Pokémon Red/Blue Trainer Battle on Piano and Violin
[I want to make a Pokemon crossover.
I want to incorporate Green. This is what I go by so far.
He had some sort of accident, went into a coma. (Like the Creepypasta for Red/ Ash.
His parents kept bringing him plushies whilst he was out. This sent his imagination sparking off.
Then, eventually he wakes up. Convinced it was all real.
Because of the accident, Yamaku-bound he becomes.
But he still remembers everything from the coma, making him very confused about his surroundings.
In retrospect it seems retarded, but hey, Shiina's out for a few days so I need something to do.]
Faz precisamente 11/12 anos que Zerei o Pokemon Red e o Yellow,,,,! E já esqueci quase tudo... está na hora de recordar :D
Pokemon Red/Blue Electronic Dubstep Music Remix
Pokemon Gold\\Silver\\Crystal Champion Theme Remix
Sloths or Koalas?
I started playing this hacked version
of Pokemon red. its fuckin crazy.
the starters were Eevee, Lapras, and
pikachew. what?!?! lol
Chillin, playing some pokemon red
pokemon fire red nuzlock 13: http://t.co/8y1BIcZTg4 via @YouTube
Pokemon red is an addiction lol
@danexmachina @gamedigital I remember getting my mate to transfer me the #mew Pokemon in red and blue #thosewerethedays
@GAMEdigital why pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow of course!
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver - Final Battle (Champion Lance/Red)
Pokémon Fire Red Detonado - Episódio #11: KOGA NINJA
Glitch of the day #2 Quiz :D
What do you do to make Missingno to appear and where does he appear at when done correctly in Pokemon Blue and Red?
Zagrajmy w "Pokemon Fire Red PL" Odc.38"Kontynuacja"
@GAMEdigital Pokemon Red, Blue and Pikachu yellow!
Pokemon Fire Red - CAVERNA INFINITA !! #18
ive become additcied to Pokemon fire red
Pokemon Red Walkthrough Part 1 - Gary MotherFlippin Oak
Level 100 Pokemon before Brock (RED AND BLUE)
Pokemon Fire Red - Battle vs Champion Gary
Darren Moorhouse as you are the only master of pokemon i know i would like to ask you a question....are pokemon named after the only word they can say or can pokemon only say there names?
I favorited a @YouTube video from @PIMPNITE http://t.co/KwmriPQbda Pokemon Red Walkthrough Part 1 - Gary MotherFlippin Oak
Pokemon Red Walkthrough Part 56 - Catching Mew (No Cheats)
Beating Red with a level 34 Pikachu which was my last Pokemon. #GAMEPokéMemories.
Strangled Red Pokemon Creepypasta Voice Over
JACA era o nome do meu rival no pokemon red
The sad moment when u realize the copy of pokemon red u found buried in ur room is only in Spanish #firstworldproblems
Pokemon Red and Blue OST - Route 2
you know that feeling when you learn something and then you wonder how you lived your whole life up until now without knowing it?
@spacetapir Pokemon Red haha class http://t.co/B61unMz8jv
Trainer Red Epic Orchestral Remix
I liked a @YouTube playlist http://t.co/6mFf6ohOvi Lets Play Pokémon Red
Pokemon Fire Red [PL] - Witaj Vermilion City! #05: http://t.co/xT73Y08r17 przez @YouTube
Pokemon Red / Blue Walkthrough 23 - Silph Co.
well late fucking night tonight. sleeping alone sucks so no sleep for this guy
1:01 Did you see that Red Female Pokemon Sign? Drake is a Boy Name and ITS A FEMALE! (@YouTube http://t.co/qn3rizIHEE)
Pokemon Red, Blue & Yellow Sounds Collection [ポケモン, Pocket Monsters] (by Bammer2001)
Pokemon Comics: The Paths We Take! - We take many different paths in life, choosing one direction over another. Sometimes the decisions are hard such as what college to go to or what do you want to do in life? Sometimes they are easy: what to eat for breakfast or should I take a walk today? Sometimes it's both: Red or Blue? [...] http://ow.ly/2w1vFx
When Alexander Bell invented tha telephone, he had 3 missed calls from Golola Moses.
Golola Moses is so fast to tha extent tha he can lock a drawer and leave tha keys inside.
Golola Moses doesn't lie. Whatever he says simply becomes tha truth.
Golola Moses donated his heart to tha hospital...twice.
Golola Moses won both American Idols and X Factor singing competitions by using only sign language.
Ghosts sit around tha campfire and tell Golola Moses stories.
Golola Moses can pay attention in cash.
Golola Moses doesn't call tha wrong number...people just pick up tha wrong phones.
One time Lt. Gen Kale Kayihura pulled Golola Moses over...he was lucky to leave with a warning.
Golola Moses won tha World Series of Poker using Pokemon cards.
There used to be a street named after Golola Moses but tha name was changed to William Street because nobody crosses Golola Moses and lives.
Golola Moses has a grizzly bear carpet in his living room. Tha bear is not dead, it's just afraid to move.
Did you know that Golola Moses had a role in Star Wars?...he was tha force.
Golola Moses died 20 years ago, Death hasn't built tha courage to tell him yet.
When Golola Moses rides into tha sunset, tha sun is actually running from him.
Golola Moses gave birth to his parents.
Golola Moses grew a beard at tha age of 18 seconds.
Golola Moses doesn't have a middle name because nobody gets between Golola Moses.
Tha Big Bang Theory believes in tha Golola Moses Theory.
Show me a man with a nub for an index finger and i'll show you a man that asked Golola Moses to "Pull My Finger".
Some magicians can walk on water, Golola Moses can swim through land.
Golola Moses can cut through a hot Knife with butter.
Golola Moses once urinated in a semi-truck's engine as a joke....that truck is now known as Optimus Prime.
Golola Moses and Superman once fought on a bet. Tha loser had to start wearing his underwear on tha outside of his trousers.
Golola Moses can make orange juice out of bananas.
Golola Moses doesn't lick postage stamps, he simply stares at them until they wet themselves.
Golola Moses doesn't flush tha toilets, he just scares tha shit out of them.
Golola Moses is tha reason why LRA leader Joseph Kony is still hiding in tha bush.
Golola Moses once shot someone with a knife.
When His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni pushes tha big red emergency button, Golola Moses' phone rings.
Golola Moses can kill two stones with one bird.
Golola Moses doesn't sweat. He forces tha air area him to cry and uses its tears to cool himself.
Golola Moses can slam a revolving door.
When ghosts and other scary creatures are going to sleep, they first check their closets and under their beds for Golola Moses.
When life gave Golola Moses lemons, he made lemonade, a 9 inch hunting knife, an AK-47 and an apple.
Golola Moses was to star in Mission Impossible but they recasted because they would've had to change tha title of tha movie to Mission Accomplished.
Golola Moses doesn't turn on tha lights, he turns off tha dark.
Pokémon Red Post Game Part 1: Missingno Glitch and The Legendary Birds
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