it feels like to be thrown from a horse over his head and break my fall with my face... When a horse gives every indication he does not want to go in a certian direction, you better believe I will listen to him... Give a prayer if ya would for me. I have had lots of back and neck injurys and this one hurts from my neck down to my wrists... If any worse will go to ER.. Elaine is keeping check on me.... I was in the back field, and I guess the horse knew he did something bad cause he walked up to me and I let him smell my blood, and without reins he followed me up to the barn with his head two inches from mine. I went in the house and cleaned up some and went back out to take saddle off and he neighed all the way till I got to the barn. He kept smelling me from knees to head. I really think he felt bad... too bad not like I do right now... don't know what got into him, I was being easy, just persistant,,, he won... still love him though.


The acclaimed King of Fuji music King Wasiu Ayinde marshall Kwam 1 has joined the political terrain and is vying for the elective office at the lower house(House of Rep)......... Read in another report that David Mark is consulting on his Ambition ....2015 is definitely a year to watch


JT on repeat my imaginary pusher love!


JT track 1 is doing it for me!


*Singing* My baby got that pusher love, your my drug, all I need is yooooooou baaaybayyy! ;) Duce Perry


Wanna be miserable, lonely and depressed? Try falling in love..


Pusher love girl>what you are listening to


Love is a very strong word i see a lot of status updatex a lot of people have been postin sayn they love their man or lady da truth is If u not ready to take a bullet 4 ur girlfriend or boyfriend then u dont actualy love him or her hey he or she is just ur*TIME PUSHER*until u ready 2 settle down


Your my little pusher love girlll


Would MUCH rather be outside in this gorgeous (FINALLY) weather than working until 9 PM. Ya know???


If you have to drag someone down with something you know they are sensitive about, then you must not think too much of yourself...it speaks some serious volumes.


Pusher boy, im trying too feel you. My only. Fein, trying be. A junkie for yo love.


coughed so much my abs are now hurting... these allergies have got to give please i need some sleep!


GOT S3 E2 is already up? Awesome :)


Pusher love lady


Every time Pusher Love Girl comes on I let out an involuntary grunt. The grooviness just seeps out of me.


Okay, Pusher Love in the music at the end has, "get therapy" I am laughing... guess I am a user, I need to use Justin Timberlake... and I am. He is forcing listening though... not my strong point, maybe his fans listen better than me.


@AKempChronicles You know it... You should hear me hit the notes. "Pusher Love..."


There are times when I am flabbergasted over some so called "religious" postings. How on Earth does anyone feel loving over their higher power when the posting reads "share this post or you don't believe"...???? All I read in this sort of posting, is.. hacker.. or ad for some $$ gain. When did God become a commodity to throw around the likes of a social site, using vain threats if you don't share the posting? How humiliating to people...how degrading to beliefs and faith.


The Homosexual Agenda has been forced on Americans, not unlike an act of RAPE. No more Mister Nice Guy! I will from this day forward oppress, humiliate, and denigrate Homosexuals, at every opportunity. I was all for leaving you all alone. But now you have pissed me off.


Love is really an acohol, playboy, pusher, mafia, infact striker, why?

Malik clan

Pusher love...


Hey now....we worked it out...exercising is becoming a drug..we hit it once and now were geeked out...we love our pusher dude lol...~~Teamcorefit~~alldayeveryday¡!

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