
grand national odds

Picked my grand national horses because of what they are wearing



Dennis NellanyI have been patient with you in the past. I have shown you respect when you have disrespected me and others on my posts and my friends posts. I do not block people without quite a bit of thought and energy trying to make certain they are a lost cause. Either take Rudys challenge and debate the issues like an adult or stay off of my future posts also. Break that rule and without a world you will be blocked!


When your sister guesses on a horse to win which is 50-1 and it wins! -.-


@elisssssaaa look at the odds? The grand national is a free for all anyway


Ma horsaay f0 da grand national, bit shit odds but luckz number yehh http://t.co/skkRKqQIre


Good luck to @lukescargall today at the grand national! What are your odds? #neighhh


Looking at odds for grand national and have no idea what all these numbers mean :/


*David Cameron is to announce tougher curbs on immigrants claiming unemployment benefits. The PM wrote in the Sun, migrants will lose benefits after six months, unless they "have a genuine chance of finding work"
*Another week of freezing temperatures, gales and snow is forecast as the UK shivers in the coldest Spring for 50 years. *Carol Vorderman has had emergency surgery after falling down a flight of stairs. She was left with a broken nose, a gashed forehead and a cut eyelid after running down the tower block stairs in heels.
*As always we want to hear from you, some comments may be read out on-air.


@Cyruschops http://t.co/SZ1G739jbo undefined


Why bet on the grand national when you can be sure Dingas chargers are odds on favourite :)


Weve had a lil tipple on a few Grand National horses! Did it yesterday so our odds are looking better then todays! #grandnational #excited


my horse for the grand national currently stands at 100 to 1 ... i like those odds!


The grand national!!!!! Gone for the legend which is palpadyporplater or how ever you say it hahaha :D 66-1 odds


So I won the grand national sweepstake for the second year running! 40 euros in the bag haha last years odds were 99/1 this years 66/1 #easy


Auroras Encore,66/1, wins the Grand National after Daily Telegraph said:"Poor jumper and odds on not to reach the finish" !!!!!


love how everyone has suddenly become a top bookie today because of the grand national, do you know what good odds are though?#GrandNational


@Markie_Newton @FulhamFC odds on to win today... shame the grand national drained my sky bet account!


Awwwww yay!!!! My horse won on the grand national with odds 66-1, lots of money for me :3


With the debate raging in the Supreme Court the last couple of days about the issue of gay marriage, I am reading more than the usual share of crazy B.S. about this decision causing a slippery slope and opening the door to child molesters and people who want to marry their dog or their car, and how it's going to lead to a rash outbreak of Polygamists marrying 14 wives, and the more I read, the more angry I get, so I thought I'd just address it all in one post. This is my response:


WHAT!?!?!?! Are you F-ing kidding me? Okay, if I hear one more thing about gay marriage leading to people marrying their dogs, or giving free reign to child molesters who want to marry and rape 4 year old girls - I AM GOING TO SCREAM!

CONSENT, people. CONSENT. A dog does not have the ability to sign a contract, or give legal consent to anything. Neither do any of the other ridiculous scenarios presented by these fear mongering "slippery slope" bigots. A car cannot sign a document and give legal consent. A child cannot give legal consent. If you cannot give legal consent, then you cannot sign a legally binding document (you know, like a marriage contract) End of story.

Next, the polygamy question, as posted by any number of idiots online. My answer to this is...so f-ing what? They are consenting adults. If they want to get married, why do you care?

ESPECIALLY for you people who quote Leviticus as the reasoning for your bigoted discrimination against homosexuals. You people should all be clamoring for polygamy to be legal. Leviticus PROMOTES polygamy. It gives all kinds of rules about how multiple wives are to be treated, and how inheritance should be handled with the children of your many, many wives. The bible says that polygamy is A-OK!

So why do you care if the Sister Wives people decide to add a 4th or a 5th or a 15th wife to their very loving family? So long as everyone involved is of legal age and mental faculty to give consent, why should you get to dictate how anyone else lives their lives?


Grand National. D/Telegraph predicted Auroras Encore "Poor jumper & odds on not to reach the finish". Good win under the circumstances then.


Grand national. The day men study the odds and last few races. Women pick a nice name/colour jacket! #womenalwayswin #howdotheydoit



Today is world autism awareness day. Today, throughout the world, individuals will come together highlighting the needs and dreams of people living with autism. Today, all of us at the Autism Society honor and respect each individual living with autism for whom they are. We celebrate and honor parents, siblings, grandparents, teachers, and other professionals who provide support and love to those living on the autism spectrum. We celebrate those who, years ago, did not accept what they were told they couldn't do and today have shown what they are capable of. We celebrate those elected officials, business and religious leaders who value the beauty of a person with autism.

But today, we also must realize that autism, in growing numbers, exists each day of the year. We also must remember that while we aim to increase awareness of autism, the larger societal need extends way beyond awareness. Our nation still lacks a strong commitment to assuring that each person living with autism is provided an opportunity to realize a quality of life so many are still denied. Our nation must stop talking about autism and do more than talk. Today, most people living with autism are discriminated against in employment and access to a quality public education. Parents regularly must battle with their child's school to ensure their child receives the required and legally mandated opportunities to succeed. We are all aware of the issues people with autism still face today. Let's use today to focus the conversation on making meaningful change.

Today promotes the need for awareness and the Autism Society joins in that effort. But it is not enough. But the real question that must be asked is will we as a nation on each day of the year really commit to allow each person living with autism to advance on a successful path, free of unnecessary obstacles to maximize his or her quality of life. When that is the reality, we can then celebrate as a nation that we did something right. Autism impacts 1 in 88 individuals. It is time to allow each "one" on the autism spectrum a life of success and opportunity.


@JoshButlerJB91 Odds are pointless in the Grand National, form goes out the window when it comes to the biggest race probably in the world.


Betting on the Grand National without looking at the odds... Smart.


#UKNews #UK Outsider Wins Grand National: Outsider Auroras Encore has won the Grand National at odds of 66-1. ... http://t.co/VAum4xJkZq undefined

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