
national results

Moses: Leadership Lessons from the Lawgiver
Moses (13th/12 cent. B.C.)—launched a revolt against the Egyptian Pharaoh, leading his people out of Egypt.

1: Discover your purpose and find the courage to see it through: More than anything else, it was God's purpose for Moses' life that made him a great leader. And when he found the courage to face the Pharaoh and lead his people out of Egypt, the historians began to write his name in the books.
2: Deal with the Issues: Moses had many shortcomings and because he was slow to deal with them he created problems for himself and his people that he might have easily averted. He also missed out on some great opportunities (e.g. seeing the Promised Land) because of his impatience.
3: When you fail, learn from your mistakes and move on: One of the things that stands out from a study of many successful leaders, including Moses, is how many times they screwed up. In some cases, the critical blunders and serious errors in judgment that famous leaders have made is simply unbelievable . Yet, because they were intent to recover, they almost always did. Think of how President Clinton actually gained seats in Congress after the Lewinsky affair or think of the fiasco that President Kennedy created with the Bay of Pigs invasion. Look into the past of any of the legends of leadership and you will almost always find more than a handful of so-called "career killers"—things that we might think would destroy their ability to lead. It is often said that the skeletons in our closet, along with the increasingly intense and intrusive scrutiny of the media, keeps good people from running for office, but perhaps it is more of a lack of courage and resilience.
4: Accept people as they are, but work to bring out the best in them: Moses had to deal with a great many bitter, unhappy people; but rather than focusing on the complaints, Moses focused on developing and delegating to the talented few with the right attitude to help him lead the nation.
5: Find the courage to confront your enemies: When God told Moses that he had to confront the Pharaoh, Moses balked. He was afraid and he quickly started coming up with excuses. And Moses had good reason to be afraid too. The renowned early 19th English preacher and Biblical scholar, Arthur Walkington Pink, writes: "His temper toward their race was well known, his heartless cruelty had been frequently displayed; it was, therefore, no small trial of their faith and courage to beard the lion in his den. The character of the message they were to deliver to him was not calculated to pacify." Despite the apparent absurdity of God's request, Moses and Aaron followed through and as a result of their courage a new nation was born.
6: Never attempt to do it alone; build a reliable team: Not only did Moses have Aaron to help him lead and share in the responsibilities, but Moses also learned—thanks to his father-in-law, Jethro—of the importance of sharing and delegating the work to a team.



Election boards appeal nullified poll results: Election boards in Okayama… http://t.co/bT29BIjm4n @ The Japan Times undefined


UFC Henderson vs. Diaz Fight Results & Recap - MMA Surge
national results


The National Lottery Thunderball draw results from Friday 22nd March 2013
national results


National Bank posts 191m drop in profits
national results


Think this sums up the Jeremy Kyle nation we live in:
I think we have gone through a period when too many children and people have been given to understand "I have a problem, it is the Government's job to cope with it!" or "I have a problem, I will go and get a grant to cope with it!" "I am homeless, the Government must house me!" and so they are casting their problems on society and who is society? There is no such thing! There are individual men and women and there are families and no government can do anything except through people and people look to themselves first. It is our duty to look after ourselves and then also to help look after our neighbour and life is a reciprocal business and people have got the entitlements too much in mind without the obligations. M.Thatcher


National Junior Road Race Series, Tour of Mendips: Full report and results from day one at Chew Stoke are now live! - http://t.co/dqtuwwiRe6 undefined


The league 2 results look nearly as kind as the grand national results.


Lying Zionists Hijack Democratic National Convention "Jerusalem Vote" Results 9-5-12
national results


Allianz National Football League Results - RTÉ Sport http://t.co/0sDSGHzAGr via @rtesport undefined


Results of the #SORCE Grand National Sweepstake, 1st Martyn R, 2nd Jeremy, 3rd Louise. Well done all, collect your winnings on Monday.


national results


#boxingscene USA Boxing National Championships - Day 6 Results: http://t.co/abXYjSq0n4 #boxing #boxingnews undefined


Sat here and not even looked at national results, fill us in please someone?


National Youth Week 2013 Nathan
national results


"Results of National Youth 2013"
Stunning Playing at Imesh Withanarachchi he got 5.5 Points out of 6 Games ....more Details Coming Soon,


Day 2 - 400m B Girls Heat 6 (National School 2013)
national results


Pakistan will rise as independent nation in the world as a result of free and fair election.


I posted 8 photos on Facebook in the album "2013 National Age-Group Triathlon (NAGT) Cebu leg race results" http://t.co/okuGcKOcrj undefined


Grand national results anyone ??? X


Election boards appeal nullified poll results: Local election boards in Okayama and Shimane prefectures appeal... http://t.co/KAAjXRZPHD undefined


Grand National: Where did your horse finish? http://t.co/kdt5ys2TUQ undefined


Principle of giving and taking....

Easiest way of practising religion
By Sri A.Parthasarathy
From his book Vedanta Treatise

What is the easiest way of practising and bringing religion into our lives? There are two broad principles governing human action. The first of the two principles is based on the attitude of GIVING. The second is based on the attitude of TAKING.

If the attitude of TAKING prevails in a society you will find its members possessed with multifold selfish demands and desires. Consequently, there is struggle, stress and strain in that society with crimes, robbery, rapes, corruption, inconsiderate selfish behaviour, becoming prevalent at national, community, family and individual levels.

Let their attitude change to GIVING. Their demands and desires drop their selfishness. Harmony, peace and happiness will reign in that very same society. The dignity of human race is founded upon the principle of GIVING. Life is to give, not to take. One ought not to demand from society. Perhaps one's only right in the world is to give, to serve. To serve one and all. Serve the nation, serve the society, the family and yourself. This is the first of the elements of right living. We need to do service to maintain our proper spiritual well being. While the physical body resorts to service, the mind must embrace the world with love.

This is the second element of right living. All our emotions must be amalgamated into a mass of universal love. Our pleasures and pains are identical with those of our fellow creatures. This is true love. The feeling of true love arises from purity. Such purity of love upgrades us to greater spiritual heights.

Knowledge of Vedanta inculcates the elements of right living into our physical, mental and intellectual personalities. Our actions develop a spirit of true service. Our emotions get chastened with pure love. Our discrimination gains subtlety to distinguish between the higher and the lower aspects of life with the result that our attachment for the lower drops off. By maintaining these disciplines at the three levels of our personality, we live an ideal life......

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